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Time to get Fit thread

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Dan, did Bay Club buy your Club sport location too? Ours is finally getting some upgrades after Club Sport cash cow’d the thing for a decade.

I am not sure. Everything looks the same. I’ll ask around.
How’s your stroke form?

I just remembered I shot a vid of me swimming at a trip to Phuket a couple of weeks ago. Besides looking like a Jackie Chan/chimpanzee when i run I noticed my left arm enters the water off center. Goddamnit I need to fix that but still looks better than Summer Sanders lol. I know its hard to tell from the vid but do you notice anything?

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You sexy motherfucker.

If you already have a side you take the breath from stay with it. During your stroke exhale underwater- gently, not in one big push, then tilt your head to the breathing side allowing about half your mouth out of the water (in the video it looks as if you're tilting your head up and to the side, there's no need to get your whole face out of the water to take a breath)- inhale sharply. Gently exhale during your stroke....

If you're not winded take two or three strokes before exhaling.
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You sexy motherfucker.

If you already have a side you take the breath from stay with it. During your stroke exhale underwater- gently, not in one big push, then tilt your head to the breathing side allowing about half your mouth out of the water (in the video it looks as if you're tilting your head up and to the side, there's no need to get your whole face out of the water to take a breath)- inhale sharply. Gently exhale during your stroke....

If you're not winded take two or three strokes before exhaling.

You’re right about head-tilting! I never thought about it or noticed it before. And thanks for pointing out to gently exhale because I exhale pretty hard. I’ll
work on it, thanks you hunk of a man!
I bought some really nice Asics running shoes and couldn't wait to try them out. After about a week or so at the gym on the treadmill, I found that my feet hurt and it was painful to walk the next day. I thought it was just being out of shape but then after a few weeks I was like it should still not be this bad so last night I used my old broke down Nikes and today no foot pain. So next week when I am out and about where there are nicer sporting good stores here I am going to buy some different insoles and see if that corrects the issue.
I would look at your footwear if your lower body is taking a pounding. I have found that good quality shoes can take a lot of stress off the lower limbs when running and the wrong ones can make it worse.

It's not foot pain. My stupid leg has 5 screws and a plate in it. If I run on it, I can tell the next day. It's not bad, but it can be bothersome. To keep the pounding down, I use either the elliptical or the stairmaster.

I just started tennis lessons, and the repeated start/stop of tennis and the pounding on my leg are noticeable, but it's so damn fun I don't care. However, I can't do it two days in a row.
I take a breath every stroke from the same side. I think my form is decent as I try to copy Olympic swimmers and not the old lady at my gym that looks like a dying walrus. But that might be my perception which may be wrong. I thought I had a decent golf swing until I video-recorded it and I was surprised, e.g., backswing was not horizontal and follow through sucked as well.

I will work on relaxing. I would like my breathing to be effortless like it is when I am running.
When you say “breath less do you mean breathe less often or inhale smaller amoutnof air?

Thanks for the reply.

both. if u want your breathing to be effortless, you'll probably need to stop taking huge gulps. you probably also need to slow your stroke down and maximize your glide because u arent sprinting... which will reduce your breathing too, even when you are breathing every 2 strokes. just as an exercise, try breathing every 3 or 4 or 6 strokes for a bit. this should make every 2 strokes feel more comfortable.

I just remembered I shot a vid of me swimming at a trip to Phuket a couple of weeks ago. Besides looking like a Jackie Chan/chimpanzee when i run I noticed my left arm enters the water off center. Goddamnit I need to fix that but still looks better than Summer Sanders lol. I know its hard to tell from the vid but do you notice anything?

hard to tell because of the angle, so really take this with a grain of salt.

it looks like your stroke is really short. it doesnt seem like you are pushing much water below your ribcage as your elbows are coming out of the water early and bent. also, you don't seem to be reaching forward much at all. this is ruining your glide and forcing your head up some. u may also need to rotate your body more, which will help u keep your head down and extend your stroke. with better technique, u may be able to travel twice as far with each stroke.

you can find tons of YT vids for freestyle technique. GTN makes good stuff. here's one on common mistakes.
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The Running Revolution right next to downtown campbell.


"This place is why we still need actual stores." said a yelp review I had read. After going there today I 100% agree. The level of service was great, and it was so easy to find the right shoe. I ended up shooting the shit with the owner after, he's a cool guy.

Now I've been reading about supination, and all the symptoms cover my shin and ankle/feet issues.. so I'm really hoping I've found a fix

Yep an actual running store is definitely worth the amount of money you spend on shoes :laughing I have supination as well. Sounds like we have similar issues.

You need to REALLY and I mean REALLY stretch out before you run, when you feel them during your run stop and stretch again and afterwards stretch some more. If you dont have one get a foam roller and roll the ever loving shit out of your calves. I found it best to not roll necessarily but to roll until I found a spot that hurt a lot and I let the roller sit on that spot for 15-20secs or as long as I could stand it to get it to loosen up. start with one leg, then cross your legs, then point your toes outward. You'll feel the difference.
both. if u want your breathing to be effortless, you'll probably need to stop taking huge gulps. you probably also need to slow your stroke down and maximize your glide because u arent sprinting... which will reduce your breathing too, even when you are breathing every 2 strokes. just as an exercise, try breathing every 3 or 4 or 6 strokes for a bit. this should make every 2 strokes feel more comfortable.

hard to tell because of the angle, so really take this with a grain of salt.

it looks like your stroke is really short. it doesnt seem like you are pushing much water below your ribcage as your elbows are coming out of the water early and bent. also, you don't seem to be reaching forward much at all. this is ruining your glide and forcing your head up some. u may also need to rotate your body more, which will help u keep your head down and extend your stroke. with better technique, u may be able to travel twice as far with each stroke.

you can find tons of YT vids for freestyle technique. GTN makes good stuff. here's one on common mistakes.

