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Time to get Fit thread

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I find donuts go down very easily and could probably put down 4 before the nausea kicked in from the sugar :)

When I was 13 I could eat 5 large slices of pizza easily now, not so much. Not do I want to.

I had a bowl of oatmeal, raspberries and walnuts for breakfast yesterday around 10 am. Rode my bike with kids for 3 hrs (they are really slow of course) did my 1/2 hr ocean swim and then had a dinner of 3 slices of pesto pizza. I was stuffed. My pizza tolerance, even when famished, aint near what my 11 year old self could do.
I've been starting the day with a berry-one scoop protein-milk shake instead of my PB&J on whole grain.

Lunch is typically a sandwich.

Dinner has been large and more elaborate 3x a week when my quarantine in place buddy comes over. e.g. last night deep fried shrimp, lamb chops (1 chop each) with cabbage salad and some pork buns.
I recently discovered vegan donuts and I cant tell they are vegan. I need to experiment to see if my gut can tell the difference. If I can eat 3+ of them without feeling like shit, ill be good to go.
lol. we are talking donuts. im sure you know I didnt imply vegan donuts are healthy.

personally, sugar has never been an issue and its likely not the part of donuts that make me feel like shit. for me, too many donuts is comparable to too much In-N-Out. I think its a fat issue.
If your tolerance is high and your control of alcohol intake is low then maybe there is a problem.
If your tolerance is high and your control of alcohol intake is low then maybe there is a problem.

Agreed. Which is why I am cutting out for a month and then if I start again it will be in moderation. If I can't handle that, I'll go back to not drinking. That's the plan right now.
i've gone full work outs after a dozen krispy kremes, it's fine for me but everyone's different. sweets and high sugar garbage doesn't cause me any discomfort, whereas micronutrient dense stuff does.
i've gone full work outs after a dozen krispy kremes, it's fine for me but everyone's different. sweets and high sugar garbage doesn't cause me any discomfort, whereas micronutrient dense stuff does.
Give it a couple decades, then try that out. :afm199 :laughing
Soundtrack: Pellican

20 minute row
120 leg lifts
15 sets of 10 bent over rows
10 sets of 8 lat pulldowns

Whey protein shake, whole wheat peanut butter pretzels, vegetable protein shake, spinach, chicken vegetable curry, 1/2 box of Magic Spoons, 1/2 gallon 1% milk are the highlights of today's eats.
Once I max out my dumbells at 52.5 lbs is it fine just to keep it at that weight? Right now I'm doing 45lbs-50lbs-50lbs 12,10,8 reps. Should I aim for the same number of reps per set?
aim for more reps and sets (more volume), but depending on the exercise you can just use a shoelace or rope to add more weight too.
aim for more reps and sets (more volume), but depending on the exercise you can just use a shoelace or rope to add more weight too.

It is also an option to change rest time between sets or vary how you are doing the exercises to make them harder.
Simply more volume may not be enough depending on your goals.
I have used and tested dozens of jump ropes and I’ve found the only ones I will buy now, and they happen to be the cheapest. For normal skipping, any of them will do, but throwing in freestyle tricks, too many of them don’t have the correct weight nor keep from tangling when crossed.
Had a family member get me one of these for Christmas (must have been on sale! :laughing), worst idea ever!

4 miles down, walked a bit during it because my hip was sore. hill sprints didn’t seem to upset it so I might have to put in some sprints instead for awhile. Brogability ensuing.

2 ball park beef hotdogs
2 wonder hotdog buns
6 oreos

4 skinless chicken thighs (roasted skin on then removed)
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

Leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
sour cream and onion kettle chips
farmhouse, Nantucket’s, milanos, Sausalito, or Oreo cookies.
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