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Time to get Fit thread

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Tell us how you really feel about crossfit......
Tell us how you really feel about crossfit......

Nothing I said is untrue. Dollars to donuts they are self-described as high volume, high intensity and incorporate Olympic lifting movements in an environment of high fatigue. You can tell me if I'm wrong about your gym not being exactly that. You can look into whether that is good for you.

My comments aren't really directed towards you since you have made your choice, but other people visiting this thread should be aware that Crossfit has substantial risks.

I'll unsubscribe, as I have said my peace and this is just throwing shade on the thread which is not my intention.
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Cross training is one thing, Crossfit is another.

I cross train with weights, running, swimming, weighted hiking, and calisthenics. I have done this for a few years and have remained injury free and I think the results speak for themselves.

I tried Crossfit for a week and quit when the trainer wanted me to do weighted box jumps, because who needs knees?. He also wanted us to do deep dips while weighted, a sure fire way to tear a pec. Fuck that noise.
Nothing I said is untrue. Dollars to donuts they are self-described as high volume, high intensity and incorporate Olympic lifting movements in an environment of high fatigue. You can tell me if I'm wrong about your gym not being exactly that. You can look into whether that is good for you.

My comments aren't really directed towards you since you have made your choice, but other people visiting this thread should be aware that Crossfit has substantial risks.

I'll unsubscribe, as I have said my peace and this is just throwing shade on the thread which is not my intention.

It's all good! I'm just really digging it and excited about it and have really enjoyed it so far. My gym is a mix of folks, I probably the youngest by about 8 years (im 31) and the oldest are 55-60 there's the most 7 people and the least 4 people including myself in each class. No one is screaming in your ear telling you to push it, or crossfit bro's with converse on and no shirt. There are different levels for each person and I never once felt like I was going too hard or unable to complete the rep.

All the horror stories ive heard over the years I had the same opinion as most people in this thread do. If you want to guarantee you'll get hurt do crossfit. I did my research, I looked for a gym that would fulfill my needs. And those needs where more weight based than cardio based. There's a reason I drive past 5 crossfit gyms on the way to this one. :)

This gym is called "Crossfit" but they prefer to go by Ideal Collaborative, the thing they have stressed since day one is #1 good form and #2 do what feels comfortable as to avoid injury.

I should also note we've never done overhead squats until yesterday and yesterday was the first time a new coach was leading the class. So, my GUESS is we did it because he wrote the work out and is new
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Nothing I said is untrue. Dollars to donuts they are self-described as high volume, high intensity and incorporate Olympic lifting movements in an environment of high fatigue. You can tell me if I'm wrong about your gym not being exactly that. You can look into whether that is good for you.

My comments aren't really directed towards you since you have made your choice, but other people visiting this thread should be aware that Crossfit has substantial risks.

I'll unsubscribe, as I have said my peace and this is just throwing shade on the thread which is not my intention.

I agree with what you said. I would further add that I think that crossfit has benefited greatly from their marketing, not unlike bodybuilding and fitness had in the 80's.

But, then again, I participate in things that are dangerous and violent. I can't criticize since the goal is to either crack somebody silly or to strangle them into unconsciousness :laughing

TBH, my head injuries from BMX far outweigh my head injuries from martial arts.
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I should also note we've never done overhead squats until yesterday and yesterday was the first time a new coach was leading the class. So, my GUESS is we did it because he wrote the work out and is new

There's some really good, experienced advice in this thread that isn't trying to sell you anything Kim.

I'm a +1 against Crossfit (most of it) as well...especially if you don't have a history of gym based fitness. Crossfit tends to obscure the line of "Safe weights", IMO. I'd highly recommend using simple movements and light weights to get the feel of how to push each muscle (uniquely). Anytime you have to stop a weight from traveling beyond the range of your physical abilities in a short distance, things get fucked.

Overhead squats? Testosterone laden bullshit. Just walk out, at that point.

IMO, of course.
There's some really good, experienced advice in this thread that isn't trying to sell you anything Kim.

