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Time to get Fit thread

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If they don't ask you what kind of tires you have on your bike, that's a start to indicate that they aren't going to be very accurate.

I think that until they have force sensor's built into shoes to measure the force you're actually applying to the pedals, it's going to be a pretty inaccurate guess on how much work you're doing.

Powermeters have been around for a while in cycling, and in recent years with price dropping even more so. Doesn't need to be in the shoe, build in to a spider or on crank arm works also.
Powermeters have been around for a while in cycling, and in recent years with price dropping even more so. Doesn't need to be in the shoe, build in to a spider or on crank arm works also.
Damn. You guys have all the good toys for your sport! :laughing :thumbup
Yeah I was blown away by my friends who are serious cyclists who recently got Bluetooth pedals to send the power to their cycle computers
HR, body weight, and time are an ok way to guess calories burned. But ya it’s a guess that’s probably +/- 30% of the real value. If you had a power meter it’d be a lot better...

Time has the largest impact on calories. A lazy 3hr ride can burn more than an intense 2hr ride.

What do you mean “wasted”?
IMO if you are riding for performance, eat during any ride longer than 2hrs.

I mean "expended calories".
Well I found out one ride from about 2 mos ago.. 600+ calories--and yes, very guessed because I don't have a power monitor nor HR rate.. also with some lapses of GPS, plus I think I idled around/talked to someone during that ride.. but that's a lot of guessed-burned calories, and even with 30% "off", permit me if I'm feeling a little light headed and want some calories :laughing

see the attached graph if I manage to attach it in a second.. note Total ascent and Cal.. and a lot of time spent

so far from Clifbar, someother In-RealNut bar(the one with blue translucent line and nuts), or RX-Bar, I prefer the RX bars.. I guess I'll try some others. I'm pretty sure I need some nibs on many rides, I guess it's personal--maybe others require less nutrition.


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600Cal for 2hrs is light exercise, comparable to walking. That suggests the figure is way off - which I would have guessed since theres no HR data.
13.37 miles, nice :laughing

7.1 mph on a bike is a light pace with that kind of elevation isn't it?
13.37 miles, nice :laughing

7.1 mph on a bike is a light pace with that kind of elevation isn't it?

Yes, it is but I stop to eat donuts* and check on BARF real quick! ;)

Did another one with 10.8 mph average speed yesterday. I can't do more in a city I think :dunno and with 811 ft highest elevation..in city. :thumbup

All times and speeds are relatively imprecise in my case because it's a smartphone app in my pocket
TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020

5x30 - Bench Press with Plate on Floor
5x30 - DB Flye on Floor
5x20 - DB Snatch
3x25 - DB Incline Press on my Bed
3x20 - DB Incline Flye
8x10 - Jump Squat
4x10 - DB Seated Shoulder Press
4x15 - DB Lateral Raise


• Bagel with Butter
• Viet Coffee
• 3 Hard Eggs
• Kippered Herring & 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame
• Pro Shake
• Cherries & a Plum
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Sauteed Spinach & Salmon Fillet

More protein later(?).


CAL - 1924
P - 132
C - 132
F - 85
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3x15 - Jump Squat
3x12 -Nordic Reverse Quad Thing
10x10 - Push Up
3x15 - DB Front Squat
3x10 - DB Squat
3x15 - Glute Bridge (chicks love dudes w/tight asses)
3x10 - DB Romanian DL
5x14 - Bodyweight Squat
4x20 - Calf Raise
4x10 - Lunge
3x10-15 - Crunch


• 3 Eggs and 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame
• 2 Plums
• Pro Shake
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt & 1T Honey
• Ham & Cheese Croissant & Small Coke
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Sauteed Spinach & 4 oz Ahi Tuna Steak
• Pro shake


CAL - 1766
PRO - 138
FAT - 57
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After massively over working myself (took a couple days off)

Last night..I swam 60 laps and did 300 UW punches.

