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Time to get Fit thread

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Just ran with the puppers. Makes it much more fun.

I think I will switch to a 4 day program. I found a good routine and just cut out the stuff I can't do at home without equipment.
Dojo is opening up on June 22nd. No word on my MMA gym opening. Many of the BJJ guys are rolling in their garages, but we have a small(er) striking community here in SC and nothing in terms of training for us folks that prefer punching and kicking.

I am very ready to start punching people in the face again. I've been training a lot and working on stuff that I needed to work on. Drilling, drilling and more drilling. In terms of looking "fit" or ripped I couldn't care less about. I truly just want to start training with people again. The first sparring session out of quarantine is going to be outright brawls :laughing
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My BJJ gym is opening June 15th to 1 hour classes with no sparring and everyone spaced 6' apart. Instructors are supposed to take temperatures upon students walking in. Im not sure how the format will be, but I hope its not an hour of just doing solo drills.

Overhead Press
Chin Ups (fuck chin ups)
Squats (up to 225)

Skipped breakfast as per usual - made breakfast for lunch

3 eggs, scrambled with 2 cut up slices of tri tip and leftover roasted veggies

dinner is 1/2 cauliflower crust pizza from TJs with pizza sauce, mozzarella, and turkey pepperoni

also had a small bag of parmesan crisps. Literally just baked parmesan cheese that's like pretend crackers.

So far a little under 1600 cals, but way over my attempted carb limit cause of the cauliflower pizza crust.

Oh well. Still losing lbs.
Wow I can't believe today is 21 days into my no drinking. Haven't even had a taste though I smelled some of my friends' cocktails. I find as a result I am more focused in general on healthy, exercise and such. I just need to quit weed or cut back on that the same way as alcohol.

Also need to work more fruits and veggies into the diet, I eat a raw salad regularly (kale, tomatoes, other veggies) but it's not enough.
Wow I can't believe today is 21 days into my no drinking. Haven't even had a taste though I smelled some of my friends' cocktails. I find as a result I am more focused in general on healthy, exercise and such. I just need to quit weed or cut back on that the same way as alcohol.

Also need to work more fruits and veggies into the diet, I eat a raw salad regularly (kale, tomatoes, other veggies) but it's not enough.

I stopped drinking alcohol years ago. I never was much of a drinker outside of my early 20's, and honestly, alcohol does nothing for me. Never had an "issue" with it, I just stopped, because it offers zero benefit for me - I shake a buzz extremely fast, so it's just a waste of money. My wife doesn't drink either.

We're not party poopers or anything like that.

My issue is snacks :)
My BJJ gym is opening June 15th to 1 hour classes with no sparring and everyone spaced 6' apart. Instructors are supposed to take temperatures upon students walking in. Im not sure how the format will be, but I hope its not an hour of just doing solo drills.

Find the right guys with a home gym, and you'll find sparring :teeth
4 mile run down, brogability haphazardly going while i watch youtube. got to unpacking my squat rack but haven't assembled it yet. feels like it'd hold weight fine. bench comes in tomorrow so hopefully i'll get to lifting later this week.

2 pepperidge farm tahoe cookies
1 liter of water

1/3 box of fettucine noodles
1/4 jar ragu alfredo sauce
1/2 jar ragu classic tomato sauce
8oz beef
6oz italian sausage
1 broccoli
2 parmesan

leftover calories:
2 scoops of protons
I stopped drinking alcohol years ago. I never was much of a drinker outside of my early 20's, and honestly, alcohol does nothing for me. Never had an "issue" with it, I just stopped, because it offers zero benefit for me - I shake a buzz extremely fast, so it's just a waste of money. My wife doesn't drink either.

We're not party poopers or anything like that.

My issue is snacks :)

Same here. My brief stint with drinking in my 20's was more to do with the people I was hanging with. Never craved booze and always thought beer tastes like piss, certainly never missed it.
Snacks are my weakness also, that shit is like crack. Sometimes I can resist, sometimes I can't.
Ok day 1 done

4 x pullups
2 x dumbell deadlifts (low weight)
3 x 1 arm dumbell rows
3 x hammer curls
3 x Seated dumbell curls
So far a little under 1600 cals, but way over my attempted carb limit cause of the cauliflower pizza crust.

Those are good carbs though, not like empty white bread carbs. Don't be to hard on yourself for it.

I sugar-binged last night and am paying a heavy price today, lethargic low energy; almost feel hungover. I'm going to have to pace myself today, feeling old and beaten.

Shoulder press sets of 12 to failure, light because of the neck muscle pull.
10 sets of leg lifts to failure.

Shooting for 2000 calories of whey protein, steak, spinach, broccoli, and a handful of peanut butter pretzels as a treat.
Does bread have carbohydrates ? What is an “empty calorie”? If I eat bread and then exercise is it not converted into energy ?
empty calories are calories that aren't beneficial..

But they have nutrients. They keep your body functions going. If you have no food, drinking beer would be better than starving to death.

Please define non-beneficial calories. I understand some calories may be "healthier" but I don't get the empty calories comment.

A calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Calories in food provide energy in the form of heat so that our bodies can function. Our bodies store and "burn" calories as fuel.

Do bad calories not burn?
Calories that don't really have nutritional value. So yeah, beer. Really any booze. Soft drinks. Added sugars in most everything. etc.
well are you talking about calories to survive or calories for fitness?

180 calories from a beer isn't going to be beneficial for you, but 180 calories in something like chicken breast that has protein is obviously better.

if youre taking Dagle's approach then calories are calories. If you want to be healthier, lose weight, build muscle you are going to want the fuel the body with beneficial calories.

the very basic form of weight loss is calorie deficiency. I personally dont want to have to try and burn off 5 beers because its not worth it. Its not filling my stomach and drunk me eats like crap.
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