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Time to get Fit thread

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More cycling training with my buddy! We drove about an hour to ride the OC Triathlon bike course. I gotta say it was definitely worth it. I can totally see why the Tri runs this course. There were pretty much no stops. The gradients were <6% for all but 100ft and probably averaged 3-4%. Nothing about the ride was "punchy", so it was cool to clock a high average speed (for me and this much elevation change).

We did 2 laps of the out-and-back. First lap, we caught another rider at the top of the peak and had fun blasting down the hill with quality drafting. He was strong on flat, and unsurprisingly he had an Ironman tattoo on his left calf. Some of my turns were >300W so I burned a match. I just can't help myself riding with stronger people. But he seemed to have plenty left. We his help, that first lap was quick at 80min. The second lap took us 90min.

My buddy did great the whole time. He said the first lap was "easy", so he's well-prepared for the Tri.


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Damn Lizard must be on vacation in one of those beautiful countries he goes to with those awesome beaches..... so jelly....

Anyway here is last nights workout....

3x12 flat bench (broke through my plateau weight and am up 10 pounds) :teeth
3x12 machine leg press
3x12 incline bench press
3x12 leg curls
3x12 iron cross cable butterflys
3x12 calf raises
3x12 butterfly machine

I didn't really start working out this week until last night because I was having some out of the ordinary joint pains but when I went I was able to break through a few plateaus I had with flat bench and incline. Not sure if it was the lay off or the fact that I didn't do all of my chest exercises in the same cycle one right after another. I broke them up with a round of leg exercises so maybe that extra rest helped me push past some earlier limitations. I am going to try doing this again next week and see if I get the same results.
I break my stuff up too. 4-5 exercises in a non-stop circuit. I'll do 3-4 circuits. I find it far superior to the "lifting" I used to do in my 20's. I added a rope trainer @ 4 minutes TT in between the circuits. The thing kicks my ass...if you run a Garmin, anaerobic and aerobic scores will be in the low to mid 4's regularly.
Damn Lizard must be on vacation in one of those beautiful countries he goes to with those awesome beaches..... so jelly....

My Contra Costa County gym requires vaxx or neg test so taking time off, which my should and both knees need.

Stay hard!!

(David Groggins’ tagline)
Wait it has been 5 days since someone posted. crap need to up my game.

So letme start this off with a pro-tip. when drilling through studs to run electrical hold the drill with two hands. I had a spade bit get caught on a nail and then it spun the drill around so that it clocked me in the top of the head, hard enough to click my teeth together and give me a lump that is still there this morning. Hurt enough that I postponed Mondays workout.

Tuesdays workout
flat bench 3x12 I am now 20 pounds over my previous max bench. couldn't be more excited by this.
machine squats 3x12
Incline bench 3x12 also about 15 pounds over my previous max
machine leg curls 3x12
iron cross cable crossovers 3x12
single arm cable butterflys 3x12 I do this and instead of going to the center of the chest like on a machine I push it over to the opposite side shoulder to get more of an inner chest workout
3x12 calf raises
3x12 butterfly machine
So trying to pick up the slack from Lizard. He is too busy posting in the Korean food thread to grace us with his presence in here. :teeth

Anywho Hump day workout
3x12 lat pulldowns
3x12 Arnold press
3x12 smith machine shoulder press
3x12 high cable row
3x12 sunrise lower back lifts
2x10 assisted weight pullups
3x12 underhand row
3x12 one arm bent over row
Wanted to share my garage dojo. It's a pretty small area and much of it is DIY.

First, here are the basics: A multi-position flat bench, a couple 50lb plates, dip bar, trampoline, battle rope, and car tire. The car tire has many uses for training, from acting as a Makiwara (bare fist punching surface) to throwing it, to using it as an incline push-up thing. I can also use it for dexterity drills


Next up is the hyper-extension bench, which is good for glutes and hamstrings (some lower back, but that's not what it's for). I've also used it as a preacher curl platform. I have a small collection of dumb bells, more plates, weighted mace/"Chi Ishi" (a stick with weight on the end), and a couple kettlebells.


The dip bar doubles up as a squat rack and bench press rack


This is a chain attached to the wall with a belt I sewed together. The wooden block is there to come off the wall a little, and I use this for hack squats.


Not shown is a weighted vest, smaller dumb bells, jump rope, push up handles, some exercise bands.

Next up is all my fight equipment: Muay Thai Bag, 40lb heavy bag, upper cut bag, double end bag, speed bag (I have a medicine ball up there, too), slip-bag / maize bag. Not shown is a slip-rope I attach from one end of the shop to the other and a Lomenchenko ball.




Anyhow, this is where I train every morning - and I try to train at Kaijin or the karate dojo in the evening if I have time (which I haven't been able to do much lately). It's getting cold, so I bundle up and turn on the heater. We got some new tanning beds for our salon, and I saved all the wood from the crates, and I'm going to build some plyometric boxes out of them.
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How long does it take for you guys to recover from a leg day? I did squats and deadlifts on Saturday and my ass was still sore yesterday...
2-3 days of stiffness after legs; I don’t lift heavy and everybody asks me how I got my legs so big. This genetic thing was a curse when I was a kid before they invented stretch jeans but now it’s a blessing.

