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Time to get Fit thread

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Start training? :p
Are you looking for a plan or something?
I think trainerroad has some tri plans.

Yeah, just kind of interested in anyone's story of doing it for the first time. There is a triathlon group here in S.C. that I will probably work with a bit if I decide to go for it. AS of today I'm leaning towards doing it.
Yeah, just kind of interested in anyone's story of doing it for the first time. There is a triathlon group here in S.C. that I will probably work with a bit if I decide to go for it. AS of today I'm leaning towards doing it.

Just sign up set it as a goal and train for it. The whole "leaning towards", "thinking of doing it" gives you an out, and just encourages procrastination. "Oh I'll start training next monday!" Worst case you pull out early, gain experience and be out 400 bucks or so.
Big thing in long endurance events are pacing and nutrition. By the time you start feeling effects of not eating enough it's pretty much too late.
Little blondie personal trainer at the gym the other day squatting 250. She was complaining the next day thought about her legs being in pain.
She's probably taking creatine :x
Just sign up set it as a goal and train for it. The whole "leaning towards", "thinking of doing it" gives you an out, and just encourages procrastination. "Oh I'll start training next monday!" Worst case you pull out early, gain experience and be out 400 bucks or so.
Big thing in long endurance events are pacing and nutrition. By the time you start feeling effects of not eating enough it's pretty much too late.

Thanks. What I really need to know is how much time per week do I need to dedicate to training for a 1/2 iron man? It's about 3.5 months out so if it looks like I can make the time I need every week to train for it i'm in. Do I need 5 hrs per week? 10? 15? The triathlon group here im going to contact here should help me with that. I'm hoping some of yall might be able to chime in too. I will have a partner to train with so that is a big plus.
Thanks. What I really need to know is how much time per week do I need to dedicate to training for a 1/2 iron man? It's about 3.5 months out so if it looks like I can make the time I need every week to train for it i'm in. Do I need 5 hrs per week? 10? 15? The triathlon group here im going to contact here should help me with that. I'm hoping some of yall might be able to chime in too. I will have a partner to train with so that is a big plus.

Impossible to tell without knowing your current fitness, and your goals.
And as I mentioned check out TrainerRoad. They have tri plans, and run podcast where they answer questions.
I raced against one of them, and dude is strong. So I think their plans work if you stick to the .
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Hey, anyone here do a triathlon? I'm kicking around the idea of trying to do a 1/2 ironman in about 4 or 5 months time. Input welcome.

lookie here....


Yeah, that's a fun one to do :thumbup

For the swim, focus more open water swimming and sighting. Two months out from the race, try to join up with any of the groups also training for the race. They meet Sat or Sun, 8:00am-ish, at the bathrooms at Cowell's Beach, and they go around the pier. Just don't freak out when the curious seals and sea lions swim underneath you.

For the ride, practice long periods in the tucked position, because it is basically an out-and-back on Hwy 1. Depending on when you start the bike portion, it can get pretty breezy...crosswinds and headwinds, to go along the numerous rollers (hills).

The run is mostly flat, so you shouldn't have too much problem, but it does transition from asphalt to gravel, and back.

The finish is on the beach in front of the boardwalk. Run along the water line, as the sand is much firmer... but feel free to run among the sunbathers, as well.

Training commitment will be around 10-15 hours/week, depending on your fitness. Focus on your weaknesses. By race time, you should be comfortable swimming for an hour, biking for 4 hours, and running for 3 hours.
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^ Thanks bootsy. That's what I was looking for.

For clarity, I have no illusions about being competitive. I just want to finish it in a respectable 1st timer time.
Forty minutes rowing and a forty five minute trail run with 600 feet of elevation. Mellow day because I'm a tubby little bitch (woke up and ate half a box of cereal with half and half instead of milk last night at 11:30).

I will punish myself suitably tomorrow.
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The sleaze factor is my number one complaint of "gym culture." When a person, usually a woman, has ear buds on and is trying to get fit and busting their ass, THEY DON'T WANT TO BE FUCKING HIT ON! I am boarder line antisocial in the gym.

That’s one reason I work out at home.
Yeah, that's a fun one to do :thumbup

For the swim...

Any tips on improving my breathing technique during free style?

I tend to take big gulps of air and then exhale quickly resulting in hyperventilating (?).

I have no idea wtf to do. Help.
I work out evenings since I am not a fan of getting up early. That said, no matter when you decide to workout, make it part of your normal routine and consider it non-negotiable time set aside.

Please say you're not at 24 Whore...the new one in WC!

I feel like a lazy twat today :cry

will hit the gym early afternoon. I want my shirts to not be tight.

