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Time to get Fit thread

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One of my favorites lately is getting a can of staggs silverado chili (250cal/serving * 2 per can) mixed with a pound of ground turkey.


I'm not specifically on a low carb diet, but I do avoid them when I can which is most of the time.

Well seasoned chicken with a side of asparagus is another go to, easy to make, and very cheap.
My breakfast is even more easy:

I don't eat breakfast

You are cray, cray. :laughing

I have something light two toasts with sunflower butter and honey, also coffee. Then do a work out of the day on zwift.
You are cray, cray. :laughing

I have something light two toasts with sunflower butter and honey, also coffee. Then do a work out of the day on zwift.

I'll usually eat breakfast 1 day per week just out of curiosity to see if I'm missing anything. Pretty much conclude that I'm not.
Hunger will peak around noon and I'll eat then or 1pm. If I skip lunch also hunger will reduce and by end of work day I'm back to not even being hungry but I will eat then anyhow. And if time allows I'll eat again around 8:30.
I'll usually eat breakfast 1 day per week just out of curiosity to see if I'm missing anything. Pretty much conclude that I'm not.
Hunger will peak around noon and I'll eat then or 1pm. If I skip lunch also hunger will reduce and by end of work day I'm back to not even being hungry but I will eat then anyhow. And if time allows I'll eat again around 8:30.

If it works I guess, but does sounds healthy. :dunno
I cant do this diet. :cry its overwhelming, time consuming, and to be honest I don't normally eat like half of the things on here.. :cry havent worked out since last Monday. Im going today but UGH..... I dunno what to do...

I understand your frustration Kim, I really do. It's so hard and it can feel so daunting and pointless.

With that said, stick with it. Soon you will feel the results, and even better, at some point you will see them. You're just getting started, a year from now... shit, by the end of summer you will be so stoked- plus by then it will be a part of your life.
Low carbs, alcohol only once or twice a week, and IF, eating between noon-8pm. It's been about a week so far and I'm feeling much better. Don't have my scale unpacked at the new house, so no quantitative results, but my first couple weeks here were rough with all the food available constantly and sitting in an office for the first time in years.
My company is doing fitness challenge in teams of 7. Everyone who participates gets some shitty fitness tracker. I am a sucker for free stuff so signed up. Lol.
Just got back from the gym. If I miss more then a few days it always feels like im starting from square 1. Also watched a 5 foot nothing 55 yr old woman do rope climbs and 135 front squats. Made me feel so weak :laughing

todays lunch. carrots, low sodium turkey meat and string cheese.

I managed to figure out what the macro breakdown and calorie max is for me based off of what the nutritionist recommends after he got my body composition results.

50% - Carbs
30% - Fat
20% Protein

With a max calorie count of 1490 per day.

I would have done a lot less carbs and more protein, and closer to 1300 calories a day, on my own..... Might see if I can try and stick to these "goals" but with my own food options. and see what happens
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I can' (won't) do a diet that isn't something I can maintain for life. Since I'm losing weight and then will go into maintenance (no need for gainz), it's important for me to find something that I can sustain. Forever.

It's taken some playing around with a few things, and accepting that I'm not going to lose weight fast, but even when I "slip up" for awhile, the fall back is pretty minimal - which means that it's becoming a life style rather than a "diet."

I don't have a ton to lose, I'm technically in a 'normal' weight range, but for my frame, I'm carrying an extra 20 or so pounds. I COULD lose faster, but it comes at the cost of other things, and I struggle to keep it off. Losing slower, it's a long journey, but it's steady (overall) progress.
Bent over row / Bench / Deadlift 3x5 today
I cant do this diet. :cry its overwhelming, time consuming, and to be honest I don't normally eat like half of the things on here.. :cry havent worked out since last Monday. Im going today but UGH..... I dunno what to do...

The idea that one can change more than one standard deviation from their norm and stick with it is fantasy. Mike's got good advice. I'd add one thing: do what's practical and easy. Don't worry about anything else for now, but take small bites at the apple on your diet. Easy and practical is repeatable and thus, able to factor into your overall fitness program. Anything else tends to yoyo and lead to false gains/ expectations which leads to motivation problems later. Pretty much, the same thing steroid users experience when they come off the sauce.

Be practical, Kim. Then, try to work towards better over time until you reach what's acceptable by you, not someone else. That's the lifestyle thing AJ refers to below. I like her approach a lot. I wish I could eat more...but I just don't have that hunger.

Fuck it. Today is all that counts. If your diet feels too difficult, it is. Modify it and make it as close to what you need as you can accept right now. Work to make small changes over time. No one tries to dead lift 400 lbs on day one at the gym. Your diet can't completely transform over night either. Cut out the worst parts slowly, sugar and bread mostly I bet, and replace them with something better for you that you like. Keep making the small changes until you find what works for YOU. Allow yourself a cheat day once a week or once every other week so you never feel completely deprived. Slowly you can change the frequency of those too. I firmly believe that to make a lasting change in how we eat it takes time and commitment. It can be done. Go fucking get some KIM. Jersey girls don't quit.


I can' (won't) do a diet that isn't something I can maintain for life. Since I'm losing weight and then will go into maintenance (no need for gainz), it's important for me to find something that I can sustain. Forever.

It's taken some playing around with a few things, and accepting that I'm not going to lose weight fast, but even when I "slip up" for awhile, the fall back is pretty minimal - which means that it's becoming a life style rather than a "diet."

I don't have a ton to lose, I'm technically in a 'normal' weight range, but for my frame, I'm carrying an extra 20 or so pounds. I COULD lose faster, but it comes at the cost of other things, and I struggle to keep it off. Losing slower, it's a long journey, but it's steady (overall) progress.

