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Time to get Fit thread

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Applause for everyone's efforts.

Being fit and conditioned is being pretty and attractive.

My numbers are probably not important to you so I won't bore you but I will proclaim music and effort.

Soundtrack: Today is "The Unicorn Heads" (Fans of Pink Floyd would enjoy)
Effort: Strictly bicycle. 125 miles a week
Fuel: Coffee and bananas. Sometimes toast or cold pizza.
Results: All positive. At almost seventy y/o it's like I am now a resto-mod in my own body. Viagra? Pfft . . .who needs it? The Cannondale works on so many levels my wife is now talking about doing something serious her own self.

I like pretty and attractive.

Your stoke is always a pleasant read. :thumbup
oxygen quality in the wilderness or the desert at night is typically far better than in the city or suburbs. <handwavy citation of science things>

Maybe. Oura ring also said my body temperature dropped quite a bit from baseline, so maybe has something to do with it also. That or not being stressed from work.
oxygen quality in the wilderness or the desert at night is typically far better than in the city or suburbs. <handwavy citation of science things>
Define 'far better'.

I think that the difference is negligible.

Now, if you want to talk about pollutants in the air that would impact you during exercise, then there would be a scientific basis for it.
The usual amount. The ride has like 4 climbs as well

comparing our rides is just giving me justification to NOT compare power numbers between different meters with different riders :laughing

heres mine from this morning. we shaved ~5min off the moving time compared to a few weeks ago.

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comparing our rides is just giving me justification to NOT compare power numbers between different meters with different riders :laughing

heres mine from this morning. we shaved ~5min off the moving time compared to a few weeks ago.


It's mostly for training purposes not to compare to other people :)
na i meant oxygen quality, it's organic free range nonGMO gluten free and vegan, it's gotta be better. :x
Monday night: worked late.
Tuesday night: night meeting.
Wednesday night: passed out in bed in running gear at 6:30; woke up brown side up at 3 am.

DECEMBER 3, 2020

1-Mile Run & Windsprints

3x15 - DB Mil Press
3x15 - Crunch
3x10 - Squat Walk
3x12-15 - DB Lateral Raise
3x10 - Side Lunge


• Bagel w/Butter
• Penang Chicken, Rice & Peas
• Orange
• Banana
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Wheat Noodles and Turkey Meatballs


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4 mile down, skipped brogability and lifting to yell at people from work.

proton bar
nature valley bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

16oz NY steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
Conditioning efforts continue, with success. Being in condition is attractive and fun.

And it is amusing to replace worn out parts on a bicycle when you're the only one riding it. Third set of tires, second chain and cassette, new cables and guides. And I get to buy tools and upgrade parts.

Did another twenty-five miler. Got back and my wife said: "We really have to talk."

(Parts cost? I haven't hidden any expense)
(Time away? I ride at 04:00 and get back by seven)
(Time fussing in the garage?) She only has to open the door.
(Our house?) In good nick, landscape is tight, I scrub toilets, repairs are current and I cook daily.

With a tinge of anxiety I reply, "Uh, okay".

We sit silently in the kitchen with coffee. With the cold eyes of a snake she hands me a list. "This is important." She says. I look at the list, it is the names of all of her friends.

"Is this a party you want to throw?" I ask.

"No". The intent stare remains. "You're taking care of yourself now. And it shows. If I die. . . (She has chronic myologenous leukemia, in control). . .you have to be careful around these women!" Her gaze could now pierce armor plate. "I've listed them in decending order of importance. The first three will take advantage of you, use you but won't love you." She relaxed a little. "The rest of them are okay or honest about things, but I still don't trust them for after I die."

Mind you, she and I have been together since 1973, I've known some of those women for decades and if they've had designs on me I was oblivious. To keep from laughing I shammed reading the list of names very carefully. As serious as my wife was, even a giggle from me would have been disastrous. Carefully I asked, "Is this it. Are there more names?"

"And watch out for my daughter's next door neighbor. She's pretty but she's mean inside."

Ah. . . marital bliss. I didn't see that one coming. More than forty seven years and I still can't get the upper hand on the chess board of a relationship.

All because I bought a bicycle.
Tough week.

Started Monday AM. I was determined to make it a killer day.
About 200 pushups in late morning I tried to grunt out a couple more.. pulled a trap muscle. So much for weight lifting. Did some squats and took a long fast walk.

Tuesday. Neck trap felt a little better actually fine. Suprise awesome.
Hit the weights hard. Did some squats and took a walk.

Tuesday night the inside of my left forearm cramped up and was in major pain. Did too much too fast I assumed. Mind wandered to a possible heart attack... :facepalm and now my knees hurt too. :laughing

Wednesday: Arm still hurt like heck.. typing hurt FFS. Did squats.
Skipped the walk because of my knees.

Thursday: Arm was feeling better. Decided I am mature and should not push it... so a not as long walk.

Thursday night my same forearm lit up on the outer top. Felt like it was frozen and hurt like hell. For sure not a heart attack. :laughing Knees felt OK.

Friday: Arm still hurt. Damn typing. :laughing
Did squats and took a walk.

Today: A couple light sets of curls. Wanted to see if it would affect my arm. So far so good.

Hoping I can do something more real tomorrow.
I’m never gonna stop riding my bike.
I’m never gonna stop riding my bike.
I’m never gonna stop riding my bike.
I’m never gonna stop riding my bike.
I’m never gonna stop riding my bike.
Pushrod, thanks for that. Put a smile on my face. Long best ness to you and wife!
ran 4 miles and drank a bit yesterday. closed the lease on the place and it has a huge garage for my squat rack and a backyard w/ concrete patio that i may use for working out. the patio looked like it was 25x30'+ and the yard in total looked like 50x50. thinking of what torture devices to implement. today ran my 4 miles and brogability.

proton bar
nature valley bar
1 liter of water

2 cups of rice
14oz NY steak
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
Just played tennis again before the lockdown. Of course I had to get the bug back right before the shut down...

If they don't lock the courts I may try and play
Had a short, cold, ocean swim yesterday and this is my best pace on this run so far. Goal is 8:30 avg.


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4 miles down, brogability done, squat workout complete. mostly just going through the movements.

10 pringles
proton bar
nature valley bar
1 liter of water

14oz pan-seared chicken thigh
1 broccoli
2 cups of rice
1 fried egg

leftover cals:
Rinse, repeat.

Same route, same start time, same bicycle, same distance even the same drink in the bottle cage every day. Twenty-five miles.

The time to completion is the only change. I've gone from 2 1/2 hours to two hours flat with the same comfort level.

Yay, me.
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