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Time to get Fit thread

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I’m gonna float the idea of building a simple squat rack at home. My husband is touchy about taking up space in the garage or basement. But I think he prefer I didn’t use speakers and dumbbells :laughing

Doesn’t need to be anything crazy. Most weight I ever foresee putting on it would be 150# (squat goal)
If you do, let me know what you come up with. I'm not trying to hit crazy numbers either.

Climber: Whats that machine called and how much is it?
I’m gonna float the idea of building a simple squat rack at home. My husband is touchy about taking up space in the garage or basement. But I think he prefer I didn’t use speakers and dumbbells :laughing

Doesn’t need to be anything crazy. Most weight I ever foresee putting on it would be 150# (squat goal)

Buy the one I sent you on Amazon.

It won't be much more expensive, if at all, than buying 4x4s and all the bracing and shit.
If you do, let me know what you come up with. I'm not trying to hit crazy numbers either.

Climber: Whats that machine called and how much is it?
They aren't cheap. When I was looking about 5 years ago, I found the non-rotating (horizontally) arms version for about $1800.

I don't recall the store, it was a pretty major seller.
Buy the one I sent you on Amazon.

It won't be much more expensive, if at all, than buying 4x4s and all the bracing and shit.

Yea you're right. Im just thinking 2 stands that are for my height that I can kind of stack out of the way if needed. That rack while perfect will be hard to "put away" but maybe. Ill have to get ask about that one. Maybe if I clean out the basement he will be more susceptible :p


my gym sold most of its equipment. I asked about getting a battle rope and a 20# wall ball.
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I’m gonna float the idea of building a simple squat rack at home. My husband is touchy about taking up space in the garage or basement. But I think he prefer I didn’t use speakers and dumbbells :laughing

Doesn’t need to be anything crazy. Most weight I ever foresee putting on it would be 150# (squat goal)

I was going to tell you on Insta that you can come over and use mine anytime. But then I thought about how cool that would be and how impossible it is and it made me a little sad.

Soundtrack- Type-O Negative

Row 20 minutes
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure (225lbs 15 sets)
Weighted hill climbs (45lbs 9 times up the hill)
Row 20 minutes

20oz whey protein shake
8oz spinach
1 chicken
1/2 box Fruity Magic Spoons cereal
1/2 gallon 1% milk
8oz whey protein shake
1 cup egg noodles
1 cup 97% lean beef

Current stats: 211lbs at 11% BF.
You'd probably break me. "ok lets add more weight" "come on Kim! one more! push push PUSH!"

*die* :laughing

Id use the rack and the rower. I wish I had the room for one of those. Id buy that in a heart beat.
I mean I would love a folding rack too so it can get the hell out of the way in teh garage, but they're about a billion dollars and none are in stock anywhere anyway.
So I woke up Monday feeling pretty blah, and had a slight headache for most of the day. I've been going at it for pretty much 2 months straight and thought it might be a sign to take a deload week. But I'm also wondering if this fatigue is a result of the 'rona? I have no other symptoms though, no fever, no dry cough, or shortness of breath. My work is offering free testing since I've been going in 4 days a week and been exposed to all sorts of shit in public. Scheduled a test for tomorrow and will find out.
I have one of these on my back patio area (covered). Gives me a variety of exercises, especially if you get creative.

The handles at the end can easily handle 200 lbs and are at 4'5", adding a bar end could serve as a squat rack with benefits. :laughing

I picked this up at a sale at Big 5 for $97.

So I woke up Monday feeling pretty blah, and had a slight headache for most of the day. I've been going at it for pretty much 2 months straight and thought it might be a sign to take a deload week. But I'm also wondering if this fatigue is a result of the 'rona? I have no other symptoms though, no fever, no dry cough, or shortness of breath. My work is offering free testing since I've been going in 4 days a week and been exposed to all sorts of shit in public. Scheduled a test for tomorrow and will find out.

I had that Sunday. Coffee couldn't fix what I had; so I drank lots of water all day, took it easy, and went to bed a little earlier. Monday I was fine.
Thats about the height of the "rack" I made yesterday. I have to bend pretty far down to get under it to pick it up. :laughing
+1 on being a relatively unmotivated lazy turd the last week and a half. The bike rides I have posted are pretty much my max effort lately. There have been a few sets of free weights here and there and a stair climb or two but my level of "blah I'm exhausted" has been pretty high.

This thread is a motivator tho. Thanks guys.
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My Big5 opened under Phase 2! Went down immediately and got myself a heavy bag.

Today I wanted to put in context how the moves in "kata" reflect in real life. While this is no kata in particular (I just made it up) it shows one of hundreds of ways a karateka can interpret kata. Some sport martial artists like to clown on karate kata and "kihon" (basics) as we slide up and down the floor looking like zombies, but that is because they lack the perspective to put it into context and practical application.

Nobody fights like the way we practice kata or basics - but this aspect of our martial art is very important to us. These movements are geometrically broken down and translate to very effective strikes, throws, blocks and locks. This one, I translated to boxing, but it can go many ways.

Karate will always be my first love when it comes to martial arts. I will be able to practice karate until I am an old, old man. Not many martial arts can claim that. How many 90 year old wrestlers are there that still wrestle? Karate is a journey and a study that never ends. Karateka always seek improvement, even at an old age. There is a great series on youtube where they interview old, old masters who still train. Some of them in their 90's.

Oh, And I'm back to 16 hour fasting and eat within an 8 hour window. Dude, I feel SOOOOOOOO much better with way more energy.
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Warm-up - just mainly stretching

Part 1 10mins
Hollow holds 20 secs
Pike push ups

Part 2 for time for 4 rounds
400m run
100 single unders
25 Kettle bell swings - 25lbs

I did it in 12:48
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