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Time to get Fit thread

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K I ain't reading all these pages
Started doing cardio again, what should I be eating to help with muscle recovery/soreness? Please only actual food I can get at the grocery store like bananas. Not interested in some wonder shake. Kthxbye


Shakes are not wonder food they're just an easy way to get in protein.

One serving, or one medium ripe banana, provides about 110 calories, 0 gram fat, 1 gram protein, 28 grams carbohydrate, 15 grams sugar (naturally occurring), 3 grams fiber, and 450 mg potassium.

Seems like a better carb up food than recovery food. Careful, they're radioactive ;)

On a hot day like this, its not enough to drink water to rehydrate, you gotta replenish your sodium levels as you sweat. By the time you're cramping, and you're trying to down gatorade its too late. When I used to ride, I did a 40 miler with some friends in the North Bay and we were climbing near Mt. Tam. The day was a hot as fuck and I basically ended up cramping out near the summit. I still had to ride all the way back across the bridge and back to Sports Basement since thats where we started from.

This is also back at a time when I knew jack shit about nutrition, so that probably didn't help matters. Maybe carry some potassium tablets with you and drop that in your water on another warm sunny day like today.
Great advice! :thumbup

They now have electrolyte powder that you can buy on Amazon (read the amounts carefully, some have much less Potassium than others) that helps avoid too much sugar intake from drinks like Gatorade, though you may be burning enough sugar on a long ride that it's not as much of an issue as other venues where you're more exposed to extreme hot weather than large exertion.

On another note, it is amazing how fast electrolytes do clear up cramping issues when you take it when very low on them.
On short rides I was carrying one bottle water one bottle half water half gatorade. For longer rides I'll get some better drink additives.

My friends say I should go for a Hawk Hill personal record this week after I recover.
Do riders still us camelbak's (or equivalent)?

I used one for multi-pitch rock climbing and skiing.

Great invention, back in the day, and large amount of liquid that you could carry.
Do riders still us camelbak's (or equivalent)?

I used one for multi-pitch rock climbing and skiing.

Great invention, back in the day, and large amount of liquid that you could carry.

We are anti any kind of backpack. Most of the time there are refill places on our rides or shops.

My friend replaced his saddlebag for this ride with one that holds a decent amount of water. Coincidentally he was the only flat on the ride as well...

(Incidentally be very careful with Co2 fillers, our shot the CO2 cartridge off like a bullet barely missing us)
+1 on electrolytes and starting to use them early. If it's going to be a hot day my bottles start with them, and I carry Nuun tablets with me for refills. My personal opinion is that Gatorade is basically a sugar water. I would get specific sports electrolytes. I am a fan of Nuun tablets, but there is plenty of other stuff on the market. The key is to try them on shorter rides to make sure you like the taste, and can tolerate them. You don't want to try something for the first time on a big rides.
Gatorade is crap for this type of exercise. It doesn't have nearly enough salts even at full concentration. The sugar used isn't considered the best for exercise. It doesn't have any protein. Other brands of gatorade-type drinks may contain a preservative that gives some people the runs. Avoid it.

I use GQ6 or Gu Roctane. If I need salts - GQ6. If I need more calories - Gu Roctane. Filling every bottle with mix is a good starting point for someone that is trying to cycle "hard".
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On that ride I just posted, I had potato hash with some bacon for breakfast before leaving. I drank 1 1/2 bottles of GQ6 on the ride. By the time I got home, I was ravenous. I ate 3 Sprouts oatmeal raisin cookies & 2 servings of pasta salad the second I got through the door. Then I showered and had half a salami sandwich. I'd guess that's over 1000Cal of food before noon, matching Strava's calorie estimate for the ride.
Wed ~ June 2, 2021

Worked 14 hours yesterday. Tired. But showed up today.

15-Min Shoot Hoops (shoulder warm up, works great!)
10-Min Stretching
15-Min Treadmill
6x10 - Bench Press
1x40 - Bench Press Super Lizards™℠®©
2x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Plate
4x10 - DB Standing Upright X Over
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Lentil Soup & 2 Slices Ezekiel Sprouted Sesame
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Ground Beef Stuffed Bell Pepper & Mashed Taters


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I caught a cold so haven't really exercised since the ride but I did a few pullups and I was noticeably stronger than last week, banged out 6 sets of 3 no problem
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