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Time to get Fit thread

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I thought about buying a bike (pedal style) to get back and forth to work a few times a week.

Holy shit what a weird bunch of people bike folks are.

Apparently I'm a danger to myself and everyone else on the road on anything less than some multi thousand dollar carbon shimano allegra blah fucking blah thing.

When I'm on my pedal bike other bicyclists freak me out more than anything else. Shoulder checking me while I'm stopped at a red light b/c they want to blast through, riding on the wrong side of the road just because, weaving left and right around other bikers through the bike lane like you see BMW's doing on the freeway sometimes -- it's a great way to get exercise in during your commute but there's definitely a contingent of fixie hipsters who think they're invincible and you're in their way slowing them down.
Pedal bikes are cool.


The expression of a kid on a background
Banged out 8 good form full length neutral grip pullups. New high!
Then 6 chin ups and then 5 cheater pullups. I'm feeling it.

My friend's wife asked me if I had been working out ;)
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Likely not.

I finished the Navy Seal videos, ending on hell week. They all strip down to their skivvies and you can see they are all quite fit. like muscular without bulk. I could never survive an hour of what they did for a week.

My Aussie friend who is the fittest dude I know (runs marathons but is also jacked with a six pack kind of guy) said it took him 3-4 days to be able to do what this dude does in the opening (the pullup and then up on top motion).
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I'm not sure if I could do even one pullup. Its not something I tried at the gym in years and I don't have anything solid at home to try. Over a decade ago when I last would incorporate them into a routine I'd use wrist straps.

I do pulldowns at the gym with the cable machine but don't think I used more than 130 lbs, quarantine so its been a couple of months. Pulldowns were just a filler exercise while I waiting for some other piece of equipment to become free.
Those bars hanging from door look like they'd pull the door trim off.
I don't feel like I'm really fit until I can push/pull/lift my own bodyweight so why not start with that? I use other exercises to get better at the pullups and pushups. :)
another 4 miles down with focus on maintaining a pace. there's a few hills that really fuck that up but tried my best anyways. Mainly resisting the urge to blast through the flat and downhill portions. 32minutes and some change which is pretty normal time-wise (i aim for 35:00 or less).

brobility done, reverse hypers done, 100 pushups so far and will probably have a similar number of bodyweight squats before bed. have PT tomorrow so not pushing anything today that'll affect my posture tomorrow.

3 golden oreos
a handful of cape cod sweet jalapeno kettle chips
2 liters of water

12-14oz ribeye (it's 16 weight, but there's bone that'll get trimmed)
2 eggs + parmesan cheese
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

remaining cals:
2 scoops of whey protons
pepperidge farms sausalito milk chocolate and macadamia nut cookies

For those who are interdasted, starting tomorrow safeway's weekly has 6.99 ribeye:
I think when you can walk on your hands you've reached an appropriate level of fitness. I can't walk on my hands, I might not get there.

Chin Ups (fuck chin ups. I'm fat.)
Overhead Press

Foodstuff -

Breakfast - Bang Energy Drink (I hate coffee and I get sugar free drinks so it's healthy!)

Lunch - 3 eggs scrambled with chicken apple sausage, mushroom, and a huge handful of TJ's "power green" I think its' kale chard and spinach. and some TJ's Jalapeno sauce because it's hella good and addicting!

Dinner - 2 tacos. ground turkey w/ taco seasoning, sauteed fajita veggies, some guac, bit of shredded cheese, and "carb balance" flour tortillas.

Sitting right at about 1000 cals for the day. Likely to go up, I will have a whiskey or 2 tonight for cinco de mayo.
I don't feel like I'm really fit until I can push/pull/lift my own bodyweight so why not start with that? I use other exercises to get better at the pullups and pushups. :)

Dude, you can get a ridiculous workout using only bodyweight. UFC legend George St. Pierre is a perfect example - gymnastics and martial arts. I mean, he is a world class athlete, but he has stated many times he doesn't like lifting weights. I think there are old videos of him lifting, but I believe he said on Joe Rogan that he kinda got away from too much lifting.
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well to be fair GSP put in thousands of hours under the barbell and still continues to do so afaik. a better example would be kevin lee, who doesn't lift weights but does plenty of calisthenics and looks like a statue.
My gym announced this morning that they are permanently closing their location. :cry he will continue to do virtual style work out and we are waiting to hear what that may mean. He mentioned selling and renting out the gym equipment. So ill find out if I can keep the stuff I have and do the virtual workouts from home. Its not ideal BUT I've been doing the work outs so im all for it

Today was just a simple ruck. I did 50# backpack and mowed the lawn for 45mins :laughing
another 4 miles down, broga and brobility done. went to my PT this morning for my broken neck, turns out she's a fkn wizard. after 15 minutes of functional tests she figured out a few things that are out of whack that could be addressed with corrective exercises.

My SCM, mid/lower traps and lats all need work to restore posture so now I have more brobility and broga to do routinely. After these issues are addressed I believe the next step is to take inventory of all the things that are broken at which point I can line up stem cell therapy somewhere in south america or europe and hopefully make a recovery.

6 pepperidge farm nantucket cookies
1/2 liter of water

16oz ground beef 80/20
1 broccoli
half a box of barilla fettuccine noodles
3/4 jar of ragu
1/4 jar of ragu alfredo sauce
couple of tablespoons of parmesan

remaining calories:
2 scoops of protons
Just a casual observation.

My apologies if I’ve offended you personally, the mods as a whole, or anyone else.

Yeah, like Kim said, you kinda have....and I'm sure we know some of the same people. No reason to chill the mellow here...it's a great thread for most of us. Stick around, but mellow....

It is cool! I'm stoked at age 45 I can still do the same stuff I did when I was 13.

It's the one athletic endeavor in my life where I've actually gotten better as I got older.

I get invited to the Old School BMX Reunion every year (old pros and amateurs from the 80's and 90's) and its quite the sight to see 52 year old Ron Wilkerson blast 20ft. above coping on MegaRamp. Or see 50 year old's do backflips... and ride with the entire stunt cast from the movie "Rad".

Cool AF Dion. @ your age that's some sick OG skills...I love seeing old guys/ girls ruling it!

My gym announced this morning that they are permanently closing their location. :cry he will continue to do virtual style work out and we are waiting to hear what that may mean. He mentioned selling and renting out the gym equipment.

Kim, if he's gonna sell equipment, please let me know. I'd be interested, depending on what he has. Shipping to CA, but it might be worth it.
3x5 again yesterday. Trying to catch myself back up to a M/W/F routine.

Bench Press
Barbell Row

Breakfast - skipped it. Just had an energy drink SUGAR FREE SO IT'S HEALTHY.

Lunch - made breakfast. 3 eggs scrambled with leftover ground turkey w/taco seasoning and fajita veggies. Little shredded cheese. TJ's Jalapeno Sauce (so good). ~500cals

Dinner - Same as lunch, except cauliflower rice instead of eggs. Another 500ish cals.

I'm all on board the cauliflower rice train. I don't even notice a difference between regular rice, it's just a filler really.
Y'all hear about the "COVID 15?" It's supposed to be like the Freshman 15 (15 pounds one gains during the freshman year of collage). I never made it through high school so I never got mine and now I'm missing this "15" too as I've only been able to gain 10 pounds. Lame sauce.
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