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Time to get Fit thread

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Light workout again...


5x20 - Bench Press
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x20 - DB Lunge
5x10 - Glute Machine Thing
5x10 - DB Incline Flye
5x12 - Standing Cable X Over


• 2 Eggs, 2 Sausage Patties, 2 Slices Wheat Bread
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Grapes
• 1 Carrot
• Lamb & White Bean Stew, French Bread w/Butter
• 3 Caipirinhas
• 4 malassadas

more to come?




This guy is 65!

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Did the full arm shoulder thing yesterday. Put the fucking knife back in my shoulder blade. Some nerve is pinched somewhere.

So again push-ups today. It helped but I feel like I need someone to step on it. :laughing

200 plus spread out over my 9 hours at the office and 150 body weight squats (3 sets of 50).

Tomorrow?? :dunno

5x10 - Jump Squat
8x10-20 - BB Military Press
5x20 - Crunch
3x10 - Leg Curl
3x10 - Roman Chair
3x10 - Leg Ext
3x10 - Leg Press
4x10 - DB Military Press
4x10 - DB Lateral Raise


• 2 Eggs, 2 Sausage Patties, 2 Slices Ezekiel
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Donut :twofinger

more to come...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... :twofinger


Sean Connery, age 23, 3rd place, 1953 Mr. Universe.


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Added new "stuff" for the gym. A punching bag and a 10lb sledge hammer. Just gotta figure out what I can hit without breaking it. And no I dont have room for a tractor tire.

trying to mix it up and get different muscles engaged. Im getting bored with bike/cycle then barbell.
I realize I've been going about my 100 pushups wrong. I need to do like sets of different kinds of pushups, e.g. wide grip, narrow grip, feet on bench, diamond etc.

I'm resting the chest until tomorrow and will do a new max reps test.
I’m slow but trying to keep at it.


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I realize I've been going about my 100 pushups wrong. I need to do like sets of different kinds of pushups, e.g. wide grip, narrow grip, feet on bench, diamond etc.

I'm resting the chest until tomorrow and will do a new max reps test.

ultra wide typically is not worth the risk of injury to the pec minor, diamond/narrow grips are not worth the risk of injury to your wrists if your leverages don't support it. keep those kinds of variations in mind, but don't feel the need to use them. in the best case, they are training tools, in the worst they are causes of injury.
i recommend people do regular push-ups approximately shoulder-width apart give or take a few inches and with their elbows tucked in (as opposed to flared out). if you want a specific training effect from those variations, find exercises that accommodate those effects.
What about those cheap foam padded pushups bars that let you go lower when doing pushups?


20 days no drinking and I feel like a younger man. My metabolism is still very high...I am hungry-ish all the time but in a healthy way. Weight has stabilized. Sleep is excellent. Energy levels rising.
Muscle definition there. Cardio system performing.
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What about those cheap foam padded pushups bars that let you go lower when doing pushups?


20 days no drinking and I feel like a younger man. My metabolism is still very high...I am hungry-ish all the time but in a healthy way. Weight has stabilized. Sleep is excellent. Energy levels rising.
Muscle definition there. Cardio system performing.

95% decrease in snark too! ;)

It's been fun watching you progress and improve Jordan. We need to do a city pedal sometime. I Still have a SC ---> SF ride I want to work up to.
Few years ago we did an SC to Monterey ride. That was fun.

Took the bus back into SC after eating a shit ton and having beers.

Today more cardio and weights. See what I come up with. It’s snowing and days like today I glad I have a decent home gym.
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Kim, one of the best forms of cardio exercise is cross country skiing.
Have you tried it out yet?

I used to do it as a kid in Canada, then later in New Hampshire. You can cover a lot of miles once you get in a rhythm.

Light workout due to laundry night (had to roll “commando” today :love)

5x10 - DB Hammer Curl
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - DB OH Tri Ext
5x10 - Push Up


• Bagel w/Butter
• Kit Kat bar
• Grapes
• Lamb & White Bean Stew & 1 Slice Ezekiel
• Beef Stew & Rice




A 21-year-old man has made history as the first person with Down syndrome to complete an Ironman triathlon...

Arms, shoulders and back done

Added 120 push ups over the course of my 11 hour day at the office.

Back pain going away thankfully.
We will see how it feels tomorrow.
How long do you weight lifters typically rest between sets?

I am a short rest dude. 30 - 60 secs between indivual arms.
I am typiciall throwing wrist curls in between each set.

When doing both arms at once enough time to capture my heart rate. A couple minutes.

I think when doing heavy stuff (which I don't have equipment for) it is more like 5 minutes (bench press/ shoulder press etc).

My weight lifting is also targeted to be a bit aerobic/fail vs max strength so closer together time wise to keep the heart rate up and try to overcome the pump, specially on forearms.

Interested in what others say.
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