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Time to get Fit thread

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The back of your beer gives nutritional INFORMATION. That does not mean there is nutritional value.
The back of your beer gives nutritional INFORMATION. That does not mean there is nutritional value.

Define nutritional value for me then?

The internet says Nutritional value refers to contents of food and the impact of constituents on body. It relates to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, additives, enzymes, vitamins, sugar intake, cholesterol, fat and salt intake.

Is there a difference?

No. I'm good. Argue about beer being healthy with someone else.
Does bread have carbohydrates ? What is an “empty calorie”? If I eat bread and then exercise is it not converted into energy ?
You are thinking too one dimensional.

There are many, many different kinds and brands of bread, and their range in terms of health is enormous.

If you compare two of the extremes, wonder bread vs Mikes Killer Bread, the difference is night and day. Look at the ingredients of the two. Wonder bread is all bad.
You two chill.

What I call empty calories are foods that burn quickly, providing little or no lasting energy. Technically they're called "simple carbohydrates" versus "complex carbohydrates."

Look that shit up, both of you. Read it and let it settle into your daily life. I want to see some vascularity out of the two of you by the end of summer. I'm old and will someday need to live vicariously through your fitness triumphs.
So guys, I dun fucked up my knee. I have a video call with my dr at 4. Im petrified on what it could be.

long story short. Leg got caught while was swinging my leg over a fence and bent inward. inside of my knee (my guess based on location, MCL) popped super fast and has been sore ever since. Last night I got outta bed and my knee bent inward and I felt a "crunchy" sensation in that same spot. It happened Saturday around 4pm, hurts the worse today after last night crunch.

knee is sore, I cant straighten it completely.
calling calories "empty" is just as descriptive as labelling a food product "natural". its a made-up term that means something different for everyone and is often used for pseudoscience.

my definition is the same as Beau's. if I eat something and am hungry shortly after or not satiated, I call it empty calories. if you are trying to lose weight, this matters a lot. if you are exercising right then, it doesnt mean anything.

"empty" meaning "not having nutritional value" is confusing because "nutritional value" isnt defined.
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So guys, I dun fucked up my knee. I have a video call with my dr at 4. Im petrified on what it could be.

long story short. Leg got caught while was swinging my leg over a fence and bent inward. inside of my knee (my guess based on location, MCL) popped super fast and has been sore ever since. Last night I got outta bed and my knee bent inward and I felt a "crunchy" sensation in that same spot. It happened Saturday around 4pm, hurts the worse today after last night crunch.

knee is sore, I cant straighten it completely.

Yikes, hope you heal up.
So guys, I dun fucked up my knee. I have a video call with my dr at 4. Im petrified on what it could be.

long story short. Leg got caught while was swinging my leg over a fence and bent inward. inside of my knee (my guess based on location, MCL) popped super fast and has been sore ever since. Last night I got outta bed and my knee bent inward and I felt a "crunchy" sensation in that same spot. It happened Saturday around 4pm, hurts the worse today after last night crunch.

knee is sore, I cant straighten it completely.
Not being able to straighten a knee completely is a sign of swelling, usually due to injury.

Have you been icing your knee? 2 times a day, with compression, for 15 minutes each day. Rest Ice Compression Elevate.
So guys, I dun fucked up my knee. I have a video call with my dr at 4. Im petrified on what it could be.

long story short. Leg got caught while was swinging my leg over a fence and bent inward. inside of my knee (my guess based on location, MCL) popped super fast and has been sore ever since. Last night I got outta bed and my knee bent inward and I felt a "crunchy" sensation in that same spot. It happened Saturday around 4pm, hurts the worse today after last night crunch.

knee is sore, I cant straighten it completely.

there are functional tests you can do for MCL/LCL/meniscus injury, most likely a partial MCL tear that'll heal on it's own. There are people with completely torn MCL's (they leave it torn) who are still elite performing athletes. I'm most likely missing at least one, though I'm not paying for the MRI to find out.
I’ve move up one belt notch & probably gained 5-6 lbs thanks to asshole in Wuhan who ate a bat.

