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Time to get Fit thread

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Soundtrack: Killing Joke

30 minute weighted run, 25lbs and 2.6 miles
15 sets lat pull downs 225lbs for 10's

3300 calories of nuts, berries, oats, bittersweet chocolate, chicken, beans, rice quinoa, salmon, honey, grain-free peanut butter pretzels, and honey.

The cardio spree continues so no rowing.
I have to say after Friday's workout, Saturday cycle and Sunday tennis I am pretty tired. But it's a very deep satisfying tired.

Man I am loving my daily 30 min nap.
Bruh, didnt you watch from Dusk Till Dawn? :laughing

that movie was before my time, i was still a child haha. but for those who have been to strip clubs in tijuana, they knew what they were getting into. my friends and i are still shitheads at heart.

4mile run down, ran it at a less motherfuckingly pace. 31 minutes and some change. it was almost too easy, my heart rate was about 160 the first 2 mile split and 170 the second. debating trading pace for distance for a bit.

onto brogability and light work (OHS, snatch grip high pulls, snatch grip OHP is the plan if my ADD doesn’t kick in)

2 coffee
1 liter of water

whatever 80$ of uber eats will get me

leftover cals:
Light day.

100 squats.
Killed it in pushed ups though 210

And did a bunch of super light weight shoulder presses.
Basically one arm holding a measuring tape. :laughing

A bunch of 50 rep sets. Will work up to real weights as the pain allows. Had to make due with what I have at the office. :teeth

Probably move on to whatever else I can find that is more weight this week.

No pain with the one pound tape. :laughing
20 squats
20 lunges both sides
10 renegade rows both sides with push up to start and finish
20 lateral jumps

5 times through for time.

13:20. I want to try and get it under 10mins. Lunges kill me and take forever.

Also did some light awkward boxing on our new punching bag. And Russian twists.
Thanks to Contra Costa County Health, my gym closes tomorrow.


15-Minute Run
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x10 - Cable Incline X Over
5x10 - Cable Decline X Over
3x10 - One Arm Press (Cybex)
5x15 - Leg Ext
5x15 - Leg Press
5x10 - Bar Dip Machine


• 3 Eggs & 2 Slices Wheat Toast
• 1 Can Kippered Herring & 1 Slice Ezekiel
• Pre Workout
• 5 Prawns
• 1 Slice Ranch 99 Green Tea Cake
• Viet: 2 pork chops, rice, 2 eggs & Coke


Don’t care :twofinger
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Thanks to the virus brother.

CC County is just a reaction to keep us safe.

Good on ya for the sets! :thumbup
Ok so clearly my diet is not ideal for my fitness. I keep losing weight despite eating. Drinking protein shakes, eating high protein lunches, not eating a lot of processed sugar.

Should I just add more protein?

On the other hand you can see abdominal definition at 17.5% body fat. Woke up at 159 lbs today which is lighter than I was in High School except my cardio and muscle is good now.


Also decided to see how my blood work is so I booked an appointment at KP.
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Your body doesn't just need protein, it needs the other building materials as well. Protein is for lean muscle mass repair (the process of building muscles involves replacing and/or repairing cells) and development.

Both your body and your brain require Glucose to function.
if u dont want to lose weight, just do the opposite of this

The 3rd column is “how it works”?

Sorry. I was trying to be cheeky and probably just caused confusion.

I think you are creating a calorie deficit with your exercise amount and calorie intake. Metabolism is quite variable, especially when making life changes like you have. So I'm not surprised that someone can unexpectedly lose weight.

I think the ultimate solution here is to eat more. Eating carbs is probably the easiest and cheapest. You probably want to eat more of those anyway during long-duration exercise. But outside of exercise, which macro you eat may or may not matter. If you arent losing significant muscle mass, you can probably just eat whatever... well, a healthy "whatever".
Thanks a lot :) I was just confused.

So I'm 41 but my metabolism appears to be super-high and fast these days.

Before rides I now load up on Oatmeal with raisins and sometimes a few frozen waffles.
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