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Time to get Fit thread

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Brah, I own the gym.

On that note, just posted my "week three of six" pic to Insta (197lbs @ 10.4% BF). I think it's going to take more like twelve weeks to get where I want to be. Shoulder rehab is slow but sure.

2x 20 minute row sessions.
50 minute weighted (48lbs.) run with 500ft. elevation.
14 sets to failure (6-11 reps) on the incline bench.

1 salmon
1 chicken
1lb spinach and kale
1 14oz box of Cheerios
1 half gallon 1% milk

Somebody post "pics or it didn't happen." I dare you.
I was 202lbs right before Thanksgiving. Ooof.

I changed my diet and started working out 4 days a week.

I was super strict on my diet (very low carbs) for about 6 weeks to drop weight quickly, and then began moving carbs back into my diet slowly until I found the level needed for maintenance. I stay below 100mg a day of carbs during the week, and am less restrictive over the weekend. I can sustain this.

For cardio I do the elliptical machine or stairmaster. My leg doesn't like the repeated pounding of running all the time. I can run for a day, but need to take a day off to rest it. So, the lack of pounding from the elliptical works for me. I set it to level 13 (whatever the fuck that means) and go for 25 minutes until I'm drenched in sweat. Then I lift weights for about 25 minutes. I do this 4x a week (usually).

I've dropped 30ish pounds of fat and put on 10ish bounds of muscle.

I'd like to get a little leaner if I can. I'm going to be (gulp) 50 this year and would like to have my best ever body when I turn the big 5 - 0.
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Brah, I own the gym.

On that note, just posted my "week three of six" pic to Insta (197lbs @ 10.4% BF). I think it's going to take more like twelve weeks to get where I want to be. Shoulder rehab is slow but sure.

2x 20 minute row sessions.
50 minute weighted (48lbs.) run with 500ft. elevation.
14 sets to failure (6-11 reps) on the incline bench.

1 salmon
1 chicken
1lb spinach and kale
1 14oz box of Cheerios
1 half gallon 1% milk

Somebody post "pics or it didn't happen." I dare you.
I'm picturing you just grabbing a live salmon and taking a bite of it.
For cardio I do the elliptical machine or stairmaster. My leg doesn't like the repeated pounding of running all the time. I can run for a day, but need to take a day off to rest it. So, the lack of pounding from the elliptical works for me. I set it to level 13 (whatever the fuck that means) and go for 25 minutes until I'm drenched in sweat. Then I lift weights for about 25 minutes. I do this 4x a week (usually).
I bought some really nice Asics running shoes and couldn't wait to try them out. After about a week or so at the gym on the treadmill, I found that my feet hurt and it was painful to walk the next day. I thought it was just being out of shape but then after a few weeks I was like it should still not be this bad so last night I used my old broke down Nikes and today no foot pain. So next week when I am out and about where there are nicer sporting good stores here I am going to buy some different insoles and see if that corrects the issue.
I would look at your footwear if your lower body is taking a pounding. I have found that good quality shoes can take a lot of stress off the lower limbs when running and the wrong ones can make it worse.
But I have a home gym now so fuck going to the gym elsewhere.

All you richies in dis' thread...

Nothing good happens in the kitchen past 8 pm.


^ tell me more about eating cereal please. I LOVE non sugar cereals with fruit. Like LOVE, LOVE eating that. I cut it out almost completely, should I?

It's all about night cereal (trademarked)!

Brah, I own the gym.

Even worse! Don't tell me you have those "no cell phone, no yoked" signs. OR please tell me you do. Can't wait to see the place, Beau!
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Hahahahaha! 24hr fatness! Thanks Mike!!!!!
Was there a fat gremlin Berto?

Got my run in. Longest run yet. I think it may have been a little over 6 miles.

Celebrating with a bowl of joes o's and raspberries. W00t!
I belong to 24 hour fitness. The gym has changed for the better in the last 7 years. For $29/month I doubt I can do better.

Tried on my Aerostich. it's about 1 1/2 inches from being comfortable in the waist. I can get it on, zipped and buttoned but can't breathe :laughing

For me it's more about what I put in my mouth. Bread makes me bloat so I avoid and get my carbs from veggies.

Stress is killing me and for spome freaking reason without any change in intake or exercise stress makes me bloat.

The tiny aerostich is my motivator right now.
The tiny aerostich is my motivator right now.

