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Time to get Fit thread

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Did 64 minutes last night on the treadmill and hit 430 calories burned. I upped the fast pace to 5.2MPH. I think I am going to try increasing my fast interval by .2MPH per session to see how far I can go and not have a coronary event. Felt pretty good but had to use a different treadmill as my usual one was taken by some random person. I like my usual one because it has a lot of airflow and fans on it so I can stay sorta dry. Last night I finished my routine and it looked like I just got out of the pool because there is no airflow by that machine and they had run out of towels when I got there. Had to go straight home and shower/change.
Nude selfies in 4 months bro. Get on it.

Challenge accepted I got the nude selfies covered. Can't guarantee you will like them but I will put them up........:wow:wow

for nudes?! :wow Damn must have missed the post :x

anyone studying physics? If I posted nudes there would be many gravatational anomolies :cry

Been slacking, eating sugar, not dealing with stress. Nothing like 5 minutes of mountain climbers to kick a gal back into the program.
I have a head cold and a sore ankle. I Feel like butter right now and cant do too much to fix it. Bahh
I think I mentioned here that I never was able to finish a full cycle of p90X. I have this weird cycle of consistently working out for 3 weeks. eating relatively good then on week 4 something happens and binge eat crap food, dont work out and just turn into a lazy blob. then restart all over again.

This has been happening for the last 6mos. its like i un-do so much work in one week. frustrating. this week I was traveling and then got sick
Yep, that's me, inconsistant to the max. I know how to do this I sem to self sabatoge :cry

It starts with home, overwhelmed with so much boy energy unable to keepup withchores and cooking every freaking minute :rant
Did 64 minutes last night on the treadmill and hit 430 calories burned. I upped the fast pace to 5.2MPH. I think I am going to try increasing my fast interval by .2MPH per session to see how far I can go and not have a coronary event. Felt pretty good but had to use a different treadmill as my usual one was taken by some random person. I like my usual one because it has a lot of airflow and fans on it so I can stay sorta dry. Last night I finished my routine and it looked like I just got out of the pool because there is no airflow by that machine and they had run out of towels when I got there. Had to go straight home and shower/change.

What’s your goal with an hour of running?

Ud likely improve everything faster and burn more calories with structured intervals.
What’s your goal with an hour of running?

Ud likely improve everything faster and burn more calories with structured intervals.

Stang, I do a 6 minute progressively faster warmup and then I start doing intervals of 4 minutes fast pace and then 3 of a slow pace to catch my breath. I alternate this until I hit about 55 minutes then I start a 6-minute cooldown. I am trying to burn as many calories as I can during this time. I have been increasing the fast pace to up the calorie burn and to work on my aerobic stamina. I will increase it until I can't sustain the fast pace for the whole workout, then I will probably back off for a few workouts to build stamina and then will increase again.
I can never motivate myself to work out after doing manual labor/ construction jobs all day. Especially working 4, 10 hour days. I just want to get home eat shower make my food for the next day and go to sleep. I really don’t like working out in gyms, nor am I dedicated to hold myself accountable to go all the time. Any recommendations on things to try?
Stang, I do a 6 minute progressively faster warmup and then I start doing intervals of 4 minutes fast pace and then 3 of a slow pace to catch my breath. I alternate this until I hit about 55 minutes then I start a 6-minute cooldown. I am trying to burn as many calories as I can during this time. I have been increasing the fast pace to up the calorie burn and to work on my aerobic stamina. I will increase it until I can't sustain the fast pace for the whole workout, then I will probably back off for a few workouts to build stamina and then will increase again.

interesting. you are working in between normal cardio and an interval workout, since your fast pace is longer duration than the slow pace. ud need to go harder and take more rest to gain the interval benefits. but I have no idea how that'd affect your calorie output.

there are a million structure running workouts for free on the internet. my gf uses them to train for running races and they work really well for increasing fitness and performance.
I can never motivate myself to work out after doing manual labor/ construction jobs all day. Especially working 4, 10 hour days. I just want to get home eat shower make my food for the next day and go to sleep. I really don’t like working out in gyms, nor am I dedicated to hold myself accountable to go all the time. Any recommendations on things to try?

