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Time to get Fit thread

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I haven't had any alcohol in 6 years. Don't have a problem with it, but my wife doesn't drink, so I decided not to, as well. Best decision I've ever made... alcohol never did anything for me anyway.
Never got into much alcohol or drugs ever myself neither. Socially have some drinks in a given year, but maybe 4X in a year, if that. Did what little drugs in college and was over that too...I never found much worthwhile in either. I see all of my friends from college/ HS years and most have bodies that seem...well, D-stroyed. I tend to think it's heavy drinking that does most of the damage and heavy eating does the rest. So many people I know drink regularly and I can't imagine it's doing good things for their LT fitness...

Now sugar...oh man. That's one that's a strong Siren for me!
Guys, I weighed myself this morning and I'm still 200lbs! 200 is a lean weight for me, but I also feel doughy, so I'm wondering if I got under 200lbs, then gained back to 200lbs, hence the feeling like a fatty boombalatty.

Anyway, this time of year, the song "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard is my theme song.

I was talking to one of the orange belts at the dojo, and we were talking about how sweets have invaded our homes. I was laughing because I have gotten so sweetened out, the idea of a slice of bacon just to balance out the universe has been desperately needed.
I just took my first real time yoga class since the pandemic forced closure of my studio. I suspected, but now have proof, that I have been taking it too easy on myself during the pandemic. I've stayed active and shed a few pounds that I'd packed on during the lockdown, but I really need someone to yell at me to try harder--live, and not in a freezing garage. When is this virus gonna eat a bag of d!cks and be out of our lives?
We need a "yelling" forum like that man's group retreat in Flea Bag!
I have no idea what you're talking about, but if it involves someone screaming at me to get my butt in gear, sign me up. (I'm taking Danish and getting beat up mentally there, so I have that aspect covered. I just need the external "softness" dealt with.)
I have no idea what you're talking about, but if it involves someone screaming at me to get my butt in gear, sign me up. (I'm taking Danish and getting beat up mentally there, so I have that aspect covered. I just need the external "softness" dealt with.)

Are you familiar with David Goggins? Check him out on youtube or instagram. He's pretty good at delivering a motivation talking to.
I need this for my virtual workout.

Walter Goggins seems even more enticing!

You haven't watched Flea Bag on Amazon yet?

Never even heard of it. (Not a big TV watcher here. And I have a stack of borrowed books to plow through.)
Every morning I wake up, I take my pre-workout supplements, put on 3 layers of clothing, a workout beanie, put in my earbuds, and hobble over to the Garage Dojo in the pitch black dark. It's fucking freezing.

The workshop that has all my equipment is old and broken and cold. Rain leaks into the shop. Everything on my body hurts because I'm Filipino and wasn't built - genetically - for this cold weather crap.

I have an Apple Music playlist called "Mr. D's Boxing Playlist" and I start off with some Pac, Tool, DMX, or whatever is on my mind, and start off with 3, 2 minute rounds of skipping rope. Then I push.

It royally sucks and it's always cold. It takes everything in me to take that walk to the Garage Dojo because not working out would be so much better. I would much rather scroll on my phone next to a heater with my cup of coffee.

Then I recall all the martial artists that want to whoop my ass and crush me and take away my morale. I think about the man across the ring on May 22 who can physically kill me, and will do everything he can to ruin me. He is completely capable of utterly destroying me, and I am terrified of that.

So then I keep training. All those times I don't want to train, I force myself because the world is filled with people who won't do what I force myself to do. I also know there are men who are outworking me, so I must come to that level.
...All those times I don't want to train, I force myself...

The secret is right there ^^ :thumbup

I'm only competing with myself, but for me every day I show up is a day that doesn't build into a string of days I don't. And I know I'll feel better afterwards about slogging through a workout than I will having skipped it.
Went to the gym last night for chest/leg day. When I was done with pushing weights I went upstairs and hit the treadmill for about 25 minutes. Low and behold I noticed that they had rehung the heavy bag. Woohoo it is time to velcro on the 16oz gloves and hit the heavy bag again to work up a sweat.
Every morning I wake up, I take my pre-workout supplements, put on 3 layers of clothing, a workout beanie, put in my earbuds, and hobble over to the Garage Dojo in the pitch black dark. It's fucking freezing.

