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Time to get Fit thread

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Got scammed into a 50 mile ride :)


I weighed 165 when I woke up and 160 when I got back, is it possible I lost 4-5 POUNDS of water? I ate 2 Lara bars, 2.5 bottles of water (one was half gatorade), and 3 sugar "Bloks".

Strava fed from the wahoo said I burned 2500 calories. Whoop says I burned 1893. My friend's power meter says he burned 1600 (He's smaller and fitter), but the last lady's said 700 which I feel is totally off.

I would go with somewhere between 1600 and 1893.
it's totally possible to lose 10lb of water, people who compete in sports with weightclasses do it all the time. i would guess that you lost closer to 10lb but you replaced some of it with the bottles you drank. i lose 5-8lb from a 5 mile run.
Anyhow dude only likes exercises you can do sitting down, should be easy to avoid from here on in.


I very much dislike the taste of beer. Feel I’m part of small minority on that.

So the same here too...pretty much alcohol ain't that great of a drink for my tastebuds.
So my friend who did 72.7 miles (he rode to Mill Valley and back, no car like we did) ending up puking when he got back. Didn't manage his food and water properly.
I very much dislike the taste of beer. Feel I’m part of small minority on that.

I'm in. But oddly, while American corporate beer leaves an aftertaste I can't tolerate, drinking beer in Germany or England was a pleasure. My best guess is that there is so much money in beer here in America that corporate interests, and taxing interests, adulterate the beer with chemicals for storage and transport and so don't have to say a damn thing about it.
I'm in. But oddly, while American corporate beer leaves an aftertaste I can't tolerate, drinking beer in Germany or England was a pleasure. My best guess is that there is so much money in beer here in America that corporate interests, and taxing interests, adulterate the beer with chemicals for storage and transport and so don't have to say a damn thing about it.

Never been to Germany but I’ve had work assignments in England Scotland Norway & Holland. Going to the pubs seemed a sport in either country so I spent more time in them than needed. Didn’t sample any beer/alcohol over there that I liked any more than what they produce over here but I did drink the swill.
Nowadays, well before the covid, if I met people at a bar I’d ask for the lightest beer they have and would probably drink half of it over a couple hours.
Swam tonight.

I could not really get warm. Never cold as fuck but not happy. The water coming in my back / neck union was bothersome.

Soldiered thru 50 laps and 300 UW punches.

Going to look for a hoodie that is longer and probably buy some gloves. Going to get colder and I don’t want to be a quitter.
35min row

back squats today. I did 145 last Tuesday I knew I had more in the tank so decided not to start so light. I normally start at 55# and work up today I skipped...

85# - 10
105# - 8
135# - 6

and then......

MUTHA FUCKING 155#! New PR for me :party Did it for 4 reps and it felt so good! :banana
Buck fifty five. :thumbup

And .. and 35 m row. Sweet.
Swam tonight.

I could not really get warm. Never cold as fuck but not happy. The water coming in my back / neck union was bothersome.

Soldiered thru 50 laps and 300 UW punches.

Going to look for a hoodie that is longer and probably buy some gloves. Going to get colder and I don’t want to be a quitter.

Broken pool heaters got the team out of swim practice a few times back in the day. We tried to swim one day in the winter in Fremont. It took about 10sec until everyone said "f* this" :laughing. Unfortunately we had to run or lift for those cancelled days - and swimmers arent the most coordinated people on land.

Wool and polyester layers totally work underwater. You probably have something in your closet right now that would help keep your torso warmer.
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Thanks Robert. Appreciate the feed back and I get the "f* this" for sure. :laughing
back from vacation, past week i've just been running 3-4 miles per day in LA wherever the roads permitted. didn't help that there was a fire nearby that made the AQI into the 150-200 range but im not sensitive to smoke. i spent more than a few hours in the past week in places where you could smoke indoors. first run back on track managed a 7:05 pace on the first half and 8:15 on the back half.

2 porto's potato balls
proton bar
8 sour cream and onion pringles
1 porto's cheese and guava pastry
1 porto's cheese pastry

2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
16oz NY steak

leftover cals:
Got my weights in today.

curls 3 sets (seated isolation style one arm at a time)
25lb x 20 (with three gravity fails at end)
25lb x 15 (with three gravity fails at end)
25lb x 13 (with three gravity fails at end)

wrist curls 4 sets
25lb x 35
25lb x 35
25lb x 30
25lb x 30

Hammer curls (seated one arm isolation style)
25 x 20
25 x 20
25 x 20

I mix the wrist curls in between the regular curls and hammer curls for a better forarm pump.

Reverse curls
3 sets
15lb x 40 each

Shoulder flys 4 sets
15lb x 40
15 x 40
15 x 40
15 x 35

Shoulder raises (mixed in with the reverse curls and flys)
4 sets
25lb x 60 each. Alternate head back and arms at full side with head forward and arms to front pockets.

Lat raised (bent over single arm.
3 sets x 15lb x 30 reps each.

I got to get some more weights. My reps have increase beyond where I normally would go, but with only 15 lb and 25 lb dumbells I am just increasing the amount of reps and time to do them. It does get the heart pumping a little more.

100 push ups. Damn I need a bench.. :laughing

Ordered another head hoodie thing with a bigger neck shoulder cover.
That should cover the gap between the hoodie and wet suit and help keep that cold water from sneaking in so easily.
Hitting it so hard you did the work out twice Budman? :laughing

35mins cycle workout. Did a studio style. Wasn’t feeling it. So stopped about 35mins.

Bench press
Shoulder fly
Bent over dumbbell rows.

5 band assisted pull ups
Derp :laughing

Wish it was that easy!!
25 mile bike ride today, pushing hard, from my house in Oakland to the Bay Bridge and over to Treasure Island. I had hope to ride the Island but the road was closed due to construction. Good ride, got into some competition with a couple other dudes, complete with catching a draft and letting someone else work, lol.
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