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Time to get Fit thread

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1/2 Marathon Training

Finished the 6th week of the plan feeling pretty strong. My pace seems to be increasing slightly while maintaining a zone 2 heart rate which is the ultimate goal. :thumbup

I do wish I was back home or like in Florida where live races are still a thing. It is much easier to remain focused when there is a upcoming race as the goal rather than just training for the sake of training.

18.65 mi
2,632 C

Diet continues to be a weakness. :x
Do you people wear weight gloves? I find I get amazing calluses from the pullups and then some secondary ones from weights. Just worked out with them and it made gripping weights a lot easier.


Just switched pullups from doing as many as I can per set to doing 6 sets of 2 reps. I finished pretty easily so maybe I'll try six sets of 3 reps next time. I really would love to hit 10 in a row.
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Do you people wear weight gloves? I find I get amazing calluses from the pullups and then some secondary ones from weights. Just worked out with them and it made gripping weights a lot easier.


Just switched pullups from doing as many as I can per set to doing 6 sets of 2 reps. I finished pretty easily so maybe I'll try six sets of 3 reps next time. I really would love to hit 10 in a row.

In my youth I used chalk and a weightlifting belt when I lifted heavier. Now I don’t use anything nor gloves. I like the callouses bc its a reminder that I’m actually working out.
Wait what did I miss? Is this something to do with the deer encounter? Either way hope you heal up soon knee shit sucks (speaking as someone with two messed up knees).

Yeah. The deer strike resulted in a big old hematoma on my left knees. Saw My MRI results yesterday but haven’t spoken to a Dr. yet. From what I can dope out nothing is torn or ruptured. I may have some patella damage. Surgery seems unlikely and unnecessary at this point as far as I can tell. My in person appointment with the orthopedist is the 1st.

Beau, sucks about the shingles man. I’ll rehab with you any time!!

1 x 3 pullups
1 x 3 neutral grip pullups
1 x 3 chinups
1 x 2 pullups
1 x 2 neutral grip pullups
1 x 2 chinups

120 seconds between sets


My TrieEye cycling rear-view mirror "photochromatic" sunglasses arrived...they don't get dark in the sun. Wanted them for this weekend's Shasta ride...

In my youth I used chalk and a weightlifting belt when I lifted heavier. Now I don’t use anything nor gloves. I like the callouses bc its a reminder that I’m actually working out.

I also like the calluses but I find my grip for pullups is significantly better with gloves :)
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WED ~ MAY 26, 2021

Light workout bc tired AF.

5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x5 - Jump Squat
10-Min Treadmill
6x10-15 - BB Military
3x10 - OH 360 Shoulder Rotation w/Plate
3x5 - Front Raise w/Plate
6x5-10 - DB Shoulder Press (feeling strong & no shldr pain!)


• McD Sausage McVomit w Egg
• Turkey Sammy & Coke
• 2 Oranges
• Handful Chocolate Raisins
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout



Fri ~ May 28

Work is kicking my ass. Half the battle is just showing up at the gym when you’d rather dive into pizza and beer. So here’s my half ass workout.

15-Min Shoot hoops
10-Min Treadmill
2x15 - BB Military
6x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - Cable Face Pull
3x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Plate
5x10 - DB Wrist Curl
5x10 - DB Reverse Wrist Curl
3x10 - Those Dubbington Wrist Things
3x10 - DB Hammer Curl to Shldr Press Combo
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
1x30 - BB Military Super Lizards™℠®©


• 1/2 Donut
• Oxtail Stew & Rice
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Sashimi & Seaweed Salad
• 1/4 C Pumpkin Seeds


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Sunday ~ May 30

15-Min Shoot Hoops
10-Min Treadmill
1x35 - Bench Press Super Lizards™℠®©
6x10 Bench Press
5x10 - Cable X Over
6x10 - Cable Decline Press
2x10 - Cable Incline Press
3x10 - Bar Dip


• 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon & 2 Slices Whole Grain
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• 2 Cobs of Corn, BBQ Ribs & 1/2 Slice of Pie


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Made it 46 miles of 53 before my legs cramped up and they had to leave me behind. I waited in a shady tree while they finished and came back to get me :)

However they said I did great the first 20 miles are basically uphill and magnificent riding we passed maybe 1 other bicycle and all the cars were very careful and respectful of us, it was an unbelievable time.

Need to train a little harder. Was pretty cool we were all on Canyon brand bicycles, 2 Enduraces (my aluminum with 105, my friend's carbon with Di2) and 2 Ultimates (one with 105 and one with Di2). It was like the high 20s to mid 30s C all day but the first half was fine with tree cover.

This was in the town of Dunsmuir where I was dying and we stopped for cold water, gatorade and a snack. I managed like 5 more miles.

