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Time to get Fit thread

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4 miles down, 35 minutes and some change. Not bad given the ankle being swelled up. Brogability ensues, been adding things here and there and it seems to buy me enough range to get through the runs and light resistance exercises. Restoring my barbell now and hopefully it’ll be rust free by monday.

A liter of water
2 Pepperidge farm cookies

16oz ribeye roast reheated
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
2-3 diet cokes since it’s the weekend and im gamin

leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
tortilla chips, colby jack cheese, ground beef, pickled things (beef nachos)
40 minute row and 100 unweighted leg lifts, that's probably going to be it for today on account of Sunday is a day of rest.

Hey mikev, here's the cardio paradigm: find something you can do everyday for twenty minutes straight that gets you breathing hard enough that you can not sing "row row row your boat." For me that's a weight vest and a big hill. It takes me about 40 minutes to go up and down that bish, for 20 or more of that I'm breathing really hard, near what I think is my peak.
I ordered a polar chest mounted heart rate monitor. I figure I can use it with my iPhone and not need to invest in a fancy exercise watch. It was free anyway as I have a gift cert for REI.
Was struggling to finish 4 laps around the park 2 weeks ago. Also after 1 lap I'd have to slow down due to small cramp until it went away. Today no cramps, did 5 non-stop laps, and my body didn't hurt anywhere. Perhaps a protein shake for breakfast helped vs. solid food.
gastric distress is no joke. figuring out what you can comfortably eat before and/or during exercise is important IMO.

one day I had a can of chili for lunch, about 2hrs before a ride. I felt like shit for the entire ride. I completely blame the chili and havent had one since. Thankfully I havent felt that bad on the bicycle since either.
I try and be smart about what I eat on run days but I don't get really gastric distress as much as a classic "cramp" in my side which seems to go away after another lap but makes the 1st two laps SUCK.


Since quitting drinking I am really enjoying green tea as a nice drink.


Since I started exercising I honestly look "younger" in the face. Like it's leaner somewhat.
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Swam in the ocean for 36 minutes today. No more data than that really. I was keeping up with the pack though and that felt good after a month out of the pool.
another 4 mile run down

lunch was 7 oreos

dinner will be ground beef and pasta noodles either with tomato sauce or a couple oz of cheese.

brogability done and PT homework owed but doing it while i watch videos.

i got 80% of my barbell cleaned off. used regular auto degreaser and a metal brush. gonna see if it flash rusts overnight. if it does, i'll seal it with oil. if it doesn't im just gonna put on a coat of chalk and leave it be.


7 cookies for a meal damn that would mess me up.
You can get away with many things in your 20's that you can't later in life.

When I was in my 20's, I'd buy a dozen doughnuts, filled and the long ones, and eat them in one sitting, I would not gain an ounce. If I did that now, I would definitely pay multiple consequences.
I can now do 7 good form shoulder width pullups! I tend to need more than a day's rest between pullup routine now too for max power and recovery.

After 8 days of no drinking I appear to have bottomed out at 166 lbs. My stomach looks pretty flat without sucking in anything. I haven't otherwise really changed my diet but I am trying to eat less sugary things when I craving hits. Also alcohol cravings are gone now after only 8 days.
I can now do 7 good form shoulder width pullups! I tend to need more than a day's rest between pullup routine now too for max power and recovery.

After 8 days of no drinking I appear to have bottomed out at 166 lbs. My stomach looks pretty flat without sucking in anything. I haven't otherwise really changed my diet but I am trying to eat less sugary things when I craving hits. Also alcohol cravings are gone now after only 8 days.
Good job! :thumbup

Alcoholism is a no joke condition! It doesn't sound like you were quite there, but you might have been on the way. It kills far more people than most realize and many spend years fighting the cravings for it. Only about 5% make it all the way out (no cravings, free to move on with their life) from full blown alcoholism, most of the rest die from conditions related to their drinking.
Good job! :thumbup

Alcoholism is a no joke condition! It doesn't sound like you were quite there, but you might have been on the way. It kills far more people than most realize and many spend years fighting the cravings for it. Only about 5% make it all the way out (no cravings, free to move on with their life) from full blown alcoholism, most of the rest die from conditions related to their drinking.

I have to assume if I was an actual alcoholic it wouldn't have been so easy to go cold turkey. I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms. In all honesty though the quantity was concerning.

During the quarantine people in general are drinking too much and I was drinking everyday. My friend who suggested we take a month off is a Yoga instructor and crazy fit and she was doing a bottle of wine per night. I am also concerned about liver health. My tolerance was just too hard so I'd never really feel very drunk and thus would drink too much.
I have to assume if I was an actual alcoholic it wouldn't have been so easy to go cold turkey. I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms. In all honesty though the quantity was concerning.

During the quarantine people in general are drinking too much and I was drinking everyday. My friend who suggested we take a month off is a Yoga instructor and crazy fit and she was doing a bottle of wine per night. I am also concerned about liver health. My tolerance was just too hard so I'd never really feel very drunk and thus would drink too much.
It doesn't sound like you were, either, but continued drinking would push you in that direction.

I've known a bunch of functional alcoholics who drank every single day, denied that they were alcoholics but never went a day without a drink, though they kept their drinking in the evening and not excessive. They all claimed they weren't alcoholics, all said that they could not drink if they chose to and they all chose not to go a day without drinking. The insidious thing about addiction is that it uses your own mind against you to overcome any resistance with rationalizations.

You're on the right track for taking action, you'll be healthier and happier in the long run as a result of doing this. Not to mention that you'll have more money to spend on other things.
I find donuts go down very easily and could probably put down 4 before the nausea kicked in from the sugar :)

When I was 13 I could eat 5 large slices of pizza easily now, not so much. Not do I want to.
7 oreos is like 1/4 of a meal :laughing. 7 donuts would make me throw up, twice.
I was a sugar monster growing up (with a crazy high metabalism), I got teased for having a little cereal with my sugar. I've since cut way, way back on my sugar intake as I got older.

When I gave blood back in the 80's they used to have piles of doughnuts and plenty of coffee and made us sit there for 15 minutes, so I'd wolf down the free doughnuts and drink coffee....the crash that came an hour later was pretty significant. You can do some pretty dumb/crazy things in your 20's. :laughing
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