Holy moly. Thanks for all the tips! I will work on it!
Holy moly. Thanks for all the tips! I will work on it!

I agree with all the pointers that have been posted.

When I was learning how to swim, I could not swim a length without feeling winded, and took long rests. I didn't know how to breathe.

I practiced and practiced. I would swim for a short distance while practicing my breathing. And one day it clicked. I was starting to swim for longer and longer periods, and over time, breathing was no longer an issue.

It came down to being comfortable being face down in the water, and being relaxed. Just before starting my workouts, I spend a few minutes with my breathing - exhale, blowing slowly into the water (mouth underwater), (inhale) taking short gasps of air (mouth, or nose, out of water), and repeating.

By regulating your breathing, you, in effect, can focus on body relaxation, and swim mechanics.

I swim based on the Total Immersion technique...and is what has helped me be able to swim for longer periods and distances. It is what got me through 4 Ironman-distance swims....2.4 miles.

Good luck with your training.

I agree with all the pointers that have been posted.

When I was learning how to swim, I could not swim a length without feeling winded, and took long rests. I didn't know how to breathe.

I practiced and practiced. I would swim for a short distance while practicing my breathing. And one day it clicked. I was starting to swim for longer and longer periods, and over time, breathing was no longer an issue.

It came down to being comfortable being face down in the water, and being relaxed. Just before starting my workouts, I spend a few minutes with my breathing - exhale, blowing slowly into the water (mouth underwater), (inhale) taking short gasps of air (mouth, or nose, out of water), and repeating.

By regulating your breathing, you, in effect, can focus on body relaxation, and swim mechanics.

I swim based on the Total Immersion technique...and is what has helped me be able to swim for longer periods and distances. It is what got me through 4 Ironman-distance swims....2.4 miles.

Good luck with your training.


Oh man. Thanks for the tips and motivation! Will do!
Hit the gym last night and got about 350 calories burned on the treadmill in about 55 minutes. After a warmup, I did intervals of 3 minutes fast walk and then 4 minutes medium jogging paces. I am trying to get my cardio up there as I find myself out of breath doing some stuff which is weird because I can jog on the treadmill with no issues. I will keep increasing the jog times and lessening the walking times to accomplish this goal.

this weekend I am going to head out and get some new insoles for my running shoes to see if that helps with the soreness I feel with the new Asics. If that doesn't fix the issue looks like I will go the running store route and see if I can get something specific to my style of running.

Tonight's plan is to do 8 percent incline at a 3.3MPH speed for 50 minutes then some leg sets and light upper body.
strained the lower right side of my back doing back squats today. plus side I did 100lbs reps (getting stronger) downside I twinged my back. :(

trying to stretch but not really sure what to do for it.
Could need a Chiro. Does it act like constant tension on lower back muscle? I get that from time to time and it sucks. It's an adjustment thing on me.
strained the lower right side of my back doing back squats today. plus side I did 100lbs reps (getting stronger) downside I twinged my back. :(

trying to stretch but not really sure what to do for it.

Vinyasa is great for the lower back. Specifically Cobra.
A twinged back could be a lot of things. Just guessing at a treatment could make it worse. If you are worried, see an expert.
Finding really hard to motivate this morning. Cloudy, rainy, kid sick at home. Ugh. I just don't feel like doing a chest workout- but I'm one set in so fuck it, might as well go for it. Perhaps Ramstein's new album cranked on the bluetooth will help.

And Kim; rest, Omega 3, Magnesium (400mg), lots of Lysine, and 400-600mg of ibuprofen every six hours.
Finding really hard to motivate this morning. Cloudy, rainy, kid sick at home. Ugh. I just don't feel like doing a chest workout- but I'm one set in so fuck it, might as well go for it. Perhaps Ramstein's new album cranked on the bluetooth will help.

And Kim; rest, Omega 3, Magnesium (400mg), lots of Lysine, and 400-600mg of ibuprofen every six hours.

Get at it dude! Your picture is one of several I use to motivate my sorry ass.
Get at it dude! Your picture is one of several I use to motivate my sorry ass.

Thanks brah. I'm halfway into it and not backing off on the heavy sets. I'll post a pic in a couple weeks when I'm halfway through this lean-bulk/shoulder rehab twelve week course.

As for your "my sorry ass" comment. I read that as the never-good-enough syndrome I suffer from as well. This combined with a mild depression means I'm constantly fighting the egomaniac with low self-esteem in me. It's a hell of a ride!
Booking a trip to Hawaii was enough to inspire Springtime eating habits. I find that I got a little smooth during the winter. It mostly the result of open class eating to make sure I had enough calories to support growth. Also the result of me eating too much healthy high calorie junk.

Ease off the carbs for a few weeks and check the progress. I find I lose too much strength if I get as lean as I like to be.
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