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Time to get Fit thread

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How’s that lunch working out for you?

it actually doesn't bother me and is comparable to running fasted. if i eat anything that's not cookies/baked goods i have stomach cramps on my run, but cookies, candy bars, pastries, baked goods and alcohol are all fine for me on my runs :laughing
warm-up - Tabata:
Battle rope

Part 1 3 rounds of:
strict press - 55lbs x6
Bent over 25lb dumbbell row x10
hammer curl 20lbs - x10

Part 2
10 ring rows
15 exercise ball sit ups
x 3

10 banded lat pulls
15 exercise ball sit ups
warm-up - Tabata:
Battle rope

Part 1 3 rounds of:
strict press - 55lbs x6
Bent over 25lb dumbbell row x10
hammer curl 20lbs - x10

Part 2
10 ring rows
15 exercise ball sit ups
x 3

10 banded lat pulls
15 exercise ball sit ups


Go git it! :Port
Gym ain't gonna open on July 1. Ffffuuuu...

Gonna try a private facility and see how that works. This is lame.
Just put in my 13th day at the gym :banana

Getting back towards where I was before they closed it.
Thanks guys! I’ve been having to kind of wing it as I go which is annoying. I need to sit down and come up with a better routine.

Find out the results of my MRI tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!
3 miles and some change down. Walked about half a mile because my lumbar was a bit more sore than uncomfortable. Ran the last half mile at a pretty good clip. Onto brogability homework and fluff work (arms and mebbe abs).

1 large coffee
6 Pepperidge farm farmhouse
1 liter of water

16oz NY strip steak
1 broccoli
2 cups of rice
2 eggs

Leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
Hoping for good news Kim.

Just pushups for me today.

200 on the nose. Had 5 meetings invade my day.
Good chance to recover and hit it hard tomorrow.
warm-up - Tabata:
Battle rope

Part 1 3 rounds of:
strict press - 55lbs x6
Bent over 25lb dumbbell row x10
hammer curl 20lbs - x10

Part 2
10 ring rows
15 exercise ball sit ups
x 3

10 banded lat pulls
15 exercise ball sit ups



So my gym postponed their July 1 opening. To all the assholes who spread the ‘rona, thanks assholes!


Best UK Hits of 1982
(Padded shoulders, bitches!)

TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020

5x20 - Push Up
3x15 - DB Flye
3x15 - DB Incline Flye
3x15 - DB Incline Press
5x20 - Bodyweight Squat
5x30 Seconds - Jumping Jacks
3x15 - DB Curl
3x15 - DB Shoulder Press
3x15 - DB Lateral Raise
1x10 - OH Tri Press with Plate
3x15 - DB OH Tri Extension
3x10 - One Arm Row with Plate


• Bagel with Butter (bad habit, can’t break)
• Viet Coffee
• Breakfast Burrito (Cal 800 ~ P36 ~ C27 ~ F61)
• Handful of Peanuts
• Strawberries
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Vegetarian Fried Rice, Fried Egg, Sauteed Spinach
• Maybe more fruit later or a pro shake


Cal - 1647
Pro - 100
Carb - 115
Fat - 88
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Just put in my 13th day at the gym :banana

Getting back towards where I was before they closed it.

Find something else...the fuckage will probably last at least another 30 days.
4 miles down, made a terrible mistake today and ate two nature valley protein bars that have fiber additives or laxatives in them. i managed a really high pace for the first couple miles and got my heartrate up to 197BPM at one point. will do brogability as soon as my stomach stops hurting.

half a bag of flaming hot kettle chips
2 nature valley high protein cereal bars
1 liter of water
1 large coffee
2 coke zeros

16oz ribeye
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
Repeat of Monday.

About 10 minutes faster.

That was cool. Water in the ear had me on all fours though :laughing

Best of 1980s Playlist


3x20 - Calf Raise
2x20 - Push Up
1x20 - Lunge
3x10 - Norwegian Leg Thing
3x10 - DB Snatch
2x10 - DB Front Raise
3x10 - DB X-Over Raise
2x10 - Upright Row
5x20 - Leg Raise
5x15 - DB Wrist Curl
5x15 - DB Reverse Wrist Curl
5x15 - DB Forearm Twist


• Bagel with Butter
• Viet Coffee
• Pro Shake
• Cherries
• Strawberries
• 4 oz Chicken Breast
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Salmon Filet and Sauteed Spinach
• Grapes
• Handful of Peanuts
• Pro Shake


It’s 10:30. I’m tired. Macros probably suck ass. Happy?
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