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Time to get Fit thread

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I’m probably not eating either right things in general. I need to be able to articulate my goals so I can decide on a good diet strategy
Day late and a dollar short, working on getting the "pandemic fluff" back off. Undid a lot of my work over the fall/winter :( but making steady progress back down. Mostly focused on eating.

Gyms around here are still closed, and I'm just not desperate enough to force the home workouts (I do NOT have the equipment to do what I really enjoy doing - nor is that an investment I am prepared to make). Staying somewhat active, walking, hiking, moto rides on the weekends, now back to track days, yard work, etc, but not really "working out" persay. No excuses, I just really get bored and dislike the day after day after day bodyweight workouts. Getting tempted to see if some other gyms around may be open where I could do a MTM until mine reopens.....
. The Alcatraz tri would have been 10 days from now... I feel soo unprepared lol


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Got my average speed up to 16.4 mph. Went out and did my loop yesterday in 105 degrees. Hydrated before, at turn-around point I drank my cold water with electrolytes added. The good thing about this heat is that I don't need to weave around people walking or riding on the trail. At 102 there were 11 people, at 105 there were 8. I'll see how many there are today when it's supposed to be 108. :laughing
Looking for the biggest set of gravel tires I can squeeze in here for some dirtier rides.


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Tried bulgarian split squats yesterday for the first time. I think I like them better than stupid lunges. But the balance and foot placement is tricky for me. Anyone got any tips?
How do you like your triathlon bars?

The bike is second hand from CL. They were what was on it when i bought it and I don't know any better. I like em enough. I do get occasional numb/tingle in my hands and the riding position in general took some getting used to coming from a mountain bike but I think I'm adapting ok. The pedals on it are basic as hell but for now platforms make me happy. Most of the serious tri people use "aero" bars i think they are called. The narrow long bars that lean you forward. I have only used those once and they scared the shit out of me :laughing
The bike is second hand from CL. They were what was on it when i bought it and I don't know any better. I like em enough. I do get occasional numb/tingle in my hands and the riding position in general took some getting used to coming from a mountain bike but I think I'm adapting ok. The pedals on it are basic as hell but for now platforms make me happy. Most of the serious tri people use "aero" bars i think they are called. The narrow long bars that lean you forward. I have only used those once and they scared the shit out of me :laughing
My brother, who does triathlons says that they're not allowed to draft off of other riders during the riding phase, so they put you in an aero position that is very aerodynamic for least wind resistance.

I haven't gotten any yet, but I'm guessing that the position feels pretty insecure, especially on skinny tires like the 700c 25 on mine, and the 700c 22's on my brother's bike.
Dear Wuhan Bat-Eater,

Thanks, asshole.



Back at it after some time off. Belt and pants are tighter.


3x20 - Push Up
5x10 - DB Curl
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
5x10 - DB Press
8x10 - Bodyweight Squat
20-Min Power Walk


• Bagel
• Orange, Banana, Cherries
• Turkey, Hummus and Ezekiel Bread
• McD :twofinger
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Handful of Chocolate Raisins


Most likely shit.
The bike is second hand from CL. They were what was on it when i bought it and I don't know any better. I like em enough. I do get occasional numb/tingle in my hands and the riding position in general took some getting used to coming from a mountain bike but I think I'm adapting ok. The pedals on it are basic as hell but for now platforms make me happy. Most of the serious tri people use "aero" bars i think they are called. The narrow long bars that lean you forward. I have only used those once and they scared the shit out of me :laughing

Mike, it's really cool keeping up on your progress and moves into more of what I'm hoping, will be a racing effort. I'm totally biased on you going full comp mode, ya know!
A question for the major riding folk.

My brother tells me that he's getting a lot more drive from lifting the pedal (with different muscles) than I would expect.

I have clips (old type, I think mtb shimano) on my pedals but have never considered getting shoes that would clip into the pedals, but now am wondering how much I'm sacrificing by not going that route.

Does clip-ins really give you that big of a boost, after you develop the muscles, conditioning and technique for utilizing the lift?
Tried bulgarian split squats yesterday for the first time. I think I like them better than stupid lunges. But the balance and foot placement is tricky for me. Anyone got any tips?

keep weight on the midfoot (between heel and ball of foot), there's also a tendency for people unfamiliar with the exercise to use the back foot to pull themselves up, try to avoid that. outside of that, your front leg's shin should not be completely vertical at the bottom position, it should be slightly forward.

one way to cue the midfootedness/balance is to spread your toes and really plant your big toe into the ground, it should make you flex your arches.
A question for the major riding folk.

My brother tells me that he's getting a lot more drive from lifting the pedal (with different muscles) than I would expect.

I have clips (old type, I think mtb shimano) on my pedals but have never considered getting shoes that would clip into the pedals, but now am wondering how much I'm sacrificing by not going that route.

Does clip-ins really give you that big of a boost, after you develop the muscles, conditioning and technique for utilizing the lift?

it helps. the harder your effort, the more it helps.

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