If you are doing construction work all day I would almost think you could get away with just cutting down calories if you want to lose weight only. If you want to gain muscle then you would want to do some workouts. You could do some high intensity excercises for less time and you would see a change.

interesting. you are working in between normal cardio and an interval workout, since your fast pace is longer duration than the slow pace. ud need to go harder and take more rest to gain the interval benefits. but I have no idea how that'd affect your calorie output.

there are a million structure running workouts for free on the internet. my gf uses them to train for running races and they work really well for increasing fitness and performance.

I am going to increase the fast pace little by little as long as I am increasing my caloric burn I am fairly happy. So far I have been doing good no horrible muscle soreness and my knees are holding up so I am stoked. I will probably keep this up after the doc says I can go back to actually lifting weights so it will burn even better. I will have to probably schedule more gym time so around 2 hours 4 nights a week at that point. If I can get my cardio up and burn some good calories quicker I may cut the run time down a bit and then work on increasing the intensity to get a better burn.
Fwiw. Friday nights at the gym is my favorite because there’s not a lot of people and I feel like i own the place. After a week of work-hell i had no energy even with my pre-workout that include 300 g or mg of caffeine. The regulars were there including a brotha that works hard but overheard him say “i am tired.” That made me feel
normal as I felt the same.

So hit my planned routine. It wasn’t inspiring but at least I showed up. Then post-workout shake. Salad. Then an hour later black beans and quinoa. Really wanted a slice of fucking Safeway cake but passed. Then i passed out on my sofa lol

Planning to eat vegan/vegetarian this wkend just to clean things up.
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I can never motivate myself to work out after doing manual labor/ construction jobs all day. Especially working 4, 10 hour days. I just want to get home eat shower make my food for the next day and go to sleep. I really don’t like working out in gyms, nor am I dedicated to hold myself accountable to go all the time. Any recommendations on things to try?

Short Youtube yoga routines, IMO (but not a doctor of any kind) probably more important in your case because your job sounds like it involves beating up your body a bit. You can find stuff anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.

Can't help you on the motivation front, when I feel like slacking off I tell myself I don't exactly like doing the dishes either, but it needs to get done and it needs to get done well.
I posted this pic to Insta and a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder. Best fucking wake up call I've had in ages. I've been out five or the eight mornings since.

Something I've noticed though, since hitting the sub-10% body-fat zone I get cold AF so soon.... even with a 5/4 wetsuit. That's a good excuse to start eating more cereal with half and half.


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I posted this pic to Insta and a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder. Best fucking wake up call I've had in ages. I've been out five or the eight mornings since.

Something I've noticed though, since hitting the sub-10% body-fat zone I get cold AF so soon.... even with a 5/4 wetsuit. That's a good excuse to start eating more cereal with half and half.

I like your friend and totally agree B.

Learned 600-800 calories or so for an underwater jaunt. Never knew that. Don’t need to burn calories much, but hell yes!
Been creatively stale on BMX for a month or so. I hammered on a small edit in April and really haven’t done much invention since. I may go out today, although family life may dictate otherwise. Anyway, here’s three of my absurd inventions. There was a time just a few years ago when I’d ride 6-8 hour days, but family takes priority. The most I’ll get out now is 3 hour sessions, so I need to compact my riding and try hard to come up with new stuff.

Been creatively stale on BMX for a month or so. I hammered on a small edit in April and really haven’t done much invention since. I may go out today, although family life may dictate otherwise. Anyway, here’s three of my absurd inventions. There was a time just a few years ago when I’d ride 6-8 hour days, but family takes priority. The most I’ll get out now is 3 hour sessions, so I need to compact my riding and try hard to come up with new stuff.

LOVE the somersault reentry!
I posted this pic to Insta and a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder. Best fucking wake up call I've had in ages. I've been out five or the eight mornings since.

Something I've noticed though, since hitting the sub-10% body-fat zone I get cold AF so soon.... even with a 5/4 wetsuit. That's a good excuse to start eating more cereal with half and half.

HF! You look good.
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