The workshop that has all my equipment is old and broken and cold. Rain leaks into the shop. Everything on my body hurts because I'm Filipino and wasn't built - genetically - for this cold weather crap.

I have an Apple Music playlist called "Mr. D's Boxing Playlist" and I start off with some Pac, Tool, DMX, or whatever is on my mind, and start off with 3, 2 minute rounds of skipping rope. Then I push.

It royally sucks and it's always cold. It takes everything in me to take that walk to the Garage Dojo because not working out would be so much better. I would much rather scroll on my phone next to a heater with my cup of coffee.

Then I recall all the martial artists that want to whoop my ass and crush me and take away my morale. I think about the man across the ring on May 22 who can physically kill me, and will do everything he can to ruin me. He is completely capable of utterly destroying me, and I am terrified of that.

So then I keep training. All those times I don't want to train, I force myself because the world is filled with people who won't do what I force myself to do. I also know there are men who are outworking me, so I must come to that level.


Fear is my best motivator too. It's what got me to do ever open water swim I ever have. "No Fear" is bullshit. Pushing through that fear is where the good stuff is.
I like David Goggins but I've tried his method of pushing beyond ones limits no matter the cost and found that to be detrimental to me in the long haul.

Still he's pretty damn motivating and goes to show what someone can accomplish if they put their mind to it. I dont think hes for everyone though, takes a special kind of person to go through what he does.
Got my Whoop 4.0 upgrade (free). Now has USB C charging, but the biggest new features are skin temp and blood oxygen levels.
I like David Goggins but I've tried his method of pushing beyond ones limits no matter the cost and found that to be detrimental to me in the long haul.

Still he's pretty damn motivating and goes to show what someone can accomplish if they put their mind to it. I dont think hes for everyone though, takes a special kind of person to go through what he does.

I follow Goggins in IG. Very motivational. Not sure where he finds his intestinal fortitude - he ran eight 100-mile runs, once a week for eight weeks.

Update since I haven’t posted on this thread for awhile:

I joined Fitness 19 and have been back at it since end of December. Got fat and slow during lockdown. Gained 19 pounds but have since shed 10 so 9 more to go. Lost my strength, lean-ness and delts. I used to do 21 dead hang pulls but now its so sad LOL

Anyhoo, stay hard!
Haha...You first! I know Berto's got a Garmin now so if he shares his 7 day summary I will too (after I go run 5 miles to get my weekly total back on track)

Took me awhile to motivate to DL some of the stuff to post here, G. Here's my single day/ 7 day from yesterday, backwards. I've been pretty shitty with regularity, but fortunately I've been able to (mostly) keep intensity where it needs to be for the duration of the workout (high). With holidays behind us, probably get back to 3-4X/ week. Workouts are about 1-1.5 hours. 700-1000 calories or so which means something to me as I don't eat enough as is. Weight has gone from 166 from when I got pretty sick to 174. If I don't workout, I'll drop back into the mid 160's.

I'll post some workout summaries shortly.


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Here's some individual results from the last few workouts to give an idea of the tempo and misconceptions many have about weighted workouts. The second I hit the GO button on the watch, there's no breaks. The only rest is going from one exercise to the next in a round robin strategy of usually, 3-4 exercises. Each, for different muscle groups/ targets. I do each circuit for 3 reps with 1 warmup rep and then do this 2 times more for a total of 3-4 exercises per muscle group/ target. I warm up with a rope trainer and do one set of that at the beginning of each circuit. Until some people try it, they don't realize how brutal the cardio is for even one rep of a circuit.

My record so far for avg. HR is 153 over an hour. Average runs around mid 140's. 153 was gnarly for me, to average that. As said earlier in the thread, I customized my workout to simulate what I was going to use the fitness and focus for: racing. For me, it's worked really well, especially the intensity training. It's allowed me to focus on the riding part and not worry about fitness, control, or low energy. Those who read this should work with the premise that one's individual goals, strengths, preferences, and uses for their fitness will help them determine on their eventual plan. It takes some time to get to one that works well and is personally rewarding. To hell with following someone else's plan if it's not going to work for you...

That being said, I'm most proud of those double 5.0's on the Garmin score. I don't think I'll be getting those regularly. I also never knew how shitty of sleep time I get...I always need more. Also, my Sp02 levels have always been low and are one of the reasons I try to use cardio to bring them up which helps tremendously for my asthma.

G, do you use the Training effect scores?


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