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Time to get Fit thread

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This SIP shit has killed my normal workouts and eating schedule. Down 7 lbs now...gym opens up next Wed!

Me too. I am up 6-8 pounds of flab and one belt punch hole. Clubsport San Ramon opens up July 1 - just got the email.

TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020

My shoulders have evaporated due to asshole in Wuhan who ate a bat. So I started Jim Stoppani’s Boulders Shoulders routine tonight but varied since I have only one DB and one plate.

4x6 - DB Shoulder Press
2x20 - DB Shoulder Press


3x8 - DB Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise
3x10 - DB Lateral Raise


1x8 Seated DB Alternating Front Raise


1x8 - DB Bent Over Lateral Raise
2x8 - DB Seated Alternating Front Raise
2x10 - DB Bent Over Face Pull

1x40 - Push Up


• Bagel and Butter
• Viet Coffee
• 4 oz Turkey & 2 Slices Ezekiel
• Grapes
• Kippered Herring & 1 Slice Ezekiel
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Salmon filet & steamed Vaggies
• Strawberries
• Pro Shake


This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you...

Cal -1964
Pro - 126
Carb - 269 (fuck me)
Fat - 43
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The gym has been open 10 days and I've been in 8 times.

Great to be back in the swing of things getting back into full shape.
Eat shit Brett!!!!! I'm sooooo jealous right now!!!!!!!!!!

Dan, this SUCKS!!!
Cycled to the shop had my pedals swapped for my friend's and bought the tools to do it myself next time. Bike is pretty much my size as far as I can tell. Much more aggressive seating of course than my ebike
And done

- I did better than I thought. Though slow I did not need to stop because I ran out of energy

- My friend's Cannondale worked out great. It has 3 gear wheels so I had the granny gear for the uphill

1.5 hours on a bike flies by faster than 30 minutes running :)
And done

- I did better than I thought. Though slow I did not need to stop because I ran out of energy

- My friend's Cannondale worked out great. It has 3 gear wheels so I had the granny gear for the uphill

1.5 hours on a bike flies by faster than 30 minutes running :)
That's a nice start. :thumbup

My heart rate as almost always right around 135 bpm, seems to be par for bicycle riding.
My gym opens next Wednesday. But they will be on a reservation system.


Home Gym ☞ One 25-LB -█—█- and One 50-LB ☢

3x10 - Push Up
3x15 - DB Flye
3x15 - DB Incline Press
3x15 - DB Incline Flye
4x10 - DB Shoulder Press
4x10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x15 - DB Bent Over Lateral Raise
3x8 - Upright Row with Plate
2x10 - Close Grip Push Up
3x15 - DB OH Tri Extension
2x10 - Military Press with Plate


• Bagel w/Butter (bad habit)
• Orange
• 4 Hard Eggs
• 4 oz Chicken Breast
• Pro Shake
• 1 C Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 Tb Honey
• Orange
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Panda Express Chicken Teriyaki (no sauce) and Vaggies
• Strawberries
• 5.5 Oz Filet Mignon and 1/4 C Rice


CAL - 2181
PRO - 189
CARB - 172
FAT - 82
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I sent it to my dad who is 71 and going for his first big ride on his new bike tomorrow and he said if his heart hit 165 he'd pass out lol

It's like 92% of my "max" but I'm sure it didn't stay there that long.
I sent it to my dad who is 71 and going for his first big ride on his new bike tomorrow and he said if his heart hit 165 he'd pass out lol

It's like 92% of my "max" but I'm sure it didn't stay there that long.

What bike did he get?
Gave myself a time trial last night...

Still pushing for 100 laps in 60 minutes.

So passed on the in pool sprints and just swam.
Besides my legs were pretty sore.

80 Laps in 60 minutes. Got work to do...:laughing

Push ups at the office were checked off the list too.

Tonight I might just pound sprints and a few casual laps. :dunno
Does this ever happen to you?

I sometimes get "chills", but rarely, where my body shakes to the point of it hurting my muscles because they're tensing up. It happened yesterday after my ride just before bed, I had to crawl into bed and wrap myself in blankets to stop shivering.

Once it stopped, I seemed to be "too warm" suddenly. I slept ok and today feel great. Is it possible exercise can trigger that?


Edit: Internet says can be caused by low blood sugar
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Does this ever happen to you?

I sometimes get "chills", but rarely, where my body shakes to the point of it hurting my muscles because they're tensing up. It happened yesterday after my ride just before bed, I had to crawl into bed and wrap myself in blankets to stop shivering.

Once it stopped, I seemed to be "too warm" suddenly. I slept ok and today feel great. Is it possible exercise can trigger that?


Edit: Internet says can be caused by low blood sugar
Could also be caused by dehydration, if it gets bad enough.
You need to hydrate much more with cycle riding than running because you have much more air flow in the hot temps.
I used to do a lot of cycling. I rode Santa Teresa County park almost daily, and tried my hand in cyclocross racing, and even did the Sea Otter Classic MTB race some years ago. Done bunch of century rides, etc. over the past 15 years.

The most challenging ride I've done was we rode, completely self-supported on touring bikes, from Santa Cruz to Yosemite and back, camping along the way. We carried everything we needed, from food, cooking supplies to shelter. That ride was over 500miles total, because obviously we're not taking the freeway to get there, and limited highway cycling.

We were riding 60-80 miles a day and no less than 6000ft of climbing, daily.

We got real cocky when we saw that going through the Stockton area and the valley that 90 miles with 1,200 miles of elevation gain. We thought it was going to be smooth sailing - that was until the WIND hit us. The wind was way worse than any hill climb I've ever done.

I learned a lot about myself. The temperatures were gnarly and there were some roads that were so out in the apocalypse we had no way of knowing it was ever going to end. Serious, serious mind f*ck.

Anyway, don't cycle as much as I used to, but it's coo.
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Dehydration and electrolytes. Absolutely.


Happy: if you can deal with the taste (I actually like it) try some cold coconut water. Potassium is way beneficial to what you're doing and the electrolytes from coco water are way plentiful.
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