Fitness goals are pretty funny...many of the guys WANT their shirts to be tight!

I'm rushing through a back workout while I write this, listening to Fu Manchu ""Godzilla's/Eatin Dust+4" and trying to stay stoked in my terrible mind.



I’ve put on 25lbs in the last 3 months since breaking
My foot and sitting on my ass..I need to start working out

I lost 2 since taking 5 days off. Fuggin water...

I was at the gym earlier. The more often I go the more I realize that a lot of retards go to the gym.
Skinny dudes who spend more time posing in the mirror than lifting. Dudes with hoodies posing in the mirrors.
I need to find a gym with no mirrors.

And people always on their phones. H-A-T-E.

There is one dude I call the Cajun Jesus in my head. If he spent half as much time working out at the gym instead of flipping his hair back and forth, talking to his friends at the desk and in the gym, he would be the next Schwarzenegger.

Hahaha! I love that you have names too...I have so many names for people in my gym/ life that they know nothing about.

In all seriousness Kim I get it. I have buddies who talk about the girls the see and try to talk to at the gym and I always tell them they strike out because I dont believe women don't go to they gym to meet men.

Most everybody is checking everybody out there...mostly girls checking girls and guys checking girls and guys. I'm the head-down type...get in, get out, get the hell out of my way. Not a big conversationalist at the weight market.

Is there a good or at least acceptable way to hit on a woman in the gym? Never tried, don't intend to. But curious...

No, not a good way. If you're regular, you all kinda know each other, but stay out of the way of each other. That's the best it gets (thank god). You'll run into people on the street every great once in awhile, but that's about it...
I hate being on call for work. I was in the middle of my treadmill work and got a call that someone needed help. So stopped my workout halfway through and got on the phone with them and was able to walk them through looking at the issue so I didn't have to drive the 15 minutes home to do it but it seems like the 15 minute break I took caused my muscles to cool down to the point it was difficult to resume the groove on the treadmill. So I got in 20 more minutes on the treadmill before I gave it up. Went downstairs and hit the weights. Did machine squats and some calf raises. Then I said fuck it and did some lightweight machine bench presses, triceps and some severely lightweight bicep curls just to kind of see where my lower limits were right now. Didn't want to screw up my shoulder or bicep before the doctor gave me the okay but just treadmill and leg work was driving me crazy.

Am I the only one having issues going to the grocery store right now? I go into the grocery store and every sweet, salty or fatty food I see is giving me hunger pangs. I just want to buy a bag of chips and eat that sweet, oily, salty crunchy mess all in one sitting. I hate craving junk food now that I am trying to be healthy.
I have a can of Planter Heart Healthy Nut mix at my desk that I snack on but doesn't have the same appeal as say a bag of chips with green onion dip or that maple covered bar donut I see on occasion. dammit, I am thinking it is time to go downstairs and get my 6oz of chicken I am making myself hungry.
I have a can of Planter Heart Healthy Nut mix at my desk that I snack on but doesn't have the same appeal as say a bag of chips with green onion dip or that maple covered bar donut I see on occasion. dammit, I am thinking it is time to go downstairs and get my 6oz of chicken I am making myself hungry.

Give it some time. The less I eat that stuff the less I want or crave it. Have 1/2 the amount of junk food you normally would. Then forget about it and get your work out in.
Most everybody is checking everybody out there...mostly girls checking girls and guys checking girls and guys. I'm the head-down type...get in, get out, get the hell out of my way. Not a big conversationalist at the weight market.

I was the same in the gym. Headphones in not paying attention to anybody. I have actually been told by people that they saw me at the gym and I had no idea cause I don't care bout other people when I'm there.

But I have a home gym now so fuck going to the gym elsewhere.
I have my own gear at home but I find that after the hassle of going to the gym I'll usually work out longer when I get there than I would at home. They also have better equipment so I'm not doing the same routine I'd be doing at home.
Eating a cookie as I post this :shame
Give it some time. The less I eat that stuff the less I want or crave it. Have 1/2 the amount of junk food you normally would. Then forget about it and get your work out in.

My biggest issue is that I tend to hit the store on the way home from the gym so I am usually feeling some hunger at that time and when you are hungry everything looks good. I am pretty good at fighting it off and then go home and have my before bedtime chocolatey protein shake.
Hungry grocery shopping is deadly. The only bigger issue for me is late night munchie eating. I have used WAY less cannabis in order to get my diet and weight where I want them. I am boarder line powerless to munchies. Nothing good happens in the kitchen past 8 pm.
^ tell me more about eating cereal please. I LOVE non sugar cereals with fruit. Like LOVE, LOVE eating that. I cut it out almost completely, should I?
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