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Time to get Fit thread

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Dehydration and electrolytes. Absolutely.
Yeah. +1 on the electrolytes for the muscles tightening up.

Low electrolytes won't cause shaking, but definitely will cause cramping.

He very likely had both things going on at once.
An issue was after the ride I had zero appetite :(

This is not a real indicator of anything, but the shakes definitely is not good. Because your body can go without food for a LONG time - but the feeling of illness is not good. This thread is called the "Time to get fit thread" and it's all workout centric. But I say, fitness doesn't mean shit if the person isn't healthy. Elite athletes get sick all the time from overtraining. Your body reacting in a negative way outside of feeling sore or regular exhaustion is not a good sign.

I've dropped like 7 lbs since I started up with boxing again in the gym. I need electrolytes for that workout because it's grueling. I have an electrolyte mix (from Amazon), but old school Gatorade works VERY well. Also, you can get electrolyte drinks specific to cycling but it all works. You can even get the squirt-in type (the brand is Mio) from Safeway. It's all good.

Then I add salt.

Just regular table salt if I don't have Himalayan salt. It actually tastes kinda good, the sweet with the salt.

Straight water, if you're sweating too much can actually make it worse. I mean, of course, drink water, but for grueling sessions where you are sweating a lot, you need to replace the electrolytes lost, and drinking water, which also causes urination, can make it even worse, because you're losing it there, too.

When I did my bicycle tour, this was critical for survival. We were in some spots where it got up and over 100º, and the ambient temps coming from the asphalt was even more. We had to constantly salt-up, riding 60-80 miles a day in that heat was gnarly.
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No appetite can be indicator of dehydration.

The cycling industry has already "figured out" nutrition and hydration. On a warm day with hard effort, your goal should be 16oz per hour of a cycling mix that contains electrolytes and 100-200Cal + enough calories to get to 250Cal/hr. In cooler temps or lower efforts, you can reduce both water and calories. But you probably dont want to go below 8oz and 150Cal per hour.

Everyone that ive ridden with that "sucked" at cycling nutrition would start to lose performance around the 2hr mark. Even if we ate a light breakfast right before, only electrolyte tablets arent going to keep you feeling good after 2hrs and you will slow down.

If you want an electrolyte boost and/or cramp buster, try mustard packets, pickles, or pickle juice. Even if you dont like mustard or pickles, theyll be delicious when you really need those electrolytes.
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Good way to start the day. Doing a back workout now. I'll do the same run/hike this evening.


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Got my new joist mounted pullup bar. Seems pretty straight forward to install with a drill.


I've decided to get a Canyon aluminum 105 road bike if I go new, but a dude is selling a size M one locally for $2300 for a carbon one. I offered him $2k cash. If he comes back with a counter I'll probably get it as it's $3000 new.
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I used to do a lot of cycling. I rode Santa Teresa County park almost daily, and tried my hand in cyclocross racing, and even did the Sea Otter Classic MTB race some years ago. Done bunch of century rides, etc. over the past 15 years.

The most challenging ride I've done was we rode, completely self-supported on touring bikes, from Santa Cruz to Yosemite and back, camping along the way. We carried everything we needed, from food, cooking supplies to shelter. That ride was over 500miles total, because obviously we're not taking the freeway to get there, and limited highway cycling.

We were riding 60-80 miles a day and no less than 6000ft of climbing, daily.

We got real cocky when we saw that going through the Stockton area and the valley that 90 miles with 1,200 miles of elevation gain. We thought it was going to be smooth sailing - that was until the WIND hit us. The wind was way worse than any hill climb I've ever done.

I learned a lot about myself. The temperatures were gnarly and there were some roads that were so out in the apocalypse we had no way of knowing it was ever going to end. Serious, serious mind f*ck.

Anyway, don't cycle as much as I used to, but it's coo.

Proper. :thumbup
Yeah... Fucking wind. When I lived in Irvine I hated Santa Ana winds. It was so damn demoralizing.
Proper. :thumbup
Yeah... Fucking wind. When I lived in Irvine I hated Santa Ana winds. It was so damn demoralizing.
I've come to have attitude about the wind. Especially since it flips, in the wrong direction for me, around the time that I've gone part of the way, so I have to deal with it on the way back, almost as often as not. :laughing

Never really resented wind before. :laughing
Proper. :thumbup
Yeah... Fucking wind. When I lived in Irvine I hated Santa Ana winds. It was so damn demoralizing.

The closest I can to quitting the 70.3 was fighting the wind up Hwy 1. Turning around and having a tail wind was Nirvana.
Booked a session for next Friday at my climbing gym.

Though I have a feeling its all going to shut down again the way things are trending.
FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2020

5x20 - Push Up
1x20 - Close Grip Push Up
5x15/20 DB Shoulder Press
3x10 - DB Lateral Raise
1x10 - Military Press with Plate
1x10 - OH Tri Ext with Plate
3x10 - One Arm Row with Plate
5x20 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Bodyweight Lunge
2x20 - Sit Up
1x20 - V Up


• Orange
• Breakfast Burrito
• Thai Coffee
• Cherries
• Orange
• Kippered Herring & Slice of Ezekiel Sesame
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• 4 oz Ahi Tuna, Mandarin Oranges & Raw Spinach

May drink another pro shake.


CAL 1805
PRO 118
CARB 190
FAT 64
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I don’t know much but, I’m pretty sure the more you sleep the more you grow. Naps are glorious.
was out yesterday and today due to doctor's orders, will be back at it tomorrow most likely.

1 large coffee
1 liter of water
2 lagunitas IPAs
2-3 shots of whisky

3 popeyes spicy chicken sandwiches
4 lacroixes
2 coke zeros

remaining cals:
2 scoops of protons
4 pepperidge farm milano cookies
I changed it up last night.

Normal 200 plus push ups at the office.

Instead of swimming laps I just did sprints in the pool.

360 laps. A lap is just 6 strides. So about 2100 strides.

Took an hour.

I did 40 straight and then rest for a minute and another 40.

Good pump on the legs but the surprising part was my arms, shoulders and waste (obliques). Even my traps were tired.

This AM first thing I felt was my arms. Biceps are sore like I did major curls.

We’ll see what else feels sore as the day rolls out.
I changed it up last night.

Normal 200 plus push ups at the office.

Instead of swimming laps I just did sprints in the pool.

360 laps. A lap is just 6 strides. So about 2100 strides.

Took an hour.

I did 40 straight and then rest for a minute and another 40.

Good pump on the legs but the surprising part was my arms, shoulders and waste (obliques). Even my traps were tired.

This AM first thing I felt was my arms. Biceps are sore like I did major curls.

We’ll see what else feels sore as the day rolls out.
Sore can be good. It means that you went outside of your body's comfort zone. :thumbup

You're a beast, budman! An hour of hard swimming is one of the best full body workouts you can do.

About the only thing that could match is an hour of BJJ or wrestling.
A good sore feels good for sure.

Sort of feeling that like the old days of my youth. Pretty cool.

The focus is just keep going.

One thing is I was dropping weight during the SIP.
I was targeting 210 lbs. Saw 216 before I started swimming.
Then 218, 220.. now 222.. I am sure it is muscle because I have been eating healthy. Well.. I hope so :laughing

I need to drill down on the food a bit more and see what shakes.

I still want to fit in my 210lb leathers.
How many sets does it take to get to 200 pushups out of curiosity?


Once I get in better shape do I really need to wait a week between workouts of the same muscle groups?
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