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Time to get Fit thread

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For my protein meals, I have a bunch of salt-free seasoning mixes that I rotate through to give my meals a different taste each day. I got sick of just having one or two flavor profiles.

For breakfast, I usually eat instant oatmeal and put one unflavored and one flavored packet just so I can get it down. My primary care told me I should eat some protein with the oatmeal so I do a protein shake with it. I usually break it up mid-week with a morning meal of eggs with some garlic and pepper.

My goal is not to be totally shredded right now I just want to get down to a healthier weight and then once I get more muscle I will think about that last 10% - 15% of body fat.

Can't wait until I can do weights again just riding the bike is killing me even though I read e-books while riding. The barbarians that run the gym don't even have TVs by the stationary bikes because apparently only walking on the treadmills is mind numbing enough to need one.
What pissed me off was the damn cookies were hard as a rock. Like leftover day old Subway cookies.
If your're going to eat junk it should at least be nice junk.
What pissed me off was the damn cookies were hard as a rock. Like leftover day old Subway cookies.
If your're going to eat junk it should at least be nice junk.

Yeah that is usually when I find the will power to say no. "is that gonna be the best cookie i ever had??" If the answer is yes, have one. If not I'm probably not gonna miss it. I have totally spit out junk food i was wrong about too.
Losing weight is about energy management. Less energy input then output=lose weight. Yes, eating more at the right time can lead to weight loss.

Agree on the meal stuff, but I abhor the term "weight" as opposed to "fat". Gaining muscle is essential to weight loss...in fact, it's one of the prime factors in obesity; when maximum muscular strength is normalized to body mass, obese individuals appear weaker than non obese individuals. Diet is primary in importance, but having muscle mass to burn through the shit we eat is almost as primary (if not more, for some). Current studies are postulating that offspring born to obese lifestyle mothers result in lower muscle density for their lifetime, perpetuating a more difficult lifetime burning calories.


The researchers found that participants with low muscle mass had a higher risk of death at every BMI category. For example, low muscle mass individuals with a BMI between 22 and 25 had a 26% higher risk of all-cause mortality compared to their peers with normal muscle mass, while overweight individuals with low muscle mass had a 49% higher risk of death compared to other overweight individuals.

BMI is a shitty measurement anyway. I'm 26% BMI on the standard measurement (internet), but have about 10-12% body fat depending on water weight.

IMO, strength training of any kind is important as is building fast twitch and slow twitch fiber muscles.

But this diet is not sustainable for me. I just need to jump start and then try to maintain a healthy lifestyle of eating fairly clean and exercising regularly from here on out..

I like this. There's a desire to "overdo-it" when we first start on a program which results in some backlash, etc (internally). I think it's hard for the general public to stick to a strict diet and when they fail, they give up on everything. Sensible diets work. The most important thing is not giving up on the activity part of the workout(s)/ heart rate and strength activities. IMO and IME.
+1 on what Mike and beau said. You have to stick to a diet (and accept the word “diet”) or you won’t see results.

Getting in shape is 2/3 diet and 1/3 exercise. Are you counting calories and macros? Also, portion control. An extra spoonful of something could add a lot of calories, e.g., I passed on buying a muffin thing at Peets because it wouldve added 350 cal to my daily count. To burn off that 350 cal in the gym would take awhile.

Disagree with the framing of the "diet". A change in food consumption habits should be a lifestyle change, not "diet". Diet comes with the connotation that it is a temporary measure. In order to maintain progress, changes in "diet" (as opposed to being on a "diet") need to be permanent.
Disagree with the framing of the "diet". A change in food consumption habits should be a lifestyle change, not "diet". Diet comes with the connotation that it is a temporary measure. In order to maintain progress, changes in "diet" (as opposed to being on a "diet") need to be permanent.

yup, the athalene x guys hates the word diet. You are both right. You cant stick to a diet forever. You have to have a new way to eat that you like and is healthy and lasts.
So true. My BMI tells me I'm overweight, that's with 10% BF. LOL.

The standard BMI works for the average types, however, if you are well muscled for your height it will throw off the numbers. I think my BMI is in the mid 20's (overweight) at little more than 10% BF. Of course, any doctor will be able to tell if this is the case.

As an aside, I will say that if I run sub 10% BF, I find it extremely difficult to make any strength gains.
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As an aside, I will say that if I run sub 10% BF, I find it extremely difficult to make any strength gains.

These days I run between 9-11% and can still make strength gains but definitely not as quickly as when I'm running more around 15-17%. That said, my endurance shoots way up when I hit the sub-12% zone.

As far as size, I can bulk up from 196 to 217 lbs. in a matter on three months but my BF goes up from 9 to 14 percent as well- and my old-man-abs go away which I just hate.
Disagree with the framing of the "diet". A change in food consumption habits should be a lifestyle change, not "diet". Diet comes with the connotation that it is a temporary measure. In order to maintain progress, changes in "diet" (as opposed to being on a "diet") need to be permanent.

