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Time to get Fit thread

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Berto, why do you think excess sugar contributes to arm pump?

its funny that I can barely stomach 500 Cal on a race day, but can eat 2500 Cal on a long bike ride. the mind wants what the mind wants.
Not sure Robert, only that someone suggested that and it's helped to not have excessive sugar during the race day and it's been effective at controlling arm pump (which I don't have bad). I laughed at your 500 cal comment...seems like we're twins! You body won't process food either?

I can say for certain; creatine is absolute shit for arm pump. Horrible stuff.
I wonder what the science (if any) is behind sugar and arm pump. Ill see if I can find time to do some research. Creatine causes your body to retain water, right? Extra water volume would def make compartment syndrome worse. Perhaps excess sugar causes similar bloating.
Another 4 miles down, brogability started and changes per my PT (one more PT appt and I’m on to MRIs, stem cells and surgeon recs)

2 Pepperidge farm farmhouse cookies
1 Pepperidge farm tahoe cookie
1 liter of water

8oz ground beef
3 eggs
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

Remaining cals:
2 scoops of protons
51 tortilla chips
2 eggs
2 oz shredded cheese
1/2 cup salsa or pasta sauce

I found out yesterday I can get a very hard sear on a relatively small flame, will probably be doing that moving forward to keep all the polyhydroxywhatevers (PAHs) lower.
Says who???

Me. :) I consider beer empty calories

Talked to the doc. She wants me to go see an ortho to have it evaluated further. She said because I got slightly nauseous when it happened and because I got wobbly knee. See what happens next.
I wonder what the science (if any) is behind sugar and arm pump. Ill see if I can find time to do some research. Creatine causes your body to retain water, right? Extra water volume would def make compartment syndrome worse. Perhaps excess sugar causes similar bloating.

Thing yeah on the creatine one. That's an easier one to figure out. BTW, not diabetic, so there's that...possibly placebo and I made other changes too? Possible, I suppose.
what are your credentials to be giving this kind of medical advice again (over the internet, at that)? lol
Why are you being a prick?

You don't really belong in this thread, everybody else in here is decent and respectful. :thumbdown
Guys....mellow please. In fact: Go hit the weights and work it off!
lol climber's getting bent out of shape over my injuries that i've already sorted...
We's all gots injuries...Brett included. Cool to move on?
totally cool to move on, but he needs to butt out of my injuries. i don't need his advice about my injuries (which he's ignorant to).
a couple people have made this thread completely fucking shitty.

4x10 - DB Curl
4x10 - DB Press
4x 10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x20 - Jumping Jacks
3x30 - Standing Calf Raise
3x10 - Tri Dips on Chair
3x10 - DB Bent Over Face Pull


• Bagel with Butter
• Viet Coffee
• Grapes
• Pro Shake
• 4 oz Turkey, Hummus, 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame
• 3 Hard Eggs
• Pre Workout
• Panda Express Teriyaki Chicken & Vaggies
• 2 Oranges
• Grapes


Too lazy to track.
totally cool to move on, but he needs to butt out of my injuries. i don't need his advice about my injuries (which he's ignorant to).

:rolleyes you make it VERY obvious that you dont enjoy climber's posts, or pretty much anything he says. Theres no reason to be rude about it. Ignore him.

Climber my suggestion would be to not even engage with Dagle.
I finally managed OMAD this past weekend. Totally flipped the switch on how much food I was eating unnecessarily. Though I didn't do shit, I made it fine until dinner time. Now to see what will happen if I add a workout in...
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I finally managed OMAD this past weekend. Totally flipped the switch on how much food I was eating unnecessarily. Though I didn't do shit, I made it fine until dinner time. Now to see what will happen if I add a workout in...

I tried OMAD for awhile (or a variation of it) - it was, and still is, helpful when I'm traveling or otherwise eating out.

Outside of that, it became problematic when I started upping my workouts, so I ended up playing around with a few other options to see what worked best for me, and ultimately found out that I do best (if trying to shed some fat without losing muscle/fitness) on a lower carb diet (NOT keto or even "low" carb, just "lower" carb).

Some folks do great on the OMAD thing, but even many in a group I was in for awhile said that if you're working out hard and/or multiple times a day, it's unlikely to be real sustainable (always exceptions, that was just generally what they found).
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