I'm a +1 against Crossfit (most of it) as well...especially if you don't have a history of gym based fitness. Crossfit tends to obscure the line of "Safe weights", IMO. I'd highly recommend using simple movements and light weights to get the feel of how to push each muscle (uniquely). Anytime you have to stop a weight from traveling beyond the range of your physical abilities in a short distance, things get fucked.

Overhead squats? Testosterone laden bullshit. Just walk out, at that point.

IMO, of course.

I've drank every Koolaide riddled gym and fitness trend for the past 25 years. And EVERY bit of pain and injury stems from me weightlifting. There is a line that gets crossed where weightlifting turns from beneficial to destructive. While I love the fact that people are getting out and moving, I sincerely believe that weightlifting is extremely unnatural at certain weights. I always do the "real-life" test or the "grocery bag" test - and take something like overhead presses and ask "when does anybody move like that in real life?" or "do you lift groceries like that?". Bench press, certain squats, bicep curls with strict form (or anything in traditional body building form) are other examples.

Martial Arts are constantly going through the BS test, and people call the more cultish styles "McDojo's" for their way of giving 9 yr. olds black belts, and perpetuating "fake" self defense moves that simply wouldn't work. I think the same thing can can be applied with fitness trends.

If you want to look good, it's not going to come from exposing your joints to life long injuries such as I have. For the stupid lifting I did in my 20's, I pay severely for them in my 40's. Severely. Diet will get you there, and that takes fine tuning to your body, individually. Diet, diet, diet.

Stoked people are moving and wanting to get fit. However, please be careful. I am a walking example of what happens when you partake in such weight bearing exercises, and this will not get better. It will only get worse as I age. I'm in "save my body" mode now, and rely on diet to keep extra weight down, not on exercise.
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I've drank every Koolaide riddled gym and fitness trend for the past 25 years. And EVERY bit of pain and injury stems from me weightlifting. There is a line that gets crossed where weightlifting turns from beneficial to destructive. While I love the fact that people are getting out and moving, I sincerely believe that weightlifting is extremely unnatural at certain weights. I always do the "real-life" test or the "grocery bag" test - and take something like overhead presses and ask "when does anybody move like that in real life?" or "do you lift groceries like that?". Bench press, certain squats, bicep curls with strict form (or anything in traditional body building form) are other examples.

Martial Arts are constantly going through the BS test, and people call the more cultish styles "McDojo's" for their way of giving 9 yr. olds black belts, and perpetuating "fake" self defense moves that simply wouldn't work. I think the same thing can can be applied with fitness trends.

If you want to look good, it's not going to come from exposing your joints to life long injuries such as I have. For the stupid lifting I did in my 20's, I pay severely for them in my 40's. Severely. Diet will get you there, and that takes fine tuning to your body, individually. Diet, diet, diet.

Stoked people are moving and wanting to get fit. However, please be careful. I am a walking example of what happens when you partake in such weight bearing exercises, and this will not get better. It will only get worse as I age. I'm in "save my body" mode now, and rely on diet to keep extra weight down, not on exercise.

I think you right on with that advise. I don't lift any weight heavy enough that I can't do 20 reps with. I never attempted any max lifts or cared about bench presses and curls. I'm not an exercise fanatic by any means but I've plugged away at it over the years and never had an exercise related injury.
I actually got into it to fix an injured back from an incident on one of my first jobs and for that the exercise worked, no back issue since.
When my knees were starting to feel weird from cycling I stopped cycling, not permanently.
That's how I deal with shit, if it doesn't feel right I don't need to be doing it.
BJJ black belt here. Last night we were going through some partner drills and I'm paired up with this larger fellow (250 lbs) and I'm beating him with my speed (I'm about 160). I'm having a good time, too much in fact that my coach decides to switch things up and has me go with this other blue belt who's a brazilian and happens to be a pro surfer as well.

Doesn't take long before his natural athleticism shines through and I'm gasping for wind just to even try and defend his attacks let alone being able to impose mine. Round ends we go for a water break, thank God. Come back for free sparring and roach decides to pair everyone up with same partner for the first round. Fuck me.

