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Time to get Fit thread

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Finding really hard to motivate this morning..

I have those days, too. After getting beat up at work, sometimes I have no energy. Most of the time i drag my ass to the gym and do a light workout. Showing up is half the battle. A few times Insay fuck that shit and drive straight to this Thai joint where I just sit in a corner, order my chicken fried rice and chill out.
Stress is killing me. I swear my body is holding on to every calorie.
Stress is killing me. I swear my body is holding on to every calorie.

Yup in the same boat here. I am still racking my brain to figure out how I am not dropping weight. I am doing at least 3 days of good cardio at the gym, eating way better and smaller meals than before and I am still not dropping pounds. I just can't believe that doing 30 minutes of cardio and 45+ doing weights burned that many more calories than my current routine of 60 minutes of cardio and some light weightlifting for 30 minutes. I know I am not taking in as many calories as before with the previous routine so I figured I should be losing some weight but the scale is stubbornly staying in the same place.

Going to stay the course though and hopefully, the doctor will let me start lifting heavy on the upper body in a few weeks.
Well it's not just about time, but also intensity. Higher intensity exercise burns more calories, it also raises base metabolic rate after. Not to mention it depletes glycogen stores that needs to be replenished.
The cardio I am doing now is more intense than before but the weightlifting is less intense as I can't go all ham yet while waiting for surgery to finsih healing but I was hoping the extra 150 calories burned on the treadmill would offset the lower intensity weightlifting. I also lowered the calorie intake so was hoping the combo would be more effective. On the bright side, the weight gain has stopped.
I didn't see much in the way of visible results until I upped the intensity for shorter duration work outs. 30-45 mins of MOVING MOVING MOVING seemed to do more for me than slower heavier work outs.
The cardio I am doing now is more intense than before but the weightlifting is less intense as I can't go all ham yet while waiting for surgery to finsih healing but I was hoping the extra 150 calories burned on the treadmill would offset the lower intensity weightlifting. I also lowered the calorie intake so was hoping the combo would be more effective. On the bright side, the weight gain has stopped.

Sometimes I trade fat for muscle and dont see the scale move much but I get way less soft and flabby and my tone improves. ya feeling that?
I didn't see much in the way of visible results until I upped the intensity for shorter duration work outs. 30-45 mins of MOVING MOVING MOVING seemed to do more for me than slower heavier work outs.

Before surgery, I was doing a type of HIT where I would do a set then jump right into next exercise. after 4 different exercises, I would stop for a minute to breathe and then would do all 4 again.

Right now I am slowly exploring the limits on the weightlifting. I am trying to do exercises that don't directly impact the shoulder or bicep so much because I am still waiting for the anchors to heal properly. I was doing just lower body for a bit but got bored so the end of last week and this week I am slowly feeling out how much weight I can do for chest, biceps, and triceps. Staying kind of away from the back because that hits shoulder a lot and at a bad angle.
Yup in the same boat here. I am still racking my brain to figure out how I am not dropping weight. I am doing at least 3 days of good cardio at the gym, eating way better and smaller meals than before and I am still not dropping pounds. I just can't believe that doing 30 minutes of cardio and 45+ doing weights burned that many more calories than my current routine of 60 minutes of cardio and some light weightlifting for 30 minutes. I know I am not taking in as many calories as before with the previous routine so I figured I should be losing some weight but the scale is stubbornly staying in the same place.

Going to stay the course though and hopefully, the doctor will let me start lifting heavy on the upper body in a few weeks.

id check your measurements instead of looking at the scale. you could see improvement there before the scale moves.

aside from that... if nothing is changing, then you are not burning noticeably more calories. plain and simple. or you are poorly estimating your calorie intake and are actually eating more. or both. adjust something until you see the changes u want at the rate u want, then stick with that.
Before surgery, I was doing a type of HIT where I would do a set then jump right into next exercise. after 4 different exercises, I would stop for a minute to breathe and then would do all 4 again.

Right now I am slowly exploring the limits on the weightlifting. I am trying to do exercises that don't directly impact the shoulder or bicep so much because I am still waiting for the anchors to heal properly. I was doing just lower body for a bit but got bored so the end of last week and this week I am slowly feeling out how much weight I can do for chest, biceps, and triceps. Staying kind of away from the back because that hits shoulder a lot and at a bad angle.

Shark I'm doing HIIT right now and my weight doesn't move but my body is changing. Are you taking measurements? Weight isn't showing crap but my measurements are telling a much different story.

Just keep at it!

What surgery did you have? I just recovered from a bicep/shoulder repair myself. It took a good 6 months to feel right.

