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Time to get Fit thread

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4 mile down, brogability ensues and think ill do some light armwork. will be returning to the gym this week for squats and deads.

proton bar
1 liter of water
1 coffee

16oz ribeye
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
I dropped my drinking down to just a few drinks a year 3 decades ago when I realized that drinking on the weekend set me back with my workouts so that I took through Wednesday to get back to where I had been the previous Friday.
not everyone has the discipline to keep drinking in their training, i'm back on the horse the day after drinking heavily hungover or not (as some of you have read about). after a bit of cardio, everything's fine. then again my weekly training frequency and work output is absurd compared to most people so it's 1 backstep with 6 steps forward.
not everyone has the discipline to keep drinking in their training, i'm back on the horse the day after drinking heavily hungover or not (as some of you have read about). after a bit of cardio, everything's fine. then again my weekly training frequency and work output is absurd compared to most people so it's 1 backstep with 6 steps forward.

You are like 25 right? :laughing If your under 30 you get a pass on booze and fitness. Don't worry it doesn't last forever.
im 30 now with a hurt back and neck along with other things... but tell me more about how my youth is the reason i get after it every day haha
im 30 now with a hurt back and neck along with other things... but tell me more about how my youth is the reason i get after it every day haha

I didn't say that is WHY you get after it every day. I said it why you CAN get after it every day and still party a bit. :party enjoy it!
I found my training limit to be 5 consecutive days, regardless of activity. No such thing as a rest day of me doing anything. Aint happening.
4 mile run, bench, brogability. emailed my doc, gonna try to get one more MRI on my femur bone to see if everything's where its supposed to be.

proton bar
nature valley proton bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

4 ribeye ribs
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
another quick morning ride. almost no lights on this route so the avg speed stayed up there.

4 mile down, hamstrings were a little sore from deadlifting and combined with the slightly colder weather and whatever other reasons, i didn't have my feet under me after 3 miles lol... almost ate shit and decided to walk for a few blocks to get some feeling back.

2 coffee
1 liter of water
proton bar
20 pringles

24oz ribeye
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
Got my shoulders, back and arms in today.
100 BW squats. (2 sets of 50).

New hoodie and gloves showed. Giving the pool a shot at lunch tomorrow.

I will do food.
Coffee/ OJ / Peanut Butter

Tri Tip Sammich
Mix dark green salad / balsamic
Natural potato chips
Diet Coke

Two tacos carne asada.

Usually don’t eat beef twice in a day but wanted a taco for breakfast tomorrow so bought four.

Calories ... no clue but not a ton.

Glad ya got. Bday ride in Robert! :bday
I have my limits. :laughing

A little is not that bad. A lot is.
One double Vodka is my deal usually.
Like now.
Rarely get lit... more so now with the SIP.
Only once since March. I blame the Tequila. :x

Once in a blue moon a coors light or a bourbon.
Moderation. :Port
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