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Time to get Fit thread

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So what's the science behind the power and speed cyclists get despite being super skinny? I know there is a power to weight ratio where they are the fastest / strongest, but how are they (and also marathon runners) able to maintain such endurance and power with such small muscles?

In short, elite cyclists can metabolize way more oxygen than mortals - nearly double. vO2 max is the measurement of oxygen consumed per kg per minute. A sedentary person during exercise can consume ~35 ml/kg/min. An avg fit person, maybe high 40s to low 50s. The best elite cyclists are high 80s to low 90s. This value implies some extra strength per kg. But the main result is that they can perform at that level for far longer.

Dont mix up strength and power. Those skinny elite cyclists arent that strong. They are likely nowhere close to weightlifting records per kg. And even their max instantaneous power probably isn't that impressive when compared to sprinters or track cyclists (the guys with more mass). Its their long duration numbers that are off the charts. The effort they can expend for 1hr, 1 day, 3 weeks is absolutely insane. Their 1hr power is higher than my 1min power. And its all because they can feed their muscles by metabolizing all that oxygen.
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are there examples of 80/90? holy shit lol. 55+ for fighters puts you on a drug testing watch list.
So what's the science behind the power and speed cyclists get despite being super skinny? I know there is a power to weight ratio where they are the fastest / strongest, but how are they (and also marathon runners) able to maintain such endurance and power with such small muscles?
The elite endurance athletes are the opposite side of the scale from the elite sprint athletes. They have a very high slow twitch to fast twitch muscle fibers (that ratio is what you're born with, you can't change the ratio) and the level of mitochondria in their cells is much higher than in fast twitch cells. This allows their cells to convert oxygen at a higher rate than people with a lower ratio, leading to a higher potential VO2 max. It also allows them to break down the lactic acid better than people who have more fast twitch muscles. Instead of binding up the muscles with acid build-up, the mitochondria utilize the lactic acid for additional energy up to the point where they can't absorb any more.

Just as some people are just born able to run faster, some are just born able to run or ride further at a faster pace. It's genetics.
To be fair, the elite sprinters in the TourDeFrance still make it over the same miles & same mountains as the skinny guys that win, in roughly the same time as well. Plus they recover well enough to fight for a win on the final day. In the grand scheme of things they are still very much endurance athletes.

If you want to get to real fast twitch sprint cyclists, you got to look at Olympic track athletes. Their legs look like this :laughing
To be fair, the elite sprinters in the TourDeFrance still make it over the same miles & same mountains as the skinny guys that win, in roughly the same time as well. Plus they recover well enough to fight for a win on the final day. In the grand scheme of things they are still very much endurance athletes.

If you want to get to real fast twitch sprint cyclists, you got to look at Olympic track athletes. Their legs look like this...

Robert Förstemann is even more of a freak than those.

200 push ups office style.

85 minutes in the pool

60 laps / 300 UW punches /topped off with 20 UW sprints which lit my quads and calves up.

Doing them at the end already had my legs well used so bonus pump. :cool.

Food why not

OJ / Coffee / small egg and veggie burrito

Chips / Turkey Sammich/ Banana

Coffee cup of chunky peanut butter / Banana

I will wake up hungry which is good.
Small bike ride today, 12.8 mph/avg (higher now)speed in-city--just for dagle!
Man, maybe I should get onto that curved handlebars and cleated pedals train someday

Lunch : fried chik + rice

dinner: soup , frozen pizza slice, salad, 1 scoop "One Bar" and Belching Beaver Peanut Butter Stout :staRang

Opportunity missed to draw a dickbut. :p

oohzzz.. you dident!!!!1 to be continued..
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^you had pizza and beer? ... is that the cheat day thing..

i tried to eat some salmon, but it was gross.

gonna try stretching and walking tomorrow.
^ooohz so that's what I've been doing wrong.. it's not just old bones and stretched aching ligaments?

no, it's the iffy cook day... plus a Peanut Butter Stout is delish after a meal. Makes me skip the chunky peanut butter / Banana or Chunky Monkey that others ^ are talking about..
Feel around for a bump, if you find something press lightly and cough, just like at the doc's.

As for the 20lbs, whoa. Awesome Mike! Diet is so key, and a lot harder to maintain than training.

it's a start.

I have 20 more to go.
Quick workout last night to keep momentum. Forgot to post so here you go:


3x10 - DB Curl
3x15 - DB Shoulder Press
3x10 - Bodyweight Squat


• Two donuts :twofinger
• Filet mignon and Rice
• Grapes
• Cashews
• Two bean Tacos, 10 Fried Won Ton
• Two Plums
• 3 Shots Tequila
• 3 Tequilas and Fresca


Most likely hideous AF!
Flat bench today after a good row, I'll have a brutal trail run later too. The stick I'm using to beat ageing into submission grows. Oh, and I'm twenty one years sober today so have a drink on me!


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