I'm using a P90x fitness tracker from http://p90x3tracker.blogspot.com/ It's super cool for anyone that wants to track progress. You don't have to use the P90x stuff, just the tracking, which imo is empowering!
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I tore my rotator cuff so he went in and anchored it back down and while he was in there he relocated my biceps tendon( Bicep Tendonesis?) so now I look like Popeye on my left side (yeah?). I am about 2 months into recovery and the pain is about the same as before I had surgery so I am used to it. I am just hoping for more stability in the joint when fully healed.
Welp, something kinda fitness related - I got my black belt (for the second time) :laughing. I received my first black 30 years ago and my dojo was destroyed by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Last year I restarted, trained my ass off and every single kata, move, throw and basics came back in a weird way. I would be in the middle of something and be like "how the f*ck do I know this?" Seriously. 30 years of not doing traditional karate (although I did some MMA in there 10 yrs ago) and it came back like I never quit.

I had to start at white belt and test though all the belts again, but I was allowed to jump belts due to everything I knew. But back to the "fitness" thing - everything I do in the gym is related to martial arts - lifting, exercises... it's all "martial arts" based to help me develop what I need for it.

Anyway, I am super stoked to be donning the black again. It's been quite the journey.


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I tore my rotator cuff so he went in and anchored it back down and while he was in there he relocated my biceps tendon( Bicep Tendonesis?) so now I look like Popeye on my left side (yeah?). I am about 2 months into recovery and the pain is about the same as before I had surgery so I am used to it. I am just hoping for more stability in the joint when fully healed.

Oh damn man you went through the same thing I did. Bicep tendon relocation and all. I bet your feeling a weird pressure where the anchor is. Trust your PT and know you’re gonna be able to smash it soon enough. I went through depression cause I felt broken but times an amazing thing. Back in martial arts and still taking in the 18 year olds without skipping a beat.
Welp, something kinda fitness related - I got my black belt (for the second time) :laughing. I received my first black 30 years ago and my dojo was destroyed by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Last year I restarted, trained my ass off and every single kata, move, throw and basics came back in a weird way. I would be in the middle of something and be like "how the f*ck do I know this?" Seriously. 30 years of not doing traditional karate (although I did some MMA in there 10 yrs ago) and it came back like I never quit.

I had to start at white belt and test though all the belts again, but I was allowed to jump belts due to everything I knew. But back to the "fitness" thing - everything I do in the gym is related to martial arts - lifting, exercises... it's all "martial arts" based to help me develop what I need for it.

Anyway, I am super stoked to be donning the black again. It's been quite the journey.

Amazing! Great story and huge win!
Congrats SV. When you do something for so long it becomes ingrained in you. Nice when you go back to it and it all just comes back.

One day when I get more free time I want to do some MMA or maybe even boxing........One day..
Congrats SV. When you do something for so long it becomes ingrained in you. Nice when you go back to it and it all just comes back.

One day when I get more free time I want to do some MMA or maybe even boxing........One day..

Yeah! I'm actually going down to our local MMA gym in a few minutes to take advantage of their $30 for 30 days deal. Even though I'm not really into grappling (I should be) I'd like to get better at it. They also have an MMA conditioning class which I've done before (at my old gym) and last time I did it I puked. Granted I was much heavier back then and not as fit. :barf I'll probably lean into their kickboxing and boxing classes, though.

MMA conditioning was probably the gnarliest workout I've ever done. There's this "monkey" thing you do and it sucks for both people doing it.
Yeah! I'm actually going down to our local MMA gym in a few minutes to take advantage of their $30 for 30 days deal. Even though I'm not really into grappling (I should be) I'd like to get better at it. They also have an MMA conditioning class which I've done before (at my old gym) and last time I did it I puked. Granted I was much heavier back then and not as fit. :barf I'll probably lean into their kickboxing and boxing classes, though.

MMA conditioning was probably the gnarliest workout I've ever done. There's this "monkey" thing you do and it sucks for both people doing it.

Deets on this gym please. Can kids go?
Deets on this gym please. Can kids go?

Kaijin. And yes, kids can go! There are a lot of classes for kids. Also, as a plug, my dojo in Soquel will be hosting "Dads on Mats" around Father's Day, and we give two weeks free + Gi for all ages to try it out. I don't work there, so no incentive but to simply get people into it.

The curriculum right now at my dojo is Aikijujutsu - which is older, Japanese style jiu jitsu. IMO it's more "street oriented" than BJJ, although both are super cool to know.

I'll be honest, I hate the gym. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I hate lifting weights, I hate bodybuilding workouts, I just hate it. I do it because it's kinda all I got outside of Karate and BMX. Mixed Martial Arts monthly dues are very expensive and can be ridiculous when you're going to multiple places like I do. Ideally, I hope to build my own gym.
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