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Time to get Fit thread

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If it is tweaked maybe give it another week or so. Is it getting better every day or is it staying the same pain-wise? If it is getting better you may need to just give it time. I think it took 2 or 3 weeks for mine to feel normal again when I tweaked it earlier this year.

It's definitely better than the day after but it seems to have leveled off at a level that still has me limping. Can't really see a doc til the week of the 4th, so I'll do you one better and wait 2-3 weeks :laughing. Just blows as I felt like I was finally getting into a stride, pun intended. This knees given me trouble before though which is probably part of the reason my excercise has been more or less non existent. Just wanna run, not interested in much else :(
Thursday ~ June 17, 2021

8x10 - DB/Cable Lateral Raise
6x5-10 - BB Military
5x10 - Cable Rear Delt
5x4-10 - DB Shoulder Press
3x10 - OH 360 w/Plate
3x10 - Tri Ext w/Plate
1x20 - BB Military Super Lizards™℠®©
4x10 - Bar Dip Machine


• Mickey D Sausage Egg McVomit :love (P21 C30 F27)
• Pro Shake
• Rainier Cherries
• Vegan Meatballs & Riced Cauliflower
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Sashimi & Seaweed Salad
• Rasberries, Orange & Pumpkin Seeds


So far:

Cal - 1194
Pro - 85
Carburetors - 109
Fat - 46
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So do you guys think that the amount of weight you use doing a lat pull-down set would translate to being able to actually do a pullup?

A little like apples and oranges. When you do pull ups you’re a little energy inefficient because your legs and lower torso may be swinging back and forth - and that’s motion that’s not helping you go up.

When you do seated lat pulls, you’re more energy efficient.

Before Covid I could do 21 dead hang pull ups. Now I suck lol.

I used lat pulls to build strength. Best wishes!
I feel better overall when I do pullups, I can feel my entire upper body including my core working in conjunction when I do them. With lat pull downs, its basically my arms, bit of back and shoulders doing all the work.
It's definitely better than the day after but it seems to have leveled off at a level that still has me limping. Can't really see a doc til the week of the 4th, so I'll do you one better and wait 2-3 weeks :laughing. Just blows as I felt like I was finally getting into a stride, pun intended. This knees given me trouble before though which is probably part of the reason my excercise has been more or less non existent. Just wanna run, not interested in much else :(

Don't know if you are doing it already but take Ibuprofen it helps with inflammation and may help it heal faster. I messed mine up on the treadmill pushing too hard to fast so I have moved to a fast walk with lots of incline to burn calories. I do miss the running so I will probably try to ease back into it eventually.

My shoulders are totally shot but I may start trying to do some once I can get some more weight in on my pulldowns.
Saturday, June 19, 2021

20-Min Shoot Hoops to Warm Up Shldrs
1x40 - Benchpress Super Lizards™℠®©
6x10 - Benchpress
2x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Plate
5x10 - Cable X Over
2x10 - Cable Decline X Over
5x10 - Cable Incline X Over
3x5 - Standing DB X Over
5x3-10 - Cable Bar Dip
5x10 - Calf Raise
5x10 - Leg Press
5x10 - Leg Curl


• 2 Oranges
• 1.5 Egg Salad Sammies
• Donut
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• 1 Cookie
• 1/2 Roast Chicken & Broccoli
• Pro Shake
• 2 Shots Tequila


Cal 1518
Pro 88
Carb 125
Fat 75
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2 hour climbing session
1 mile run
3x6 hexbar DL's at 195 lbs
3x6 land mine front squat at 115 lbs
2x40 lbs kettlebell farmer walks
3x12 25 lbs kettlebell calf raises
100 various ab excercises
60 knee raises
2 hour climbing session
1 mile run
3x6 hexbar DL's at 195 lbs
3x6 land mine front squat at 115 lbs
2x40 lbs kettlebell farmer walks
3x12 25 lbs kettlebell calf raises
100 various ab excercises
60 knee raises

How’s the benchpress coming along? I’m slowly catching up to you -▐ ——▐-
Been lifting a little heavier for the first time in years. Nagging injuries are minimal so I’m going for some gains.

