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Time to get Fit thread

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Kydney stones were the most Godawful pain I ever experienced until my knee.

I'm having a hard time motivating today but gonna do it anyway.
I'm introducing something new into my meal prep, mini egg white omelettes. I fall down at the first meal so hoping having these suckers ready to heat and go will start the day off well.
Me too.

At my gym there’s a twenty-something petite girl who is in great shape. She is probably 5’3, 120. She deadlifts 135.

I remember a Puerto Rican girl that would squat 225. Perfectly proportioned, not a power lifter physique.

Yes she very much was.
Thanks for the info. I have a big gulp cup next to me filled with water. Passing a kidney stone was the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. Crashing at 70mph and sliding for 120’ has nothing on kidney stones. It’s not even comparable.

Kydney stones were the most Godawful pain I ever experienced until my knee.

I'm having a hard time motivating today but gonna do it anyway.
I'm introducing something new into my meal prep, mini egg white omelettes. I fall down at the first meal so hoping having these suckers ready to heat and go will start the day off well.

I hate reading these things. I randomly found out I had a kidney stone after I got an x-ray or whatever after a car accident. 6 to 7mm sitting pretty. hasn't moved yet. I am NOT looking forward to it. I asked my doc to give me emergency pain meds since I travel by air a lot and he gave me a handful of tramadol
Back when I had gained a lot of weight (to me) & my stomach became noticeably bigger & my pants started fitting tighter, I had to make a change. I had been kinda going to the gym, but I started going a lot more, and adding some cardio inbetween lifting days.

The biggest thing hands down though, was the food. I started using the myfitnesspal app to track everything I was eating, and also did a complete 180 on what I was eating. No more junk food everyday, just finding the healthiest stuff that tasted good and wasn't stupid expensive. Proper portions & then having a cheat day where I ate whatever the f I want & things were great. I went from about 215 to almost 180 in the span of about 3 months. It was super hard the first week or two, since my stomachs ecosystem had been drastically changed :laughing but after that, it was super motivating seeing the scale go down and down week after week.

So I'd have to say make sure you're active, but if you really want to lose weight, you have to watch what you eat and how much you eat. Everybody's body is different, though.
Back when I had gained a lot of weight (to me) & my stomach became noticeably bigger & my pants started fitting tighter, I had to make a change. I had been kinda going to the gym, but I started going a lot more, and adding some cardio inbetween lifting days.

The biggest thing hands down though, was the food. I started using the myfitnesspal app to track everything I was eating, and also did a complete 180 on what I was eating. No more junk food everyday, just finding the healthiest stuff that tasted good and wasn't stupid expensive. Proper portions & then having a cheat day where I ate whatever the f I want & things were great. I went from about 215 to almost 180 in the span of about 3 months. It was super hard the first week or two, since my stomachs ecosystem had been drastically changed :laughing but after that, it was super motivating seeing the scale go down and down week after week.

So I'd have to say make sure you're active, but if you really want to lose weight, you have to watch what you eat and how much you eat. Everybody's body is different, though.

Nailed it!!
I've been really struggling trying to get into the routine of getting up early to work out. I've been feeling defeated over it and am not sure what to do. i try to get to bed early and set my alarm but im alway too tired to rise and shine a wind up just staying in bed. I'm a fat fatty.

I work out evenings since I am not a fan of getting up early. That said, no matter when you decide to workout, make it part of your normal routine and consider it non-negotiable time set aside.

Also, nut up and just start the workout no matter how crappy/tired/whatever you feel like that day. Once you get going, your feel better and afterwards won't feel like a lazy twat.
I feel like a lazy twat today :cry

will hit the gym early afternoon. I want my shirts to not be tight.
Monday gym session in the books. Had a good lunch and decided to add to my calorie burn and mow the front and back yards. My husband will be happy :p
I’ve put on 25lbs in the last 3 months since breaking
My foot and sitting on my ass..I need to start working out
I’ve put on 25lbs in the last 3 months since breaking
My foot and sitting on my ass..I need to start working out

I totally feel you on this. I’m finally getting my broken Weight off.
Kind of bummed. Went to the gym started getting my groove on got to 7% incline and 3.1mph on the torture machine and about 20 minutes in got an after-hours call for work. After sorting them out there was no time left for the gym and had to head home. I was on a good pace had 100 calories burned in 20 minutes was going to try and hit 400 calories burned. Tomorrow is a new day and time to hit that 400 calorie goal.
Just got back from a week in Phuket. Daily swims in the ocean, daily runs on the beach. Watched what I ate. Then I caught ebola/ghonorhea/H1N1/SARs. Fever, cough, deathbed, lovely stomachache for my last 3 days. Local girl took care of me :cool Lost 9 pounds in 3 days. Back home for a week. Hit the gym. Still sick. Benched only the bar LOL At least i showed up. Hope to get back to normal routine this week. Carry on! Best thread ever.
I was at the gym earlier. The more often I go the more I realize that a lot of retards go to the gym.
Skinny dudes who spend more time posing in the mirror than lifting. Dudes with hoodies posing in the mirrors.
I need to find a gym with no mirrors.
I was at the gym earlier. The more often I go the more I realize that a lot of retards go to the gym.
Skinny dudes who spend more time posing in the mirror than lifting. Dudes with hoodies posing in the mirrors.
I need to find a gym with no mirrors.

I have a worse problem high school kids that stand around the machines/benches talking and not exercising taking pictures of each other to post.

There is one dude I call the Cajun Jesus in my head. If he spent half as much time working out at the gym instead of flipping his hair back and forth, talking to his friends at the desk and in the gym, he would be the next Schwarzenegger.
I rather dudes look in the mirror at themselves than at me or any of the ladies at the gym.

Had a big fat/buff dude hit on me while i was trying to lift weights. He was blad (shaved) wearing a white, wool knit, ralph lauren sweatshirt :wtf, a gold chain and black gym shorts. big upper body , and twigs for legs :laughing he literally made me take my earhpones out cause he was talking to me and i couldnt hear him. :rolleyes
I didn’t work out for a week and I’m down 4 lbs. Is that my muscle mass going away? I’m guessing it has to be as my measurements around the waist and hips are the same. Seems like a lot but at the same time I’ve never focused on muscles like I am this time around. Normally focus on overall fitness so I’m not certain how quickly muscle mass goes away.

Ordered a gallon jug today that has tick marks on it which indicate how much I should consume throughout the day. Screw you kidney stones! Never again!
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