On another note, I got myself a little present. These were on sale and stoked to rep my roots. Hawaiian Fight Gear 16oz gloves with the Hawaiian Sovereignty Flag print. I rock Fairtex (the best gloves ever, made in Thailand) but these are actually super high quality leather. Can’t wait to train with them in the morning.

Another great West Auctions. This time: brand new Muscle-D commercial stuff. Brand new, floor models and packaged stuff. All of it went for 50%% or so of retail or less. Got some great stuff cheap as F. If anyone want to know when these things are gonna take place, let me know and I'll post them here.
Another great West Auctions. This time: brand new Muscle-D commercial stuff. Brand new, floor models and packaged stuff. All of it went for 50%% or so of retail or less. Got some great stuff cheap as F. If anyone want to know when these things are gonna take place, let me know and I'll post them here.

I really want a legit squat rack - on that can be multiuse and I can bolt into the ground. Since the shop aka Garage Dojo is shared space with my brother-in-law and space is limited that will have to wait until our house is built next year. THAT dojo is going to be so friggin' siiiiiiicccckkkkk.

However, I can use some free weights and such.
haven't posted in some time so here is an update.

Took two weeks off due to grandson visiting with his fiancé while they were on leave from the AF. So did a lot of fishing and shooting for two weeks and had some tightness in my knees anyways so I figured the time off would do me some good.

So this week I headed back to the gym. I have gotten way to heavy so I have started restricting my food portions and so far it is going well I am steadily moving down on the scale and so far this week lost about 3 pounds. Need to spend some more time on the stationary bike to save the knees but lifting is back on track.

I feel a disturbance in the thread and after looking back I see no Lizard posts someone needs to find him and kick him back into gear. Also haven't seen Beau post in quite a bit does anyone know if he is alright? Damn so many regulars in the thread are MIA.
I posted in the "Since we're all getting older" regarding a new supplement I'm going to be experimenting with, as well as my "feeding window" of 8 hours. Prior to this, I was fasting for 12 hours, which is different than a "feeding window".

I do my morning workout (usually weight training) completely fasted, and 1-2 days a week I will also train in the evening. I hold off on eating until 11-12 noon, and usually do not eat after martial arts in the evening.

I listened to the Huberman Lab podcast regarding all of this, and I purchased Berberin to help getting into a fasted state. It is used to control blood glucose levels. I also learned to refrain from feeding until after at least one hour from waking, and 3-4 hours from sleeping. This +/- gives a person an 8 hour feeding window.

I am not pre-diabetic, but my fasted A1c in my last bloodwork was 5.6, which is normal, but I can feel I go into uncomfortable areas after high caloric/high carb/sugar meals. I, at times, feel like I'm drunk after such a meal - which is not a good sign. 5.6 A1c is right at the top of normal. Berberin is an OTC Metformin substitute, and with a narrow feeding window with this supplement, I feel I can "hack" my health a bit better.

Anyway, training hard as ever, my weight is maintained and loving it all. Feel friggin' great, and I think it's the fasting which is helping. 4 hour fasted training sessions of disgusting wrestling and hitting others (and getting hit) is just fine :)

On another note, I follow these guys called "Karate Culture" and they said something that made a lot of sense - karate practitioners - if they practiced karate in the correct way - should be physically built - they should look jacked. Really, we should look like BJJ folks. Resistance training for karateka is super important, and resistance can be in the form of grappling. I'm a little embarrassed to see out of shape karateka. I see this way too often.

One can only punch and kick the air so much. I am going to make a true effort in encouraging karate people to train like the old Okinawans and don't be so friggin weak. Make Karate Grapple Again.
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Dion, Half Racks went for about $800 (NIB) and Power Cages $1200. These are $1,400 and Cages, $1,700 new. There's more coming up mid November if interested. All NIB.
My experience with Nitric Oxide before workouts on a 14 hour fast has been interesting. Having used anabolic steroids before, I can only say, the "pump" on this supplement is very similar. I have come off creatine, and still get a huge benefit, regardless if it's weight training or martial arts.

I'm also enjoying my body transformation - at my age - narrower shoulders, bigger legs, thicker neck, bigger arms. Looking less like a bodybuilder, which is awesome. Really enjoying it. My weight is staying a very consistent 200lbs +/- water weight.

I said in the "Since we're all getting older" thread, I truly believe this fasting thing (my feeding window is between noon and 6pm) is having massive positive effects on my overall health, well-being, focus, endurance, etc. I feel like I've been able to tap into the fountain of youth with some of the new practices and supplements I've been incorporating in the past 4-5 months.

I did share some halloween candy with my wife, though, at bedtime last night haha.
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