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Time to get Fit thread

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So, I've made progress on most of my lifts. Bench is now 195, trap bar DL - 315, and squats at (1 RM) 260. I seem to be stalling on my squats, I feel like it would be real difficult to go higher without some form of assistance. Any body got some tips?
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I got heavy into cycling for the longest time, I raced a couple seasons of CX and did the Sea Otter. I am not built for that shit, but still did it. I'd get my ass handed to me mostly by smaller dudes, but still didn't stop me. CX was so grueling and brutal.
This morning's pre-fatty workout:

22 - 2 minute/1 minute rests boxing rounds with various drills. I'm drilling a lot of stuff. Since I'm fighting in May, I'm mentally preparing every workout.

I feel great these days.
I'ma try to keep this thread alive. Training and working out hard these days and really enjoying it all. After coming off Fenugreek, I waited about a week without any testosterone boosters, and then got this one.

Definitely, DEFINITELY felt the difference in my overall temperament and performance with both working out and my work. I am seeing some side effects (a couple pimples - WTF at my age?) but I'm fine with it. I do feel a bit more "rage'y" but completely under control. I love this feeling, and honestly, with diet, rest, supplementation and a strict workout regimen of 6 days a week, I feel awesome.

Any way I can boost my testosterone outside of TRT, I'm fully down for it. I did get seen for TRT, but the Dr. I was working with decided I wasn't a candidate for it. Diet made a huge difference in my levels.


I've said it a bunch of times, but hacking performance in a man of my age and determination is something I pursue with vigor. If anybody else is interested in this sort of stuff, the Andrew Huberman podcast is excellent.
^ Does that stuff work? (Not TRT) but the T supps.. any side effects?

I've experimented with a bunch of them, and with some I found little benefits. With some, I have found good benefits. I will cycle them on and off like a cycle of steroids to a certain extent, but I don't think it's really necessary. I've also taken pure ingredients rather than a mix (like what I'm taking now).

The ingredients I've found benefit in are Tribulus Terrestris and Fenugreek. I haven't messed much with Boron. Many of the "mixed" supps have those basic three in a variety of dosages.

I tend to find they are working when I experience a change of mood, an increase of aggression, a feeling of motivation in both work and training, and a general feeling of well-being - like I did when I was younger. I definitely feel all of this with this supplement.

Of course, diet and sleep play a HUGE part in all of this.

The best supplements I ever did were real anabolic steroids. There may have been some adverse things, but when talking to my doctor, it is underdetermined. I haven't used steroids in over 20 years, but I feel the muscle I packed on during those years have been retained as mature muscle (a term used by bodybuilders often). People talk bad about anabolic steroids, but usually it's coming from someone who 1) never took them and 2) never indulged in any high level of competition where EVERYBODY else was doing them.

I have yet to find a doctor who will work with me on TRT. I am very interested in that, and I believe, when done correctly under the supervision of a doctor, it can vastly improve a man's quality of life as he ages.

Again, I am into massive experimentation with my body to maximize performance as I age. I am not necessarily interested in a long life, but more interested in a full life.
Welp, still trying to keep this thing alive. I got deathly ill (no covid), but I was out with a 105º temp for a week due to strep throat. Horrible.

First time working out and went to the gym to box. It was rough, but got through it.

I'm fighting in May, so I'm trying my best to get into the kill-mindset, which is oddly more easier than I imagined. I find it strange that the killer instinct is in me at this age more so than before, but I've realized it's also years of some very hard times prior to 5 years ago that may attributing to this.

Could also just be mid-life crisis.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to getting onto the mat to fight in May. We will start fight camp in February.
Should we post our Strava highlights? I'm not sure if thats oversharing and vain but im down....
Should we post our Strava highlights? I'm not sure if thats oversharing and vain but im down....

Haha...You first! I know Berto's got a Garmin now so if he shares his 7 day summary I will too (after I go run 5 miles to get my weekly total back on track)
Haha...You first! I know Berto's got a Garmin now so if he shares his 7 day summary I will too (after I go run 5 miles to get my weekly total back on track)

OK. I don't think this is terribly impressive. My swims are not recorded as I don't have a garmin and my phone isn't waterproof. My mild lifts are not included in this either of course. I was a little down on these numbers until I remembered I was re-habbing my left leg after the moto-deer collision. This level of activity may not seem like much but it was enough to get me through the Escape From Alcatraz tri. Maybe that's motivating to some of yall out there. You don't need to be perfect or ridiculously dedicated to do hard things. Just keep chipping away.


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I have been working out fairly regularly but just haven't posted the same workout routines over and over like I was doing before. I haven't been as dedicated and life has gotten in the way but have been doing at least 2 days a week for lifting. I really need to get some cardio in there but am doing what I can do with limited time.
My weekly goal has been 10miles running/1 mile swimming, and 2-3 workouts. First shot is from October 31st. Shitty numbers (worst since) are for this week (I swear I'll go run this afternoon) which has been dragging, especially on sleep. Overall I've been mostly on goal for the past couple months but not sure how to get an easy to read report for more than "last 7 days"


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Fixed! But now its gonna suck with almost a week of straight rain :(


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Been rough since being sick, strength, power, and def endurance is not back but drilling movement is most important.
WTF...630 miles. Thats pretty impressive :thumbup

Thanks man. I don't have a good of reference for what "good" is so i guess I'm a bit skeptical.

I will say that my goal for 2022 is:

1K+ miles for combined run and ride and 150 days active.

I'm hoping for a Garmin for christmas so I can log swims and 150 days active may not feel as big as it does right now :laughing I want to dig this up come Jan 2022 and see if I made it. Goals are good. Keep pushing gang.
I'd bet the alcohol results have more to do with active VS non-active people...and active people find themselves at alcohol establishments, etc....
Id counter that. I work out pretty frequently and I dont drink much at all. My friends the ones that are heavy drinkers workout little to none.
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