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Time to get Fit thread

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You've done good with that part here, Jordan.
Keep at it...and keep the self support strong. You're well on your way!
Did a nice 3 hour ride today which included climbing Kings, and then descending 84 towards woodside. Was so nice not to have cars in front to slow me down. Didn't loose a lot of descending skills. Was a bit worried since I spent last three month inside on a trainer, but eyes started to track those corners and rest is just muscle memory. Then again 84 is not technical at all, so there is that.

Overall 60 miles, 2180 KJ of work.
Five days in the gym since it opened back up a week ago.

Not much inconvenience, I wear my mask the whole time, wipe down all surfaces I'll touch on machine both before and after. I also wipe down spot where I'll set my towel down, keeping the part I wipe my face with inside of two folds. It helps that it's a really big (floor surface area) club with wide aisles that easily let people give each other room while moving around. No locker use, or pool, or spa, sauna or steam.

Great to be back in there. Seeing improvements already, but I'm feeling my third set, that is where it will take the longest to get back to where I was. Still riding my bike.
Punch the next person you see in the face. You'll learn more quickly that way.


So I just woke up in the hospital..



Pick out a martial arts style and give it a go.

I did martial arts for a decade as a teen and young adult.
Taido (rare style - Kungfu with a twist), Kenpo, liked that it because of more access to tournaments. Taido was great for that too but they had to be open style tournaments.

After college I got fed up with Kenpo because of some peeps in the studio so I switched to Ninjutsu and ultimately that was my favorite and I think the most effective for real life stuff.

Saito Ninjutso in SV had three generations leading it. When the 70 yo master could dominate a 25yo 190 lb dude with 10 years of experience I knew it was something I wanted to do for life.. then the damn studio closed. :rant

Racing, kids life.. never went back. :nchantr

Do some research Jordan.

It is great for a lot of things besides staying out of the hospital. :laughing


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If you're looking at karate, don't do Fred Villari's system!

It's the McDonald's of Karate. Back in the early 80's they were guaranteeing you would become a black belt in one year..as long as you paid the fees for each testing. We had a couple of their 'black belts' come to our studio over the years, our lowest rank belt (blue) beat the hell out of them. They never came back. Shit system and shameful, I don't know what they're doing now, but it's all about making money and very little about teaching martial arts.

Plenty of good systems out there. Often a dead giveaway is that if they're trying to sign you up for 2 years with a penalty for exiting early, then they're all about the money and likely teaching you very little.
Looks like my club will be opening back up soon. Anyone have any mask recommendations. Not looking for the airflow restriction types, but just a durable comfortable mask for HIT type workouts
Did 120 miles on my road bike with my teammate. Ten thousand feet of climbing, 4.5k calories burned, seven and a half hours in the saddle.

Wasn't sure how I would feel considering I did 60 miles yesterday, then went for a five mile walk with GF in the evening, but wasn't that horrible. Lol

Usually my problem is I don't eat enough, but made an effort of eating energy bar an hour, plus gell and Clif shots on final two climbs. Felt mostly fine at the end. Climbs were killing me though, was overheating.

Anyway not doing this shit for a while.
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