I like your post AJ. Solid.
I COULD lose faster, but it comes at the cost of other things, and I struggle to keep it off. Losing slower, it's a long journey, but it's steady (overall) progress.

Absolutely. The first dramatic cut I did I just counted calories and lost like 40 pounds in a span of 5-6ish months. Lost any muscle that I had and just became a twig.

This cut I've lost just about 20lbs in the same 5ish month period and I'm getting very close to lean but defined figure I am after.

Slow and steady wins the race -- unless you want to just lose weight at all costs
14 lbs away from goal :banana

The fat on my body seems independent from any connectivity to the rest of me. We're in "burn" mode and it's working.

Yesterday was mainly floor exercises, sped up the freaking climbers, and worked on lats. I noticed that these really helped with riding :ride
So bummed. Before shoulder surgery, I was eating okay and working out 4 days a week and was on a steady downward trend on the scale. Since surgery, I have been going to the gym about the same but haven't been able to lose the weight I gained when I was not able to go to the gym.

I am thinking that the lifting after the cardio was playing a bigger part in the weight loss than I initially thought. So with that in mind last night I said Fugit and did my hour of mind-numbing cardio and then hit my lower body muscles with some machine squats and calf workout. Then I did some triceps work as I figure it will leave the shoulder/bicep area alone and I can get some muscle back. I don't want to push it until the doc says it's okay but I gotta do something as I don't like this regression.

I have even been eating better than before the surgery but that does not seem to be helping as much as I had hoped. I really wanted to lose some weight before summer gets here as it sucks being overweight in high heat with +80% humidity and I have a ton of yard work to do as we are thinking about moving and it's all about the curb appeal.
I can' (won't) do a diet that isn't something I can maintain for life. Since I'm losing weight and then will go into maintenance (no need for gainz), it's important for me to find something that I can sustain. Forever.

It's taken some playing around with a few things, and accepting that I'm not going to lose weight fast, but even when I "slip up" for awhile, the fall back is pretty minimal - which means that it's becoming a life style rather than a "diet."

I don't have a ton to lose, I'm technically in a 'normal' weight range, but for my frame, I'm carrying an extra 20 or so pounds. I COULD lose faster, but it comes at the cost of other things, and I struggle to keep it off. Losing slower, it's a long journey, but it's steady (overall) progress.

This is definitely something I have adapted since losing the majority of my weight. This last push is to lose fat % not overall weight loss like before. Ive been doing pretty good at maintaining my current weight by being conscious of what I eat, how often I eat, and exercising regularly. If i can lose this last bit (my current goal) I feel pretty confident I can maintain it going forward. Thats why this crazy diet is only for 6 weeks while i kick ass at the gym. After that its just adopting more healthy eating habits and continuing to stay active.

I did email the nutritionist and basically told him the same thing I told you guys here. And since Im paying for this service :laughing I have a meeting with him on Friday to see what we can do differently so I can set myself up for success not failure.

I have even been eating better than before the surgery but that does not seem to be helping as much as I had hoped. I really wanted to lose some weight before summer gets here as it sucks being overweight in high heat with +80% humidity and I have a ton of yard work to do as we are thinking about moving and it's all about the curb appeal.

Are you tracking your caloric intake and macros?
For me the only thing that works is dilligent tracking. I know after I injured my leg I put on almost 25lbs. Most of that was front not paying attention and ignoring my intake.

Now I eat a minimum of 75g protein and 120g of veggie carbs and drink up to 1 gallon of water a day. The water seems to be the key for me, if I neglect to drink enough water I hold onto everything I eat :(
Are you tracking your caloric intake and macros?
For me the only thing that works is dilligent tracking. I know after I injured my leg I put on almost 25lbs. Most of that was front not paying attention and ignoring my intake.

Now I eat a minimum of 75g protein and 120g of veggie carbs and drink up to 1 gallon of water a day. The water seems to be the key for me, if I neglect to drink enough water I hold onto everything I eat :(

I am not really tracking it but am sticking to a plan. I have a pretty set eating schedule and eat the same things pretty much every day. I start out with a bowl of oatmeal and protein shake, then around 11 am i eat 6oz of protein, then at 1pm 6oz of protein and a small side of veggies, at 3 pm another 6oz of protein then my final meal is dinner which is usually what either myself or my wife cook that evening. This meal may comprise carbs, veggies, and protein but I am definitely watching my portion size and am eating way less than normal. I allow myself one cheat day per week just to cut the monotony of the whole thing.

This is pretty much what I was doing before surgery as well so the only real change was the weightlifting component. Maybe I need to up the cardio right now I am hitting about 225 calories burned on the treadmill/bike routine so maybe I need to up this to about 400+ to take the place of the lifting routine until such time as I get released to start doing it again. Hopefully, this will occur at my next appointment in early June.

Oh yeah in honor of some get fit posts I ripped out some more crunches and leg lifts in the home office.
I despise running. I prefer sprinting and HIIT. I can go cycling for 3+ hours but running 5 miles seems so tedious to me however today during my 5am orangetheory class, I chose the treadmill instead of stationary bike for the cardio piece. My feet and knees are good so I figured what the hell.

Damn! My calorie burn was so much greater with running than biking. I think I'm much more efficient in biking and may not push myself compared to running. I burned 901 calories in a 55 minute class today. Pretty stoked. Think Ill do the running more now. Hope it speeds up fatloss more than the bike.

Wife and I decided instead of 5 days a week of OTF to do 3 days and 2 days at 24hr lifting legs and back. I miss heavy legs stuff and OTF doesn't really do that.
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