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Time to get Fit thread

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I got my 5 mile run in Sunday and shot hoops for a bit. Slacked Monday. I will have to hit it hard at home today to make up for it. I'm feeling soft. weight has crept up just a little from a steady 168 to 171. Beer and tacos with the neighbors was nice on Saturday but its time to get with it again.
I didn’t work out for a week and I’m down 4 lbs. Is that my muscle mass going away? I’m guessing it has to be as my measurements around the waist and hips are the same. Seems like a lot but at the same time I’ve never focused on muscles like I am this time around. Normally focus on overall fitness so I’m not certain how quickly muscle mass goes away.

Ordered a gallon jug today that has tick marks on it which indicate how much I should consume throughout the day. Screw you kidney stones! Never again!

Muscle mass doesnt go away in a week, in fact you should probably be taking a deload week every few months or so. Thats water weight from all the water retention your muscle keeps when you work out. https://www.livestrong.com/article/530560-do-you-weigh-more-the-day-after-strength-training/
Ughh feeling horribly wasted this morning. Did a long 60 minute 7% incline walk last night for a 350 calorie burn and then did about 6 sets of squats and about 5 sets of calf raises. It hurt so bad going up the stairs to my office. It's probably not helping that for some reason my sleep cycle is all messed up. I have been going to bed around the same time but it's like if I am feeling sleepy and don't fall asleep in like 10 minutes I get wired and it takes me a good hour to finally zonk out.

Think I will take today off to recover and do some yard work as the front needs to be sprayed again with a long term weedkiller. Going to try and hit the sack early tonight and see if I can catch up on some ZZZZ's.
I have a body composition scale at home. Its not accurate but good to see any trends. According to my weigh in this morning for May, Ive lost 5.5lbs of body fat, gained 2.3lbs of muscle. Which means Ive lost 3 overall pounds.

Again not 100% accurate with determining body fat and muscle mass. But that 3lbs down is accurate. :banana
I rather dudes look in the mirror at themselves than at me or any of the ladies at the gym.

Had a big fat/buff dude hit on me while i was trying to lift weights. He was blad (shaved) wearing a white, wool knit, ralph lauren sweatshirt :wtf, a gold chain and black gym shorts. big upper body , and twigs for legs :laughing he literally made me take my earhpones out cause he was talking to me and i couldnt hear him. :rolleyes

This is why I am grateful for the luxury of a home gym. I fucking hate it when the sweaty guys start jockin me.

In all seriousness Kim I get it. I have buddies who talk about the girls the see and try to talk to at the gym and I always tell them they strike out because I dont believe women don't go to they gym to meet men.
Plus, gyms flat out stink. The humidity from other people's sweat and breath is intolerable.
This is why I am grateful for the luxury of a home gym. I fucking hate it when the sweaty guys start jockin me.

In all seriousness Kim I get it. I have buddies who talk about the girls the see and try to talk to at the gym and I always tell them they strike out because I dont believe women don't go to they gym to meet men.

and I had my wedding ring on! :facepalm

I like the gym i go to now. consists of mostly women and of the few guys that go to class are usually the coaches just getting a work out in.Tthe biggest class so far was 6 people. So its nice. it doesnt feel weird when they tell me to stick my ass out further :laughing
... I have buddies who talk about the girls the see and try to talk to at the gym and I always tell them they strike out because I dont believe women don't go to they gym to meet men.

Agree. I’ve been told by female friends that they don’t like getting approached in the gym.
I rather dudes look in the mirror at themselves than at me or any of the ladies at the gym.

Had a big fat/buff dude hit on me while i was trying to lift weights. He was blad (shaved) wearing a white, wool knit, ralph lauren sweatshirt :wtf, a gold chain and black gym shorts. big upper body , and twigs for legs :laughing he literally made me take my earhpones out cause he was talking to me and i couldnt hear him. :rolleyes

Is there a good or at least acceptable way to hit on a woman in the gym? Never tried, don't intend to. But curious...
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Hey Budgie, Watch out for your ticker and don't try to do too much too soon man. A Dr's guidance would probably be useful for you.
Thanks for the the heads up

I was back to work 2 weeks after my heart attack digging trenches lol
And I work as a butcher so I’m always lifting 80lb boxes of meat..
quit my butcher job 6 months ago to make handpans full time
That’s how I had the heart attack hammering on a piece of steel with a 8lb sledge hammer ..I upgraded to air hammers after that..

I’m just going to do some walking and on the bike nothing to crazy..it’s taking my foot for ever to heal..it’s been 3 months

I started this the other night lol this is a workout got the wife to drive me
Out to my workshop can’t even ride my bike..I’ll tune
Up over the next few days


Hey Budgie, Watch out for your ticker and don't try to do too much too soon man. A Dr's guidance would probably be useful for you.
This is why I am grateful for the luxury of a home gym. I fucking hate it when the sweaty guys start jockin me.

In all seriousness Kim I get it. I have buddies who talk about the girls the see and try to talk to at the gym and I always tell them they strike out because I dont believe women don't go to they gym to meet men.

The sleaze factor is my number one complaint of "gym culture." When a person, usually a woman, has ear buds on and is trying to get fit and busting their ass, THEY DON'T WANT TO BE FUCKING HIT ON! I am boarder line antisocial in the gym.
how do you guys run for any amount of time. any time I try to start running my shins and joints get demolished and its just a nasty cycle of starting and stopping.

what are the secrets to running regularly on a treadmill? It's held me back so much, my entire life. Even when playing basketball my shins/joints get smokt
how do you guys run for any amount of time. any time I try to start running my shins and joints get demolished and its just a nasty cycle of starting and stopping.

what are the secrets to running regularly on a treadmill? It's held me back so much, my entire life. Even when playing basketball my shins/joints get smokt

So, I have pretty serious ankle problems. Lots of arthritis and limited range of motion. I have just very recently been able to jog for a distance of more than a mile or two (I'm up to 5 miles once a week). I'm not an expert but for me, taking small steps, thinking consciously about softly placing each foot on the ground heel first, rolling my foot to the toe and lifting it off the ground again has helped. I still have pain in my ankles. It still takes me about a mile to "warm them up" to the point of being able to take a longer more powerful stride. But carefully THINKING about how I put my foot on the ground and being as gentile as I can has helped. I use some pretty cushy shoes and probably should run on softer surfaces, its been all asphalt so far, but the effort to run consciously has helped me be able to do more than I ever have.

try running jogging slower and more deliberately on something softer, a local high school track maybe, and very slowly work your way up. Shin splints are a killer and definitely a red flag that you need to do something different.

I am probably the least qualified person to give advise on how to run. I'm figuring it out too. Just want to share what has worked a bit for me.
how do you guys run for any amount of time. any time I try to start running my shins and joints get demolished and its just a nasty cycle of starting and stopping.

what are the secrets to running regularly on a treadmill? It's held me back so much, my entire life. Even when playing basketball my shins/joints get smokt

Your shins like you get shin splints?

The right shoes and a shit ton of stretching before, during, and after the run. I also bought this metal roller that has a hot/cold core that I’d used to massage up and down my shin splints. I got to the point where I could run 3 miles without stopping. But man do I dislike running. Most I ever did was 4.5 miles and it was torturous.

Also treadmill for running just sucks and IMO not a great idea for longer runs. I’d suggest trail or going out for a run.
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