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Time to get Fit thread

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All of GCNs little experiment videos are awesome. TT vs Roadie, aero bars vs not, weight vest experiments up hill. Good stuff.
4 miles down, brogability now and gonna try to muster up the umph to just get 60 reps of squat out and call it a day.

proton bar
6 cheddar pringles
2 coffee
1 liter of water

2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
16-20oz ribeye steak

leftover cals:
Went to the office early with brekkie in hand.
Scrambled eggs, muffin, OJ, Coffee, peanut butter and a banana. 250 push-ups over the day (9-1pm)

Then lunch.
Chinese Chicken Salad

Started doing some weights at 3pm and of course got disturbed by my sick patient at home.

Got in arms, forearms and shoulders in before the “I need help” call.

Glad I got a butt load of push ups in by 1pm because I feel those.

Canciones de mi Padre ~ Live from Vegas
Linda Ronstadt


1-Mile Run & Windsprints

2x10 - Pistol Squat (cheating included)
5x20 - Push Up
2x10 - Glute Extension on Sofa Chair

1-Mile Run No. 2


• 2 Eggs, 1 Beyond Meat Sausage & 2 Slice Ezekiel
• 2 Oranges
• 2 Delicious AF Hachiya Persimmons
• Handful Chocolate Raisins
• Pre Workout
• Banana Smoothie w/Pea Protein
• Noodles and a Goddamned Saigon Brewski:twofinger

more to come...




Happy Belated 80th Birthday (yesterday)... Born in SF.


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Welp, I knew this was coming. Gyms are closing and my the squat rack I ordered wayyyyy back in July is finally coming. Right in the nick of time too.
Huge Bruce Lee fan. Did martial arts for over a decade as a young man. Moto racing took a toll on me and finally stopped.

Today .... squats. More squats. And just now more squats.
Legs are the most important muscles for an aging dude.
Besides the heart of course. Always tried to get the old folks in my class to stick around for squats. Most said it was too hard an passed. Fav song for that .... Go Down Deeper. :laughing

Took an aggressively paced walk too.

Tomorrow back to push ups and weights.
did a lazy 4 mile run, owe brogability.

1 coffee
1 water
chicken cutlet w/ mashed potato

1 broccoli
1 cup of rice
16oz NY steak

leftover cals:

Went to go ride after flaking on my friend on Friday and as I'm pumping I realize my rear tire is flat and my tire itself has a nice gash in it. So 2 tires wrecked in 2 weeks lol
Row, run, lift (either a combination of two or all three) seven days a week.
Consume 3000+ calories of chicken, oats, whey, nuts, berries, leafy greens, beans, and rice every day.
Sleep seven or more hours a night along with a twenty minute nap daily.

53 years old, 208 pounds, 9.6% body fat.


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4 mile down, brogability going

1 peet coffee
1 phil coffee
32 oz of water
2 pringle

24oz. ribeye
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:

thinking about trading some proton and fat for carbs lately since i reintroduced creatine and citrulline back into my supplement stack. reason being that my heartrate was starting to drop too low for my liking from building up my cardio/gas tank. my sleeping and waking heart rate was 36-40bpm. i also noticed that combined with my calorie count and weight loss, i have like zero libido without chemicals (anyone else get weird hemodilator boners?). im pretty close to my weight loss target so ill probably tough it out a few more weeks before reversing some stuff.
Went camping in bum fuck middle of nowhere. Did some hiking and traversals on say class 4 terrain. Who needs a rope anyway. Lol
So my right elbow has like golfer's elbow which I got from lifting my 70 lb e-bike onto the Caltrain 2 years ago. It recovered enough to do pullups without pain but I can still feel it. Now my left elbow seems to have tennis elbow from leaning on the bicycle + pushing weights.

I got one of those compression bands and despite making me look like a exercise cyborg having them on both arms and my whoop too I think they actually help a little.
you could go see a PT (try to see a doc through insurance first), they'll fix that or at least alleviate some symptoms if the joint's physically damaged. there's probably a bunch of scar tissue in the region and muscles compensating causing the symptoms you currently have.
What kind of treatment is there? I did see the doc abotu the first arm 2 years ago she said to use a support strap but there was nothing really they could do treatment wise.
there are a few, personally i've had:
-myofascial release (foam rolling, massage, etc.)
-exercises aimed at fixing imbalances
-identifying what's damaged and in which position(s) it hurts, so you can figure out your optimal compensation. IE: if your back hurts when you pick up things off the floor, learn how to squat down to pick up things.

overall for my neck at UCSF, i had a gorgeous PT girl that i spent 4-5 hours with in total to figure out things to try to unfuck some things.

beyond that if you identify the damage, you have chemicals, hormones, surgery, stem cells, injections
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