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Time to get Fit thread

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Dried fruit is practically flavored HFCS with some fiber. So delicious.

Also, I finished a bag of dried mango 5min ago :laughing
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Three food groups that put weight on is pasta, rice and bread.

hate to be a math guru but that's one group. ;)


Dried fruit is practically flavored HFCS with some fiber. So delicious.

Strange. I Would have thought at least the good dried froot would have some fiber in it

Also, I finished a bag of dried mango 5min ago :laughing

Insane. I never think I could finish one (and actually shame is often stopping me anyway!)
Soundtrack: Black Sabbath

2 hours in overhead surf, 2 epic rights
13 sets of incline bench, 175lbs for 10's
1.5 hour trail run, 6.4 miles and 1800ft. elevation

3800 calories of nuts, berries, turkey, salmon, whey protein, 1% milk, bean chips, avocado, peanut butter, honey, sorghum, and whole grain bread.

More cardio tonight.
4 mile down, same pace as yesterday on nearly zero calories and way less water than usual. caught up on the mondays yelling at people. brogability nao and taking a breather to hydrate before bench.

proton bar
2 cups of water
1 coffee

16oz ribeye steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
half a cheeseburger
Figured I’ll post my routines here as an incentive to stay consistent. One thing I’ve noticed about starting from scratch at lighter weights is that I can properly develop my form, instead my old stubborn self that would say, eh who gives a fuck I deadlifted 400( then complain about chronic back pain ).

I’m easing into it. Started out only being able to do squat sets of 5 x 5 @ 135.

Warm up with 20lb medicine ball doing torso rotations, figure 8’s, around the worlds and wood choppers for about 5 minutes.
Barbell squats almost ATG 5x10 135
Trap bar deadlift 5x10 135
35 brisk walk on the steep hills in my neighborhood.

On a side note. For those of you that are familiar with 5/3/1 routine, how long do you think I should stick do a basic routine before upgrading? I loved doing 531 in my twenties but back then I was working out 6 days a week consuming 4K calories a day lol.
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The gyms are closing down here on Friday. Sucks.

Back to majority on the bike. I was making good progress. Hopefully it doesn't last too long.
Migraine. Got a damn migraine again.

Force of will over pain. Twenty five miles (two hours, ten minutes) on the Cannondale with a touch of medicinal and 'The Unicorn Heads' for the soundtrack left me weak but with only a shadow of the headache remaining.

The doctor says there is no root problem that prersents a serious danger if I exercise through the pain, BP/blood chemistry is good. Exercise is as effective as Sumatriptan for the pain but without the stress on the heart.

Anyway, after fifty years (I'm sixty nine) of avoiding exercise and fourteen months on a bicycle I'm now addicted. Scary stuff. After dropping fifteen pounds the weight is coming back up but with no flab. SO says I look hot in my biking shorts.

My motorcycle get less milage than my bicycle these days, but the risk/reward protocol is still there.

Migraines still suck. But at least I now have a second tool with which to deal.
Sitting at the local Dodge dealer (again) so not sure what, if any, workout I'll get today. Pissed too, this shit never happened when I drove Tundras. Fuck Ram trucks, barely 30k on the clock and the fourth fairly major warranty issue.

20 minute row.

Probably go for a run while they fuck with my truck.
Right but at least itll put him in the ballpark.

not really. for some people, those counters will not be even close to in the ballpark. its influenced by many factors that can make these counts & suggestions useless:

- everyone has bias in their calorie counting
- food labels can be way off and arent required to be accurate
- a persons gut and lifestyle can cause swings in how effective counted calories actually are
- what does "Activity: Light Exercise 1-2 days/wk" mean in terms of calories?
- the idea that you can use BMI to calculate BMR is as ridiculous as BMI

when every one of those factors can produce a 10-30% error, you get A LOT of error if they all add up.
Sitting at the local Dodge dealer (again) so not sure what, if any, workout I'll get today. Pissed too, this shit never happened when I drove Tundras. Fuck Ram trucks, barely 30k on the clock and the fourth fairly major warranty issue.

20 minute row.

Probably go for a run while they fuck with my truck.
I'm sorta' shopping for a truck, your post caught my attention. FOUR major issues? Pray tell, I'm curious, what those four issues were (are).
Ordered a Favera Assiamo UNO (one pedal) power meter. It’s unbelievable how much information you can program your Wahoo Bolt to display if you have the sensors !
Welcome to the modern world of cycling. :laughing

I was watching a GCN episode where he needed 2-3 pages of numbers to get all the data he wanted displayed.

My two closest cycling buddies have power meters and they're always talking power, power to weight etc, and I just want to be in with the cool kids :)

Apparently if you have Shimano Di2s you can even send data regarding which gear you're in!

I'm guessing I won't need my cadence meter anymore.
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