I am satisfied with my performance especially at elevation.
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That looks like a great place to ride. How high were you?

One tricky part about riding with stronger friends is making sure they slow the F down so you can survive :laughing. I make sure to watch my HR and tell them I can't sustain 170BPM for 4hrs. Hell, one time I went with the wrong group (the fastest one) in a mock race. 20min in and my HR was sitting at 182BPM at the start of a long climb. I told them to ditch me and rode nearly the whole race solo :cry
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They always wait for me at any turns but I tend to fall out of the peleton.

It said we gained 5404 but we hit 6400 feet at one point.

The downhill was brutal due to some seriously large and dangerous to bicycles potholes.

One of my friends is effectively an amateur extreme athlete (he ran a 50 mile race a few weeks ago through the Grand Canyon) and he would regularly cycle back and check on me. They're all great friends who gave me great encouragement.

Truth is I feel 40-50 miles is as far as I'd like to go in a day's ride (assuming a lot of incline) I don't have more fun after that it seriously decreases.
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Ya, getting dropped is a great way to get destroyed. The weaker person ends up riding at their limit while the stronger people get rest when they wait. Its a lose-lose for the weaker person. Its much better for the weaker person if the whole group goes their pace on everything but the steep climbs.

That's a nice elevation profile. I miss those LONG climbs in the middle of nowhere.

I rode this morning and kicked my own butt more than expected. The lap around the small island was a quick interval set. Then we climbed the mountain twice. Then I hammered the flat river path and towed my friend. Then we had the normal hills to get back to my house. I ended up falling asleep in front of my computer while failing at work :laughing
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Memorial Day

15-Min Shoot Hoops (nice shoulder warm up)
10-Min Treadmill
5x10 - Leg Ext
5x10 - BB Military
1x30 - BB Military Super Lizards™℠®©
5x10 - DB Curl
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
4x5x10 - All the Rotator Cuff Exercises on Cable Machine
3x20 - Ab Machine
10-Min Treadmill


Wasn’t pretty.


On a hot day like this, its not enough to drink water to rehydrate, you gotta replenish your sodium levels as you sweat. By the time you're cramping, and you're trying to down gatorade its too late. When I used to ride, I did a 40 miler with some friends in the North Bay and we were climbing near Mt. Tam. The day was a hot as fuck and I basically ended up cramping out near the summit. I still had to ride all the way back across the bridge and back to Sports Basement since thats where we started from.

This is also back at a time when I knew jack shit about nutrition, so that probably didn't help matters. Maybe carry some potassium tablets with you and drop that in your water on another warm sunny day like today.
They always wait for me at any turns but I tend to fall out of the peleton.

It said we gained 5404 but we hit 6400 feet at one point.

The downhill was brutal due to some seriously large and dangerous to bicycles potholes.

One of my friends is effectively an amateur extreme athlete (he ran a 50 mile race a few weeks ago through the Grand Canyon) and he would regularly cycle back and check on me. They're all great friends who gave me great encouragement.

Truth is I feel 40-50 miles is as far as I'd like to go in a day's ride (assuming a lot of incline) I don't have more fun after that it seriously decreases.
You've been doing great, Jordan, it takes at least 2 years for your body to get near it's max levels for aerobic fitness (aerobic enzymes keep getting better for longer) and it sounds like your friends have all been at this kind of thing for much longer than that. In another year you'll be sailing through these kinds of rides.
K I ain't reading all these pages
Started doing cardio again, what should I be eating to help with muscle recovery/soreness? Please only actual food I can get at the grocery store like bananas. Not interested in some wonder shake. Kthxbye
You've been doing great, Jordan, it takes at least 2 years for your body to get near it's max levels for aerobic fitness (aerobic enzymes keep getting better for longer) and it sounds like your friends have all been at this kind of thing for much longer than that. In another year you'll be sailing through these kinds of rides.

Thanks so much. You're right for example one friend i ride with is SIXTY NINE but she is in phenomenal shape and has been doing this for like 50 years. She is usually a little better than me.

On a hot day like this, its not enough to drink water to rehydrate, you gotta replenish your sodium levels as you sweat. By the time you're cramping, and you're trying to down gatorade its too late. When I used to ride, I did a 40 miler with some friends in the North Bay and we were climbing near Mt. Tam. The day was a hot as fuck and I basically ended up cramping out near the summit. I still had to ride all the way back across the bridge and back to Sports Basement since thats where we started from.

This is also back at a time when I knew jack shit about nutrition, so that probably didn't help matters. Maybe carry some potassium tablets with you and drop that in your water on another warm sunny day like today.

I think you're 100% right. I need to manage my nutrition better.
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