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Time to get Fit thread

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You put one foot in the band.

One foot or one knee?



I'm seeing both methods

3x10 - BB Mil Press
3x20 - BB Wrist & Rev Wrist Curl Combo
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x10 - Cable Decline X Over
3x10 - DB Shoulder Press
3x15 - DB Curl/Hammer Curl Combo
3x15 - Leg Ext
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise


Mostly trash.


Mostly garbage.
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Got a 22 mile pedal in this weekend. My power output was about 1/2 of normal and I was slow but i'll take it.
Having weights and a bench less than 10 feet away makes it easy to bang out some weight exercises early in the day between meetings.
Mon ~ June 14

6x10 - Benchpress
1x30 - Benchpress Super Lizards™℠®©
2x10 - TRX Lunge
2x10 - TRX Squat
3x10 - TRX Push Up
2x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x10 - Cable Decline
3x10 - Cable Incline
2x1x5 - One Arm Cable X Over


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Vegetable Lasagna
• White Peach
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Salmon, Quinoa & Kale


Bang quietly else you’ll piss off your roommate


I'm on the top floor, we are separated by an entire level. Which also leads me to question which door she says I'VE been slamming because there are literally only 2 doors capable of it, my office and my bathroom (the bedroom is sliding doors).
Got a 22 mile pedal in this weekend. My power output was about 1/2 of normal and I was slow but i'll take it.

Did you get paid out on your ST4? There's a 60K mile one at NPA Sacramento running this Friday. Decent shape...bet it goes for about $2500...
1 hour BJJ
Squats 4x5 200 lbs
Deadlift 3x8 190 lbs
60 double kettlebell swings
40 single kettlebell swings
100 various ab excercises
60 knee raises

Mask-free in the gym!

3x10 - Straight Arm Pulldown
3x10 - Lat Pull
3x12 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - Jump Squat
3x10 - Hip Bridge
3x15 - Cable Crunch
3x15 - DB Reverse Curl
3x10 - Cable Face Pull
3x10 - BB Military
3x15 - Leg Ext
3x10 - Calf Raise
3x10 - Leg Press


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Vegan Meatballs, Quinoa & Kale
• Pre Workout
• 1 Orange
• Gatorade
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Fish & Riced Cauliflower


“You can’t out-train a bad diet” :(
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I was finally able to get back in the gym again this week. Here is what I did.....

4x10 flat bench
4x10 incline bench
4x10 butterfly
4x10 iron cross cable for lower chest
4x10 triceps pushdown
4x10 isolation reverse triceps pull-downs

Super happy as my bench weights are almost back to where it was before shoulder surgery and Covid.

Trying to switch to a M-W-F routine so that I only hit one body part a week and I can get a more complete overall workout. I have been neglecting my legs so i am going to get back into doing the goblet squats, lunges, and calf raises and maybe throw in more deadlifts as well......

Man Lizard Holeshot was right you are going beast mode in the gym brother good for you......
Wound up running through some knee pain and now it's a week later and my knee still hurts. Dumb

Guess it's time to see a doc

If it is tweaked maybe give it another week or so. Is it getting better every day or is it staying the same pain-wise? If it is getting better you may need to just give it time. I think it took 2 or 3 weeks for mine to feel normal again when I tweaked it earlier this year.
Did you get paid out on your ST4? There's a 60K mile one at NPA Sacramento running this Friday. Decent shape...bet it goes for about $2500...

Not yet. They are still dickering around. Not sure if im gonna be picking up another duc or plowing $$ into old chevy :laughing
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