I have some t-shirts that I will wear periodically that provide the same inspiration. I hate wearing them because they are tight in all the wrong places and show off the spare tire I have in case of a flat on the freeway.
I have some t-shirts that I will wear periodically that provide the same inspiration. I hate wearing them because they are tight in all the wrong places and show off the spare tire I have in case of a flat on the freeway.

yep, that's me, when your belly is bigger tan your boobs it's time to get a hold of yourself.
So, I have pretty serious ankle problems. Lots of arthritis and limited range of motion. I have just very recently been able to jog for a distance of more than a mile or two (I'm up to 5 miles once a week). I'm not an expert but for me, taking small steps, thinking consciously about softly placing each foot on the ground heel first, rolling my foot to the toe and lifting it off the ground again has helped. I still have pain in my ankles. It still takes me about a mile to "warm them up" to the point of being able to take a longer more powerful stride. But carefully THINKING about how I put my foot on the ground and being as gentile as I can has helped. I use some pretty cushy shoes and probably should run on softer surfaces, its been all asphalt so far, but the effort to run consciously has helped me be able to do more than I ever have.

try running jogging slower and more deliberately on something softer, a local high school track maybe, and very slowly work your way up. Shin splints are a killer and definitely a red flag that you need to do something different.

I am probably the least qualified person to give advise on how to run. I'm figuring it out too. Just want to share what has worked a bit for me.

Your shins like you get shin splints?

The right shoes and a shit ton of stretching before, during, and after the run. I also bought this metal roller that has a hot/cold core that I’d used to massage up and down my shin splints. I got to the point where I could run 3 miles without stopping. But man do I dislike running. Most I ever did was 4.5 miles and it was torturous.

Also treadmill for running just sucks and IMO not a great idea for longer runs. I’d suggest trail or going out for a run.

Yes like shin splints, they've plagued me for years and the reason I don't really play basketball or run any more.

I went to a running store in campbell today and had them size me up on their machine and video me running. I found out I supinate my feet pretty heavily (strike was okay) so they brought me a bunch of "structured" shoes and after trying about 5 pairs I settled on the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 19. They felt really good and I can't wait to try them once this pain from mondays run subsides completely
The Running Revolution right next to downtown campbell.


"This place is why we still need actual stores." said a yelp review I had read. After going there today I 100% agree. The level of service was great, and it was so easy to find the right shoe. I ended up shooting the shit with the owner after, he's a cool guy.

Now I've been reading about supination, and all the symptoms cover my shin and ankle/feet issues.. so I'm really hoping I've found a fix
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Cage - $250

300lb Oly weights with barbell - $209

I got both on sale. 199 for cage, 189 for weight set.

Even if you get the super cheap Costco deal for 24hr Fatness, that's $700 for 2 years. So, I'm pretty much ahead after a year. Definitely not rich.

That’s a steal on the weights. Hard to do better on CL.
I would jump on it, but don’t need that much at the moment. I just collect 45s as they come up on CL.
I belong to 24 hour fitness. The gym has changed for the better in the last 7 years. For $29/month I doubt I can do better.


Fwiw, i belong to clubsport in san ramon. Its $$$ but its my only guilty pleasure since i own old cars and MCs. Towels, q-tips, razors, saunas, pools, bball court, lots of amenities, etc. Always updating their equipment, painting, carpets, etc. Its nice. Friday nights after work is the best cuz its quiet and empty and I feel like its my personal gym. Oh, and $5 protein smooothies.
Any tips on improving my breathing technique during free style?

I tend to take big gulps of air and then exhale quickly resulting in hyperventilating (?).

I have no idea wtf to do. Help.

How often are u breathing? How’s your stroke form?

IMO, breathe control starts out as a conscious decision that’ll make you a little uncomfortable. Then u learn to relax, lower your HR, and breath less. Plus your stroke improves allowing u to stroke slower and more efficiently, which further lowers your effort and HR and breathing.
How often are u breathing? How’s your stroke form?

IMO, breathe control starts out as a conscious decision that’ll make you a little uncomfortable. Then u learn to relax, lower your HR, and breath less. Plus your stroke improves allowing u to stroke slower and more efficiently, which further lowers your effort and HR and breathing.

I take a breath every stroke from the same side. I think my form is decent as I try to copy Olympic swimmers and not the old lady at my gym that looks like a dying walrus. But that might be my perception which may be wrong. I thought I had a decent golf swing until I video-recorded it and I was surprised, e.g., backswing was not horizontal and follow through sucked as well.

I will work on relaxing. I would like my breathing to be effortless like it is when I am running.
When you say “breath less do you mean breathe less often or inhale smaller amoutnof air?

Thanks for the reply.
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Dan, did Bay Club buy your Club sport location too? Ours is finally getting some upgrades after Club Sport cash cow’d the thing for a decade.
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