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Time to get Fit thread

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the builder values his time a lot. retail is $14500 without the fancy paint job and he didnt pay retail. its $7500 for an Ultegra Di2 build, which is very reasonable for the top-tier frame.

heres the crash vid on his IG. the car at first acts like its going to pull out of the parking spot and continue straight. the cyclist slows down some. then very last minute, the driver flips the illegal u-turn. the guy had like 20ft to react to the u-turn. as motorcyclist, im sure we feel his pain :(

Interesting vids, I guess it makes me wanna go ride right now... agreed on overstating the price IMO

100% avoidable, based on the video. Incredibly stupid to try passing a car as it is pulling away from the curb.

... I don't think so.. .well what you say is kinda correct assuming ALL the cyclist wanted to do is to slow down and stop. BUT you (don't?) realize this is a downhill, fast street, so continuing or overtaking is an easier choice (if not naturally safer, flow of traffic, right??)
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first normal 4 mile run in 3 weeks (out in LA then had COVID for the past 10+ days). feels good to be back, just under 30 minutes for the whole thing. brogability and watching some UFC fights right now. might do some arms later to get a pump.


1 slice of domino's pizza

leftover cals:
figuring it out
Inspired by runners in this thread so I picked up some Sauconys ~.• ゚~ and took those sonsofbitches for a spin. I’m not supposed to run or jump due to back surgery so plan on just running short distances.


20-Minute Run/Power Walk

6x10-15 - DB Hammer Curl
5x12 - DB Bent Over Face Pull


• 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 2 Slices Ezekiel
• 3 Egg Rolls from King Egg Roll on Lundy :twofinger
• Mexican Coke
• Pre Workout
• Pro Shake
• 6 Dumpling & 4 shots Hibiki (thanks to Wuhan bat eater I have drank more since March then previous 10 years)


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Thanks Lizard. Not sure why but made me smile.

Did my arms /shoulder/back thing and 150 squats.

Tried shoulder presses. Really pointed out that my left shoulder is weak. (Old football injury say hello OG).

So.... survey says do some light weights several times a day to try to over come.

Continue to really watch the food intake. Need to get to the store tomorrow. Need some bananas!

Sunday’s is my splurge brekkie day. I have a big omelette and mixed fruit and protein smoothie. The splurge is really the $$. Wish I could do it every day.

Love it more when I watch MotoGP
Thanks Lizard. Not sure why but made me smile.

Did my arms /shoulder/back thing and 150 squats.

Tried shoulder presses. Really pointed out that my left shoulder is weak. (Old football injury say hello OG).

So.... survey says do some light weights several times a day to try to over come.

Continue to really watch the food intake. Need to get to the store tomorrow. Need some bananas!

Sunday’s is my splurge brekkie day. I have a big omelette and mixed fruit and protein smoothie. The splurge is really the $$. Wish I could do it every day.

Love it more when I watch MotoGP

Aw man, I am happy to have made you smiled. I also have one weak/bad shoulder. Ice works wonders. Also, these exercises have helped me:


I had a shoulder thing too. Bench press with a bar causes pain in my shoulder. Throwing a ball/football causes pain. But pressing with dumbells, pushups, shoulder press and dips don't hurt it. What gives?
Thanks Lizard.
I will check those out tomorrow.
CBD helps. Ice a bit but not so much. Not sure why. The human body is a weird thing :laughing

Ice helps some stuff for sure but the shoulder is different for some reason. I think because it is really related to a severe upper arm break. Probably tendons and ligaments just wearing out.


I think engaging the muscle structure helps hide other stuff. Certain movements exposes those problems though.

I can do all my shoulder shit and be fine but putting my arm in a jacket can hurt like hell because it is the ligaments and tendons that make that motion happen.

I have a lot of those motions to be wary of.
Part of being an OG.
i think the leading theory is that i was at a strip club in tijuana with 1000-2000 people who weren't wearing masks. if not that, maybe the strippers giving me lapdances. everyone's temperatures got checked though, so not sure how anyone had covid there.
i think the leading theory is that i was at a strip club in tijuana with 1000-2000 people who weren't wearing masks. if not that, maybe the strippers giving me lapdances. everyone's temperatures got checked though, so not sure how anyone had covid there.

Bro. Go to Guadalajara for play time.
I had a shoulder thing too. Bench press with a bar causes pain in my shoulder. Throwing a ball/football causes pain. But pressing with dumbells, pushups, shoulder press and dips don't hurt it. What gives?

Scroll up and look for youtube vid(s) I posted on bench press technique (I’m too lazy to repost).
oh and no, i was completely asymptomatic aside from a sore throat. my friend developed a cough on the day that we left, so i figured i would err on the side of caution and took the swab test.

the sore throat i've had for 6 months since i run pretty aggressively (7:00-7:30 pace per mile for 4-10 miles at a time) and i run with a heavy wheeze until my esophagus burns. in LA i was running when it was 150-200AQI out in anaheim since i wasn't burning enough calories so if anything i would attribute the sore throat to those days more than COVID lol.

after today's run i don't think there's any lasting symptoms, but that's specific to me. i take 5-8000iu vitamin D per day and 2-3grams of vitamin C. it's unlikely for COVID to be able to cause a terrible recursive cycle in the system that the ACE2 receptor has access to.
After the initial covid shutdown, and then me getting sick and being sedentary for most of this year I've lost a lot of strength. I just started working out again and I cant even do 5 dips. I used to bang out 20+ like it was nothing.... Feels bad man
i think the leading theory is that i was at a strip club in tijuana with 1000-2000 people who weren't wearing masks. if not that, maybe the strippers giving me lapdances. everyone's temperatures got checked though, so not sure how anyone had covid there.

Bruh, didnt you watch from Dusk Till Dawn? :laughing
After the initial covid shutdown, and then me getting sick and being sedentary for most of this year I've lost a lot of strength. I just started working out again and I cant even do 5 dips. I used to bang out 20+ like it was nothing.... Feels bad man
Be patient. Strength comes back pretty quickly, even after a long period of time. However, endurance takes much longer to recover, there are a lot of things you lose, relating to endurance after just 2 months and you're back at absolute ground zero after 6 months.

I already posted this once, but it was months ago, but it illustrates the drop off of endurance with inaction.


  • reversability.jpg
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Be patient. Strength comes back pretty quickly, even after a long period of time. However, endurance takes much longer to recover, there are a lot of things you lose, relating to endurance after just 2 months and you're back at absolute ground zero after 6 months.

I already posted this once, but it was months ago, but it illustrates the drop off of endurance with inaction.

Ive heard about that. Something like it only takes one week to lose four weeks of progress
Ive heard about that. Something like it only takes one week to lose four weeks of progress
After 3 days of inactivity your body is beginning the process of returning you to it's sedentary state. It doesn't start fast, but the process begins. As the diagrams illustrate, when it comes to endurance it accelerates quite rapidly after just a few weeks.
Ive been playing around with the duration of my rest days. I find that if I take 2-3 consecutive days off, my body pretty much resets back to an optimum state.
I've been only cycling once a week on average and I seem to still be getting stronger every week.

Today we did an hour of tennis and I was out of breath at times..I thought I was "in shape" but clearly tennis shape and cycling shape are different different.

158 lbs after tennis...wtf...I've been eating MORE. I don't need to lose weight at this time.
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