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2020

4x15 - Push Up
3x10 - Standing DB Upright X-Over
3x10 - DB Lateral Raise
4x15 - DB Press
3x15 - Crunch
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - DB Hammer Curl to Press
3x10 - Wrist Curl
3x10 - Reverse Wrist Curl


• Bagel and Butter
• Viet Coffee
• 4 oz Turkey , Hummus, 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Bread
• Pre Workout
• Panda Express: Chicken Teriyaki hold the sauce,
• Several glasses of Sherry & Cognac
• 4 Small Cookies


My BJJ gym is opening June 15th to 1 hour classes with no sparring and everyone spaced 6' apart. Instructors are supposed to take temperatures upon students walking in. Im not sure how the format will be, but I hope its not an hour of just doing solo drills.

just garage train like the rest of us lol
there are functional tests you can do for MCL/LCL/meniscus injury, most likely a partial MCL tear that'll heal on it's own. There are people with completely torn MCL's (they leave it torn) who are still elite performing athletes. I'm most likely missing at least one, though I'm not paying for the MRI to find out.
You might want to. My dad blew out his knee as a senior in HS but didn't get it repaired because the surgery was iffy back then. Years later, the debris floating around in his knee had significantly worn down his knee to the point where just before knee replacement he had lost about 1-1/2 inches of height on that side, rubbing bone on bone for several years.
You might want to. My dad blew out his knee as a senior in HS but didn't get it repaired because the surgery was iffy back then. Years later, the debris floating around in his knee had significantly worn down his knee to the point where just before knee replacement he had lost about 1-1/2 inches of height on that side, rubbing bone on bone for several years.

im not your dad, dude.
im not your dad, dude.
Same thing applies.

If you are very active (My dad is a wildlife biologist, so it wasn't uncommon for him to cover 10+ miles a day) and have the debris from a torn ligament floating around in your knee socket along with the additional movement (slop) in the knee from missing a major ligament, your knee will wear down much faster.

But, do as you wish, it's your knee.
what are your credentials to be giving this kind of medical advice again (over the internet, at that)? lol
I stopped drinking alcohol years ago. I never was much of a drinker outside of my early 20's, and honestly, alcohol does nothing for me. Never had an "issue" with it, I just stopped, because it offers zero benefit for me - I shake a buzz extremely fast, so it's just a waste of money. My wife doesn't drink either.

We're not party poopers or anything like that.

My issue is snacks :)

You and I are a lot alike. Never drank much, still don't...but enjoy partying every once in a given year.

Calories that don't really have nutritional value. So yeah, beer. Really any booze. Soft drinks. Added sugars in most everything. etc.

Added sugars are beneficial post workout though. Glucose.

well are you talking about calories to survive or calories for fitness?

Don't discount the value of sugars/ electrolytes during and post workout as well as protein, etc. W/ carbs and depending on the workout will determine if you want slow or fast burning, etc. Fighting catabolism is Important too even if that means putting shit in your body.

Is there a difference?

IMO, post workout needs ARE glucose (sugar) as fast as you can get it in and then nutrition (protein, carbs, etc). I'm not a nutritionist, so take that advice FWIW. My gym workouts are 1.25 hours of non-stop weights, high energy and high HR. My race days are the same, but with long down periods at times. One problem with too much sugar on race days; arm pump. Due to that, I load with electrolytes and potassium (Coco water) and don't eat much. I don't want to be in a digestive state when I need my energy for the activity. Plus...my body won't digest shit if I'm in "go" mode...and that lasts all day when racing.

So guys, I dun fucked up my knee. I have a video call with my dr at 4. Im petrified on what it could be.

You'll figure it out Kim. You know the deal already; let it heal, take it easy and shift to an alternative workout. You won't lose your gains. You've been doing this long enough to have dense, strong muscle. You'll lose strength, but it'll come back fine. Like we talked about earlier; extended rest periods can be beneficial to your entire body healing. Injuries happen, enjoy some time off of the knee focused exercises.

I had something similar for a few years on my elbow/ arm area. Think it was my brachialis and I LOVE hammer curls, etc. It was fucked...had to ditch using it for about a 12 month period eventually. It's healed and good now, but that sucked. I tore it out on the water...
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