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Time to get Fit thread

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I didn't see much in the way of visible results until I upped the intensity for shorter duration work outs. 30-45 mins of MOVING MOVING MOVING seemed to do more for me than slower heavier work outs.

I've found that 40-60 minutes a day of cardio with at least 20 of it "peak cardio" (70-80% peak heart rate) has stunning results. Combined with a diet that's high in protein and low in carbs as well as equal or very close to one's metabolic rate this workout regimen has visible results in as little as a week.

A month or six weeks into it and you'll be catching the moms at Costco looking.
Yup in the same boat here. I am still racking my brain to figure out how I am not dropping weight. I am doing at least 3 days of good cardio at the gym, eating way better and smaller meals than before and I am still not dropping pounds. I just can't believe that doing 30 minutes of cardio and 45+ doing weights burned that many more calories than my current routine of 60 minutes of cardio and some light weightlifting for 30 minutes. I know I am not taking in as many calories as before with the previous routine so I figured I should be losing some weight but the scale is stubbornly staying in the same place.

Going to stay the course though and hopefully, the doctor will let me start lifting heavy on the upper body in a few weeks.

Cardio: see beau’s comment above.
Food: whats your daily macros & cals?
If were being honest steroids beats cardio.

Yes. I think cardio is way overrated for getting lean/cosmetic reasons. I think I mentioned it before...

When I "prepped" for my wedding, I wanted to do a little experiment - can I drop 20lbs with just diet and ZERO cardio? I did - I honestly didn't do ANY cardio. Zip... nada. Just diet. Got pretty lean with no anabolics.

I really wanted to prove a point that cardio (for getting lean) is just simply way too overrated.


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Never was big into running until the Army, then got good at it... until exertion induced compartment syndrome. Five years later finally said enough (and had a civilian referral from the VA) and got the 4 compartment fasciotomy. After a month I'm walking normally again. Hope it will allow me to run again, need to get back in shape. Really sucks after surgery my activity level went to nearly zero, yet my diet didn't change. Stepped on the scale the other day and was like WTF :laughing
Off to a yoga class this morning. Had a good week. 2X HIIT TRX classes, a Pilates Reformer class and 2X yoga classes. My back is better then it's been in years. People keep asking me if I've lost weight. Took a notch in on my belt and haven't stepped on the scale. I'm sure I'm burning fat and putting on muscle mass.
Going to the park. I got back on my diet and started stretching. So that's a start. Fell off the wagon for a bit there. Oh. Edit. Going to do strength training. It's fairly a different routine for me. But i need muscle.
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Yes. I think cardio is way overrated for getting lean/cosmetic reasons. I think I mentioned it before...

When I "prepped" for my wedding, I wanted to do a little experiment - can I drop 20lbs with just diet and ZERO cardio? I did - I honestly didn't do ANY cardio. Zip... nada. Just diet. Got pretty lean with no anabolics.

I really wanted to prove a point that cardio (for getting lean) is just simply way too overrated.


Maybe a sprinter could bench press a steer. A long distance runner looks like they could barely lift a kitten with their pencil limbs.
Yes. I think cardio is way overrated for getting lean/cosmetic reasons. I think I mentioned it before...

When I "prepped" for my wedding, I wanted to do a little experiment - can I drop 20lbs with just diet and ZERO cardio? I did - I honestly didn't do ANY cardio. Zip... nada. Just diet. Got pretty lean with no anabolics.

I really wanted to prove a point that cardio (for getting lean) is just simply way too overrated.


My next statement is almost surely over-simplified, but it still describes the general idea: Exercise is for health, diet is for weight.

If you want to lose weight you need to change your diet.
spent 5 days in Santa Cruz, ate like I didnt care. I regret every day of those wasted 5 days :cry

Back to work today and back to the gym tomorrow.
spent 5 days in Santa Cruz, ate like I didnt care. I regret every day of those wasted 5 days :cry

Back to work today and back to the gym tomorrow.

I carbo overloaded this weekend (damnit!) so going to go ultra low carbs and fats for a few days.
I guess this was the weekend of carb hell for everyone. I went and used my cheat day to have some sushi. Then yesterday had smoked ribs and some red potatoes.

So some good news hit a personal best of 400 calories burned on the treadmill. Then I hit the machines and got in 4 sets of 280 on the hack squat machine. then some light reps for triceps, biceps, chest, and back. Still taking it easy on the upper body stuff till sawbones says I am GTG on the heavy stuff.

I have found some rio star grapefruit from texas so I have been eating one of those a night when I have the craving for something. I am uber picky about my grapefruit it has to be rio star from texas or I don't touch it.
I trained at the MMA gym yesterday and did their 1 1/2 hour boxing class. I absolutely LOVED IT - then talked about membership dues and was like *yikes*. With our gym membership, my wife wanting to join a yoga studio again, my and my son's karate, another dojo over in San Jose I train at occasionally, and an MMA gym, it's going to run us like $600 a month in dues just for this stuff. We can swing it, but it's more about do we *want* to swing it. I took advantage of their $30 for 30 days, but not sure if I will continue as much as I love it.

Best and worst:

Best: I didn't gas out for the entire class. The last time I trained MMA I was carrying about 30lbs more than now, and not having that and not lifting heavy weights has completely changed the game. BMX has really helped in this regard, too. I trained with my mouth piece in to see if I'd have a hard time with breathing, and NO! :) I was so stoked, because when I was bigger, I gassed pretty quick.

Worst: I got hit in the head and I have a history of brain injury from BMX and martial arts - the worst of it from BMX. 4 years ago, I had a horrible accident - fell from about 8 ft in the air directly to the back of my head without a helmet. I remember the sound in my ears, and then my whole body going numb, then being really scared as I layed there not being able to move.

I was f8cked for about two years, emotionally. Suicidal ideation, weird, impulsive behavior that was not me, and the worst depression I've ever had. So, I'm a little worried about sparring. Even when you block a punch, you still get hit. I got tapped a few times and I was really dizzy. Some months ago, I took a knee to the head in two different instances while drilling takedowns and submissions with a younger partner. It was accidental, but rocked me pretty bad. That hit rocked me for about 6 hours where I did not feel well and really dizzy. Young martial artists tend to go hard, even in drilling and practice and accidents happen.

I'm worried about head injuries at my age given my past. They also do BJJ, so I might go that route as to keep from getting my brain further messed up.

I love, love, love martial arts. I really hope I can swing the membership and navigate the head injury stuff.
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Im on a moderate program with moderate results but moving in the right direction.
Don't expect any shirtless pics in my underwear but I might post a pic or two of my bike in the bike on location thread :teeth
Im on a moderate program with moderate results but moving in the right direction.
Don't expect any shirtless pics in my underwear but I might post a pic or two of my bike in the bike on location thread :teeth

Nude selfies in 4 months bro. Get on it.
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