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Time to get Fit thread

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a pull buoy takes your legs completely out of swimming. its just a foam float that you hold with your thighs. u should be able to swim without legs even without it, but this would probably still decrease your kick and maybe your knee use.
pullups are their own thing entirely.

My 17yo can knock them out no big deal, but he's a skinny mofo. 5'11 and about 130 lol.

I'm short and fat. I struggle with 3 sets of 5

When I was training seriously I could do 25, but it's also a mass derivation. Big guys have a harder time than little guys like me.
I feel ready to get into cycling so my friend who is about my height is lending me her spare bike and I shall join them for their Wednesday ride!
I feel ready to get into cycling so my friend who is about my height is lending me her spare bike and I shall join them for their Wednesday ride!

that makes two of us, I found a puma branded (the shoe company) bike while on my 4mile run that I decided to pick up. It was built by a company called biomega in Europe somewhere with mostly shimano parts. grabbing a set of wheels and using string and some geometry to measure straightness. kind of a fun tinkering project when I don’t feel like breathing in fumes. and if all else fails at least ill just buy a new frame.
if it fits you and the price is right I'd jump on it.

The market for bikes is horrible right now because everybody wants something for covid exercise.
Yeah my dad and step mom are jealous of my folding bench and adjustable dumbbells, and everything is out of stock or extortion prices. Their building has a gym but it's closed.
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25 is like more than officers doing seal training can do


I'm fairly sure that they can do a lot of things I can't.

I also used to run 36 minute 10k races, one hour 10 mile races, and was invitational to the Dipsea. I'm fairly sure that about 3% of the SEAL candidates can top that. On the other hand i doubt I could begin to qualify for SEAL training. Just checked. Their 1.5 mile qualifier is 10 minutes. I used to do 1.5 miles in around 8:30 to 8:45.
seal training is on a different level.

1.5 miles in 10 minutes, sure, but it's also in combat boots in sand on the beach at 2am when you've slept for 90 minutes. etc etc.
Yeah they make me look like a huge wimp :) Very impressive. I loved watching the documentary on them on Amazon especially Hell Week.
Geting a joist mountable screw in pullup bar no more of this inside the walk in closet door frame on BS. Couldn't close the doors with it installed and too annoying to take up and down.
the only thing holding me back is not wanting to drop money on a bicycle :) she might sell it to me cheap if I like it

dont forget the $100 shorts, $150 shoes, $100 pedals, $100 helmet, $50 jersey, $20 gloves, $50 sunglasses, and $10 socks :D

when I first got into cycling, I bought a $500 bike off eBay and then spent just as much on gear :facepalm. and that was doing it on the cheap :laughing. thankfully good gear lasts a couple of years.
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