Im following a personalized diet that is tailor made for me. Its a 6 week program. Exercise 3 days a week and eat healthy for 6 long weeks. So im not counting calories or macros really, But I am logging everything and it seems like I have a 1400 cap unsure on macros until i fill out a full week's worth



Fwiw, a few years ago I tried the bodyforlife 90 day transformation. I quit twice. The third time I partnered with my brother and we both completed it. I won’t bother with the before and after derails but the change was dramatic and thats when I realized its important to have moral support. I didn’t get it from my SO at the time but found it with brother. So perhaps this thread can give you that support if you don’t already have it.

Also, you will find when you start eating clean and eating 4-6 times a day that you will feel healthier and not really wanting to go back.

Lastly exercise 3 days a week seems a little light but you should look and feel better after 2 weeks. Clothes should fit differently. For guys its all about those fucking belt holes. Lol
I cant do this diet. :cry its overwhelming, time consuming, and to be honest I don't normally eat like half of the things on here.. :cry havent worked out since last Monday. Im going today but UGH..... I dunno what to do...
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Here's my breakfast and its pretty damn easy:

Mon - Fri I make a bowl of oatmeal and microwave it with a cup of milk. Add a bit of syrup to sweeten it a bit. Add some frozen blueberries and a sliced banana. For my protein I have one hard boiled egg which I boil Sunday morning. 1 cup of coffee. Macros are about 440 calories and roughly 19 grams of protein.

Sat Morning I make PBJ toast with egg whites two sausages, a banana and coffee.
Sun Morning I make a pancake with egg whites and two sausages. I've been doing this consistently for the past year or so.

If you eat the same thing day in and day out and its super bland you will not stick to that diet.
I cant do this diet. :cry its overwhelming, time consuming, and to be honest I don't normally eat like half of the things on here.. :cry havent worked out since last Monday. Im going today but UGH..... I dunno what to do...

Fuck it. Today is all that counts. If your diet feels too difficult, it is. Modify it and make it as close to what you need as you can accept right now. Work to make small changes over time. No one tries to dead lift 400 lbs on day one at the gym. Your diet can't completely transform over night either. Cut out the worst parts slowly, sugar and bread mostly I bet, and replace them with something better for you that you like. Keep making the small changes until you find what works for YOU. Allow yourself a cheat day once a week or once every other week so you never feel completely deprived. Slowly you can change the frequency of those too. I firmly believe that to make a lasting change in how we eat it takes time and commitment. It can be done. Go fucking get some KIM. Jersey girls don't quit.
After more than a week off just finished an awesome workout. Good sweat going.

Kim, Mike is right about the diet. Food is a huge part of each day. What works over the long term is key. Today is today.

I know eating at a deficit is difficult everyday so I’ll bank calories. I know every Friday we go out for Mexican and a margarita. I realize the overall attainment of goals slows down but I also don’t feel worn out and bitter from adhering to a plan that’s too rigid.
Here's my breakfast and its pretty damn easy:

Mon - Fri I make a bowl of oatmeal and microwave it with a cup of milk. Add a bit of syrup to sweeten it a bit. Add some frozen blueberries and a sliced banana. For my protein I have one hard boiled egg which I boil Sunday morning. 1 cup of coffee. Macros are about 440 calories and roughly 19 grams of protein.

Sat Morning I make PBJ toast with egg whites two sausages, a banana and coffee.
Sun Morning I make a pancake with egg whites and two sausages. I've been doing this consistently for the past year or so.

If you eat the same thing day in and day out and its super bland you will not stick to that diet.
I dont mind eating the same thing everyday. Chicken and veggies or turkey meat and veggies. Easy peasy. Its just the amount of bland ass food I suppose to shovel down is not easy. I dont eat breakfast in fact more often then not i eat like one big meal a day and some snacks. I could not eat anything until 3-4pm and be totally ok. its a huge adjustment that I dont think im ready for. or have it be sustainable. I will deprive myself then binge eat terrible food.

Fuck it. Today is all that counts. If your diet feels too difficult, it is. Modify it and make it as close to what you need as you can accept right now. Work to make small changes over time. No one tries to dead lift 400 lbs on day one at the gym. Your diet can't completely transform over night either. Cut out the worst parts slowly, sugar and bread mostly I bet, and replace them with something better for you that you like. Keep making the small changes until you find what works for YOU. Allow yourself a cheat day once a week or once every other week so you never feel completely deprived. Slowly you can change the frequency of those too. I firmly believe that to make a lasting change in how we eat it takes time and commitment. It can be done. Go fucking get some KIM. Jersey girls don't quit.
:laughing :laughing Thanks Mike, you da best! :love and yes Carbs and sugar are a HUGE killer for me. I did a no carb thing for like a month wasnt that bad! Though it totally jacked up my stomach after trying to eat carbs after that.... Might not go ZERO carb but more low carb.

After more than a week off just finished an awesome workout. Good sweat going.

Kim, Mike is right about the diet. Food is a huge part of each day. What works over the long term is key. Today is today.

I know eating at a deficit is difficult everyday so I’ll bank calories. I know every Friday we go out for Mexican and a margarita. I realize the overall attainment of goals slows down but I also don’t feel worn out and bitter from adhering to a plan that’s too rigid.

I think Im going to try and just do something different (not what this coach is wanting me to do). Im going to find low calorie, low carb meals like i have before and meal prep that way, like ive done in the past. When I did that I lost 6lbs.
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