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Time to get Fit thread

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40 pushups followed by:

Sound Track: Monthly Audit Issue follow-up Zoom call
2 x deadlift
3 x one arm row
3 x pullups
3 x hammer curls
3 x concentration curls
3 x seated dumbell curl

1.5 minutes rest between sets
Kim, one of the best forms of cardio exercise is cross country skiing.
Have you tried it out yet?

I used to do it as a kid in Canada, then later in New Hampshire. You can cover a lot of miles once you get in a rhythm.

Im sure its a great cardio workout as it sounds EXHAUSTING :laughing

Believe it or not this will be my 3rd CO winter and we havent done a single winter sport. Dont think this year will be any different.
My climbing gym is closing down on Fri for a minimum of 3 weeks because of too many COVID cases in SD. I'm sure some of the people in here will also be affected. Its sad, but we can get through it.
Indoor SF dining is ending on Friday


My new go-to dinner food is rice, chicken and broccoli. I find it very satisfying and filling. Good for building muscles :)
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That's what I do when I do my personal training.

Very weird I've gone from 164.5 lbs to 160.9 lbs in 4 days and I've been eating plenty. Haven't done cardio since Saturday, just muscular workouts. Drinking a ton of water. Where is it going??
Very weird I've gone from 164.5 lbs to 160.9 lbs in 4 days and I've been eating plenty. Haven't done cardio since Saturday, just muscular workouts. Drinking a ton of water. Where is it going??

It's water. A human body can not add or subtract muscle or fat that fast. It's always water.

Now had you lost four pounds in three weeks I'd wonder if it were fat or muscle.
Thank you! Since I've been hydrating does it mean my body is just retaining less water?

I pee about 4x a night substantially now due to all the water I drink during the day. I have no issues going back to bed so it's not disrupting my sleep.
Thank you! Since I've been hydrating does it mean my body is just retaining less water?

I pee about 4x a night substantially now due to all the water I drink during the day. I have no issues going back to bed so it's not disrupting my sleep.

I pee about four times a night too, in the morning I'm shredded. The more water you drink the less you retain seems to be what I've found.

Weigh yourself before bed then again when you wake. That should answer some questions.
Will do

Soundtrack: Pandora

3 x Dumbell press (45 lbs per hand)
3 x incline dumbell press (45)
3 x decline dumbell press (45)
3 x seated dumbell two arm tricep extensions (25 lbs)
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My climbing gym is closing down on Fri for a minimum of 3 weeks because of too many COVID cases in SD. I'm sure some of the people in here will also be affected. Its sad, but we can get through it.

PG is still open at all locations here but SF is probably going to decrease its volume by the end of this week.

Honestly I think we're headed for a 2nd shutdown after the holidays.
Yesterday I did 30 mins of interval cycling. 1 min off 30 sec recovery for about 25mins.

10 barbell squats 65# for 3 rounds
10 over head press 65# for 3 round
20 russian twists with 25# plate for 3 rounds.

I also threw on my 50# weight vest for an hour while doing stuff around the house. While wearing the vest I also did...

30 air squats
50 seated squats
ran 100ft to the mailbox, recovered and ran 50ft back.
I pee about four times a night too, in the morning I'm shredded. The more water you drink the less you retain seems to be what I've found.

Weigh yourself before bed then again when you wake. That should answer some questions.
When you're drinking a lot of water, it's carrying out other things.

Remember that osmosis moves water away from the lower concentration, so with a lower concentration in your body it will not retain as much water.
Arms , shoulders and back per previous posts

And ...200 push ups. 200 body weight squats. (4 sets of 50)

Feeling it tonight. :cool

Wet suit Hoodie and gloves on the way. Hopefully swim this week.
I have felt cold every day since my last swim. More than a week ago.

I am am staying longer at the office to fit my exercise in.
Weight went up a couple pounds = 215

I think it is muscle but not 100% sure.
Still done eating by 5pm but maybe it is the bourbon?

Strength still increasing so that is good and could be the weight increase is muscle.

Paying even more attention to what I eat.
Had Macrosini and cheese at 5pm for dinner with a salad.
PG is still open at all locations here but SF is probably going to decrease its volume by the end of this week.

Honestly I think we're headed for a 2nd shutdown after the holidays.

Yep. Just got back to not completely suck climbing form.
If Santa Clara county moves from orange, PG will be shit down again. Since it's classified as family entertainment center. :facepalm
Belmont is the only location thats been consistent with their cap limits. SF is heading back to the red tier (my assessment) soon enough and they'll be back down to 10%. Maybe its because I haven't been climbing long but its amazing how fast my skills deteriorated while the gyms were closed.

On the other hand, I've been doing BJJ for over 12 years and I didnt have as much rust as I thought I would.
Is there a bog standard, vanilla or flavorless brand of Protein Powder you recommend? I've been paying around $60 for 5 lbs of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder
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