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Time to get Fit thread

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4 miles down, 2 mile ran at a 7:20ish pace, 2 miles back was at 8:30, watching UFC now while doing brogability. have a bunch of stuff to go over with my PT later in the week.

1 large coffee
1 liter of water

totino's personal pizza
12 oz ribeye
8 oz chicken thigh
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
2 diet cokes

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
pepperidge farm gingerman and farmhouse cookies
UD killing it :thumbup

Took yesterday off because the pool dude kills it with chemicals.
Still 260 push ups. 80 squats.

Actually felt sore all over last night like the old days. :cool
Felt good.

230 or so push ups. Got a call from a friend I had to take so fucked up my count.
Glad it did

No squats... when I got home.

80 laps in da pool mixed in with 160 resistance sprints ... loving those.

20 sprints swim 10 laps repeat

90 minutes of not being a SIP drone.

Felt good. My eyes still feel it. I need some of those goggles :facepalm

Dinner... yeah some :laughing
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Budman killing it! :thumbup

Get those goggles, this isn't the first time you've mentioned your eyes. Easy solution.

My body didn't like me yesterday, 5 days in a row in the gym with my full workout was kind of brutal on it, but it was great to be back in the gym.
Yeah... I am ordering some.

No pictures allowed. :laughing
Did 120 miles on my road bike with my teammate. Ten thousand feet of climbing, 4.5k calories burned, seven and a half hours in the saddle.

Wasn't sure how I would feel considering I did 60 miles yesterday, then went for a five mile walk with GF in the evening, but wasn't that horrible. Lol

Usually my problem is I don't eat enough, but made an effort of eating energy bar an hour, plus gell and Clif shots on final two climbs. Felt mostly fine at the end. Climbs were killing me though, was overheating.

Anyway not doing this shit for a while.

:thumbup. thats an amazing ride, esp with the mileage the day before.

its amazing how not-shit you can feel when you eat enough :laughing
Did 120 miles on my road bike with my teammate. Ten thousand feet of climbing, 4.5k calories burned, seven and a half hours in the saddle.

Wasn't sure how I would feel considering I did 60 miles yesterday, then went for a five mile walk with GF in the evening, but wasn't that horrible. Lol

Usually my problem is I don't eat enough, but made an effort of eating energy bar an hour, plus gell and Clif shots on final two climbs. Felt mostly fine at the end. Climbs were killing me though, was overheating.

Anyway not doing this shit for a while.

I don't even like driving 120 miles.
4 miles down, used heart rate to set pace, 32 minutes and some change. onto brogability and other things, was going to deadlift today but fixing and cleaning the new dumpster fire car took a toll.

did'n't have one
1 coffee
maybe half a liter of water

12-16oz ribeye steak
2 eggs
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
2 lacroixes

leftover calories:
2 scoops of proton
maybe a whole bagbox of pepperidge farm farmhouse cookies.
catch up on water
Barfer ate whole bagbox of pepperidge farm farmhouse cookies.
This is what happened to his anus.

Cardio that takes legs completely out of it? Anything?

MRI is on Friday. I havent worked out in forever and I feel like absolute shit.
The Matrix Krankcycle is really good for that. A bit pricey, but occasionally you can catch a good sale.

There are some other options, some that have been around for decades, but that it the best of them.
I thought about that. Not sure my knee would like it. I guess you mean trying to only use arms?

Also not sure what the rules will be for that with covid
I thought about that. Not sure my knee would like it. I guess you mean trying to only use arms?

Also not sure what the rules will be for that with covid

You can swim with minimal kicking. I'm like a 95% arm swimmer :laughing Everything I have read says that pools are safe but locker rooms should be avoided. They haven't opened up the pools here yet. I will swim in the local out door pool when I can. Get well soon.
Pretty sore in the shoulder today. I did legs AND shoulders yesterday to catch up as it was supposed to be a rest day.

When we were drunk I was showing people my home gym setup and challenging them to do pullups. Two of the ladies were able to just about do 1 and my friend who is a cyclist and quite fit managed 2 lol.
pullups are their own thing entirely.

My 17yo can knock them out no big deal, but he's a skinny mofo. 5'11 and about 130 lol.

I'm short and fat. I struggle with 3 sets of 5
Yep, though one of them is like that, 5'11 and she teaches yoga. Very slim. She can do a ton of pushups but not pullups.
It's like most other athletic things, you can be really strong in one sport and completely fail in another. Same thing with something like pullups, if you haven't done them you probably won't be able to do many.
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