It's not too often I get pushed past 90% but this doode totally brought it to me.
I actually woke up in the middle of the night from this experience. It got me thinking about how as a black belt, I can't let up one bit. On one hand I was disheartened, but on another it kept me honest. I dont feel so bad knowing he gives other high level guys in the gym fits as well.

Battle of the average Joe vs professional athlete continues.
I've drank every Koolaide riddled gym and fitness trend for the past 25 years. And EVERY bit of pain and injury stems from me weightlifting. There is a line that gets crossed where weightlifting turns from beneficial to destructive.

I only do four different simple compound lifts:
Incline bench
Lat pulldowns

That's it for my weightlifting. I do one of those each lifting day (every-other-day). I do whatever weight I can do for reps of eight, and I do that until failure; until I can't do more than five reps of that weight. It usually takes about fifteen sets to get there. Non-lifting days I try and get in 80 minutes of cardio by weighted running and rowing.

This and a well rounded, sugar free diet has worked for me for the last three years and I've for the most part been injury free while lowering body fat and adding lean muscle.
I only do four different simple compound lifts:
Incline bench
Lat pulldowns

That's it for my weightlifting. I do one of those each lifting day (every-other-day). I do whatever weight I can do for reps of eight, and I do that until failure; until I can't do more than five reps of that weight. It usually takes about fifteen sets to get there. Non-lifting days I try and get in 80 minutes of cardio by weighted running and rowing.

This and a well rounded, sugar free diet has worked for me for the last three years and I've for the most part been injury free while lowering body fat and adding lean muscle.

Got my move all done, into the new place, just need to go hunt down the fitness center location - last few days have been crazy with shopping/unpacking/settling in, but should be able to get some workouts going this week.
30 wall balls
100 single under - jump ropes
20 calorie rows (you dont stop until it says 20 CAL)
80 Single under - jump row
40 Cal rows
60 single under - jump rope
50 Wall balls
30 single under - jump rope

We had 20mins to finish it. I THOUGHT i finished at 12:57 but realized I missed the 50 wall balls at the bottom. So after a long break I finished at 19:48 :p
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sugar free diet

For me, this is the key. My injuries go WAY down and I keep my weight down. But alas... we are a family of three with a 10 year old boy and we pig out and treat ourselves. Like, on Sundays when I come home from Mass, I bring a half dozen doughnuts home as a treat, but if we are gong out for the day to eat treats later, I don't.

When I go hog wild off diet, I always pay for it for the next three days of pretty excruciating joint pain. Carbs and sugar destroy me, even fruit. When I'm being real good, the most I'll have is one apple for the day, cut into 4 pieces I snack on. It's taken so many years to figure this out. I haven't been good for the past month, and I am in constant inflammation.

I will however, do a carb drink before a big workout. Tonight is kickboxing and striking and it's two hours of punishment. I will drink that carb drink before and during, along with electrolytes or salt pills. Karate is less intense (depends on which dojo I train at) and way more heady and technique driven, so I won't do a carb drink on these types of occasions.
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OH! One other thing - peeps, please stay away from pre-workout drinks. We haven't really talked about them, but I used to be hooked on that stuff, even used ephedrine back in the 90's. It's horrible for you and possibly may have done some irreversible damage to me. The lengths I went through in the name of deeply rooted body image issues...
OH! One other thing - peeps, please stay away from pre-workout drinks. We haven't really talked about them, but I used to be hooked on that stuff, even used ephedrine back in the 90's. It's horrible for you and possibly may have done some irreversible damage to me. The lengths I went through in the name of deeply rooted body image issues...

I'd actually like to go down this wormhole. I've been taking pre-workouts for the past several years without any really harmful side effects, and most recently just started creating my own with a few bulk ingredients rather than proprietary blends with god knows what's in there. If you're open to talkin about it or would rather discuss in PM, what's been your experience with pre-workouts?
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