Feels awesome. Really does wake up the central nervous system. I’m all amped up lately. I find the mind-muscle connection to be more rewarding when going heavier. It’s more therapeutic for me when I go heavy, I’ve concluded.
How’s the benchpress coming along? I’m slowly catching up to you -▐ ——▐-

I went back to straight sets after making good progress with reverse pyramids for a while but realized that my numbers weren't going to keep going up as fast they did in the beginning. I got up to 185 without assist last time I tried but I had to back it off since BJJ started back up again so rather than try to max out my lifts week after week Im going at about 80% of my PRs. I had to back it off even more with my volume since Im not recovering fast enough.

Thats the thing about doing multiple sports, theres never enough time for all of them!
I could probably use some 60 lb dumbells but they'll cost a fortune...

$279.99 for a pair of 60s...I paid $299 for an entire set of adjustable up to 52.5
I went back to straight sets after making good progress with reverse pyramids for a while but realized that my numbers weren't going to keep going up as fast they did in the beginning. I got up to 185 without assist last time I tried but I had to back it off since BJJ started back up again so rather than try to max out my lifts week after week Im going at about 80% of my PRs. I had to back it off even more with my volume since Im not recovering fast enough.

Thats the thing about doing multiple sports, theres never enough time for all of them!


Try building power by pressing FAST halfway up, stop, lower slowly to just above chest then press FAST halfway up, etc. Do lighter weight for 10-15 reps.
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Father’s Day

5x20 - Cable Face Pull
5x10 - Matrix Glute Trainer
5x8 - One Leg Lunge
6x10 - DB Curl
5x16 - BB Reverse Wrist Curl


• 1 1/2 Egg Salad Sammie
• Donut
• Reign Total Body Fuel
• Korean Fried Chicken and Kimchi Fried Rice


Undoubtedly insufficient.
Managed to do 3 sets of 4 reps each (unassisted) of pullups, neutral grip, and chinups, and then one more set of 2 pullups.

Shoulder Press
Dumbell hammer curls
Kettlebell rows

I realize my pullup bar is just a tad low to easily use the assist bands
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Wed ~ June 24

30-Min Shoots Hoops
5x10 - BB Mil Press
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Banana
• Turkey Meatballs, Quinoa, Kale & Squash
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Pork, Tofu & Rice
• 1 Tequila/Fresca


Thu ~ June 25

15-Min Elliptical Trainer
5x10 - Bench Press
2x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Plate
5x10 - Cable X Over
5x10 - Cable Decline Press
5x10 - Cable Upright Flye


• 2 Eggs & Slice Ezekiel
• Turkey Meatballs and Corn
• Banana
• Turkey Wrap
• Pre Work Out
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Lindt Chocolate
• 1 Tequila & Fresca


Fri ~ June 25

20-Min Shoot Hoops
6x10 - Mil Press
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Seated DB Shoulder Press
5x15 - Cable Face Pull
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x10 - DB Curl
5x15 - Leg Press
5x10 - Calf Raise
5x10 - Leg Ext


• 2 Eggs, 4 Bacon Slices & 2 Slices Wheat Toast
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bear
• Post Workout
• Chicken Parmesan, Grilled Veggies & Potato Salad
• 3 Oranges


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Killing it Dan! I got a few more pieces for my gym, but waiting for needed parts before using several of them. I got one of those Rope trainers, but not sure if I'll use it that much. I like the crank cycle better...and it was way cheaper. Two franchise gyms were closing down and the BK auction had some great deals.

Tonight was this:

2X15 Bicep pullups
4X175 (100lbs) Leg press
4X60 (100lbs) Calf Raises
4X15 Upright rows (Hammer strength ISO)
3X15 Seated cable rows (1 arm)
3X15 bent over smith rows (messing with these and the HS ISO's)
4X15 Reverse fly
3X15 Straight bar cable pulldowns
3X15 Easy Curl bar Bicep iso's (standing)
2X15 Hammers
3X15 Smith bicep curls
2X15 Cable concentration curls
3X15 Cable rope glute standups

840 calories burned...or whatever iwatch thinks. 71 minutes. 138 average HR with a max of 167.

Cardio: I'll get a video of that one. Pretty interesting the amount of calories burned, HR, etc. Untraditional too.

Food: Whatever I feel like...I'm lazy as F about my diet and preparation. Eat well enough, but don't plan much out.
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