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Time to get Fit thread

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Ok so woke up, did my exercises, and drank a protein shake (2 scoops, banana, water, 2 TS of chia seeds and some berries).

Less than an hour later I am STARVING, like could easily eat a full meal. What should I be eating?
dont forget the $100 shorts, $150 shoes, $100 pedals, $100 helmet, $50 jersey, $20 gloves, $50 sunglasses, and $10 socks :D

when I first got into cycling, I bought a $500 bike off eBay and then spent just as much on gear :facepalm. and that was doing it on the cheap :laughing. thankfully good gear lasts a couple of years.

Buy nice or buy twice. Double all that and just get the best gear from the start. If not you'll be soon wishing you did and no money wasted.
Ok so woke up, did my exercises, and drank a protein shake (2 scoops, banana, water, 2 TS of chia seeds and some berries).

Less than an hour later I am STARVING, like could easily eat a full meal. What should I be eating?

Can’t go wrong with:

Lean meats (relatively)

What is your priority, losing fat or gaining muscle?
Ok so woke up, did my exercises, and drank a protein shake (2 scoops, banana, water, 2 TS of chia seeds and some berries).

Less than an hour later I am STARVING, like could easily eat a full meal. What should I be eating?
Usually when you're hungry so soon after eating, it's because you didn't give your body what it really wanted/needed.

That's been the key to many diets, especially those ones where they send you the food, they're providing what your body needs so you don't get the hunger, but if you're eating a lot of junk or an unbalanced meal, your body will still be craving building/rebuilding materials.
Usually when you're hungry so soon after eating, it's because you didn't give your body what it really wanted/needed.

That's been the key to many diets, especially those ones where they send you the food, they're providing what your body needs so you don't get the hunger, but if you're eating a lot of junk or an unbalanced meal, your body will still be craving building/rebuilding materials.

Was there something wrong with having a shake or was it just not enough? or what I ate last night?


I'm pretty trim right now so muscle building I guess
one of the purposes with shakes is that you ingest the calories FAST. because of that, you cant expect to stay feeling full for very long. without knowing more about the shake or your workout, id guess that feeling hungry 1hr later is pretty normal.

if you are good with calories in the shake and want to continue using them, id say you just need to get used to them. its forced portion control. you will be hungry, maybe to the point of discomfort. you'll have to deal with it.

if you dont care about shakes and want to not feel hungry, switch to non-blended food that has an appreciable amount of protein.

id guess that shake was <400Cal. thats kinda small for breakfast after exercising that morning.
You're right I just checked the package. 2 scoops is only 171 calories. A banana and some berries it's not that calorie heavy.
So these days I am feeling "lean and mean" on the edge of hunger a lot but it makes me really enjoy my food more and focus on energy and less on sugar cravings. I got used to it and can function but I really don't need to lose any weight now.

For lunch I am making a bagel sandwich with chicken and bacon (only bread I have right now)
dont forget the $100 shorts, $150 shoes, $100 pedals, $100 helmet, $50 jersey, $20 gloves, $50 sunglasses, and $10 socks :D

when I first got into cycling, I bought a $500 bike off eBay and then spent just as much on gear :facepalm. and that was doing it on the cheap :laughing. thankfully good gear lasts a couple of years.

The most important part about cycling is to look good. :cool
At least in your own head. :laughing
So true.

I find all I need to do is take the first actual step to doing anything.

My first couple classes were a success! So, in my class, no student is allowed to punch anything (not even the air), until they have proficient footwork and head movement. They want to hit bags so bad, but I don't let them. I made a "jab stick" which is a dowel and a foam ball at the end, and I use it to simulate punches coming at their heads. I also play "fighter dodgeball" where I make them stand up against a wall and I throw a tennis ball at them and they have to use headwork and foot movement to get out of the way.

Also, in my class, we teach character, so I've incorporated "mat chats" and we talk about the two components of being a great martial artist: skill proficiency in combat and 2) outstanding character. It isn't enough to be physically gifted.

I have three rules for combat 1) Don't get hit 2) Hit your opponent 3) Always be moving.

Starting everybody off with Peek-a-boo style of boxing to make keeping their hands up instinct.

I'm looking for young people I can groom to be champs. Not all will do it, but somewhere out there, I have a champion.


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I only feel fast going downhill. You guys crush it.


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Nice ride. Bonny Doon is such a fun descent. We were flying down it.


Yeah I really wanted to to make it all the way over to empire and loop back into town. One water bottle and no snacks put the brakes on that lol. Climbed as much as I could then turned around and bombed down back the way I came. Next time....
I'm under the weights for the first time in eight days, feels good after the time off.

This SIP shit has killed my normal workouts and eating schedule. Down 7 lbs now...gym opens up next Wed. Ffffuuuuuu!

The most important part about cycling is to look good. :cool
At least in your own head. :laughing

Awesome run UD. That's LEGIT!
Took Sunday off to see old friends.

Then see less old friends and have a few beers.

Got sunburned from sitting in the sun for a few hours. :facepalm

And... a few more beers and a couple bourbons left me burnt and hung over on Monday.

After one set of pushups it was fuck this. :laughing

220 or so push ups /80 squats at the office and Back at it tonight.

1-1/2 hours in the pool.

80 laps swam and 120 resistance sprints.
I am getting better at those technique wise.
Also found a little shallower made them harder.

And much more effective. By the time I got to 120 my calves were barking and felt like they were going to cramp swimming so I focused on the swim.

Felt good.

When I got out it felt like almost my entire body had a good pump. I was staggering :laughing

I felt fine just lit up.

Used googles!! Mucho better.

If my hair gets much longer a swim cap is next. :rofl
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4 miles down, brogability done and not lifting today (PT tomorrow).

1 liter of water
1 16oz coffee

16oz ribeye
2 cups of rice
2 eggs
1 broccoli
2 lacroixes

leftover calories:
2 scoops of protons
1 microwave pizza or 1 box of pepperidge farm cookies
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