60 minutes seems like the right call.. that 1:45 put a hurt on me..:laughing
Now that I'm forced out of the gym, once again, I'm back to home exercise.
I spent an hour teaching my son to box on the heavy bag. He's a natural, he quickly picked up the difficult mechanics of a good, quick effective hook, in addition to other basic punches. We're going to do this 5 days a week. With his natural speed he should be able to handle any issues at school with just about anybody if it ever becomes an issue.
Question for the real cyclists here. What should I know before I buy a trainer. My foot surgery is probably 2-4 weeks out and I'm am thinking about rehab. Hoping to be able to do some light pedaling as soon as possible following the 6 weeks in a cast. I see ton of used trainers on Craig's List. What should I be looking for?
Question for the real cyclists here. What should I know before I buy a trainer. My foot surgery is probably 2-4 weeks out and I'm am thinking about rehab. Hoping to be able to do some light pedaling as soon as possible following the 6 weeks in a cast. I see ton of used trainers on Craig's List. What should I be looking for?

Well what do you want to do with it, and what's your budget?
Generally speaking turbo (air) trainers are louder then fluid ones.
There is direct drive vs wheel one. The wheel ones are cheaper, but they wear out the tire faster.
Also I think direct drive ones are all smart trainers. Which is a whole new level of possibilities and $$.

The wheel drive ones clamp on on to rear skewer, and you would need a bulkier one so it clamps on nicely and doesn't damage it.

Honestly if it's only for 6 weeks I can loan you either my old fluid one, or feedback sport "rollers" I bought to bring to races this year. Used once before everything got shut down. :laughing
Thanks UD. Let me be more clear. I will be in a cast for 6 weeks. After that rehab may take about a year. Try not to get your major ankle bones chopped on if you can kids. Anyway, I'm looking for a trainer for that rehab period. I want to be able to get some "rides" in after dark or when the weather is crap this winter. I don't think I need to much fancy data logging but if I can afford it used and its useful, why not? I'm totally ignorant here so if there is a video or article to read about trainers that you can recommend I'm all for it.

this is more than I want to spend...

This seems more reasonable

but again im totally ignorant here. soooo??
Thanks UD. Let me be more clear. I will be in a cast for 6 weeks. After that rehab may take about a year. Try not to get your major ankle bones chopped on if you can kids. Anyway, I'm looking for a trainer for that rehab period. I want to be able to get some "rides" in after dark or when the weather is crap this winter. I don't think I need to much fancy data logging but if I can afford it used and its useful, why not? I'm totally ignorant here so if there is a video or article to read about trainers that you can recommend I'm all for it.

this is more than I want to spend...

This seems more reasonable

but again im totally ignorant here. soooo??

Ah ok. I can give you the fluid trainer one, and spare wheel. Honestly they are just collecting dust right now. I have smart trainer for every day training, and the action sport "rollers" for taking to races.

Well that computrainer belongs in a junk yard.
The other one yeah it's a descent fluid trainer.

One good thing about smart trainers is that they make being on a trainer much more bearable. With old dumb trainer I was loosing it after an hour. Now I can do up to 3hours. Although it only works if you can use zwift, and can be in front of a descent size screen. There are also training programs you can use that work with smart trainers. TrainerRoad is pretty good one. With their platform you get access to training files that will control your smart trainer. Downside with TR it doesn't integrate with Zwift or TrainingPeaks. So kind of PITA to use if you want to be in a virtual world like zwift.

Now what does that mean? Smart trainers can simulate resistance. So for example if your training program says do 200W, it will hold it at that. So really nice for repeatable training with much less junk miles.

When you connect it to virtual world like zwift then it can simulate hills. So going up a hill resistance will go up, going down resistance will go down. Making it more realistic.

If you just want to put around to keep legs moving then old fashioned fluid trainer is more then enough.
I think for my level of seriousness the old fashioned fluid trainer would be a good start. I'm sure its kinda boring but, for rehab purposed moving for an hour is probably all I can hack anyway.

YOU have PM....
If you have a BT wheel speed sensor, you can run Zwift with a regular non-smart turbo trainer. Name brand trainers have known resistance curves. Zwift can use that w the sensor to play.

I have a fluid trainer. I’ve used it 4x. So ya, don’t buy one. Borrowing someone’s is a good idea.

I’d guess that if you can ride a trainer, you can ride outside. Just leave the damaged ankle clipped in all the time.
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Question for the real cyclists here. What should I know before I buy a trainer. My foot surgery is probably 2-4 weeks out and I'm am thinking about rehab. Hoping to be able to do some light pedaling as soon as possible following the 6 weeks in a cast. I see ton of used trainers on Craig's List. What should I be looking for?

Damn. I must’ve missed an earlier post. Sorry to hear. Injuries suck ass. I hope
you recover quickly and back to 100% :thumbup
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