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Time to get Fit thread

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I am doing Jim Stoppani’s 8 week shred. (Too lazy to hyperlink) Today’s workout:


Bench Press____3___9-10
Superset with
Dumbbell Flye___3__12-15

Incline DB Flye___3__12-15
Superset with
Incline DB Press__3___9-10

Push-Up________8__20 sec.

DB Mil Press_____3___9-10
Superset with
DBLateral Raise__3___12-15

DB Bent-Ovr Lat Raise_3_12-15
Superset with
DB Upright Row__3____9-10

Kettlebell Swing__8____20 sec.

Close-Grip Bench_2____9-10
Superset with
BB Lying Tri Ext__2____12-15

Tri Pressdown____2____12-15
Superset with
DB Ovrhead Tri Ext_2___9-10

Dead Landmines___8___20 sec.
Saturday marks 2mos since I started at this gym. I feel great, tons of energy, stronger, happier. Just don’t know how much my body has changed if at all. I’ve gotten lots of compliments lately but I’m not sure I want to do my hydro test and measurements. I’m afraid I’ll get disappointed.

I agree with Lizard. Are your clothes getting baggy? I could tell when I was losing weight because I would have to tighten my belts so that my pants would fit and I could feel the difference in how my shirts fit. I didn't always see the difference on the scale but I could tell things were changing. One other thing I did was take a picture in the bathroom mirror. I could then replicate the picture taking process later and compare the pictures to see the difference.

I was out of town most of last week and through the weekend so have not been to the gym and went off the reservation with the diet. So today marks the return to reality and going back to the gym starting tonight and back to the modified eating schedule.
Yea but ive been feeling that since about Jan. This whole health kick has been going on since October. Pants I haven't worn in forever now fit, I bought smaller sized jeans and shirts. I guess with this new gym and new workout style I was hoping to see a dramatic difference (specifically in these last 2 mos) but this last push is really testing my patience and i think its because its not weight im trying to lose but body fat with muscle gain and that the transformation is different. Im also afraid to do photos :laughing

I think the hydro testing is going to give me a good idea of what my numbers are now. I should just suck it up and get it done and use it to keep pushing.
^ Try not to get too hung up on numbers Kim. It's hard. I do it too. My biggest motivator is how I feel. Feeling good in my body keeps me going. Looking better is a sweet perk that I do enjoy and it certainly does help motivate me. However, wanting to not feeling like a pile of garbage is really what makes me do a workout.
Do photos. Above all, do photos for yourself. Photos turn your perception(s) into reality.
Me too but I think I will miss it in the winter months when its cold and dark early.

Yeah... for me it's less about looking good and more about performance output, and doing traditional "gym workouts" isn't going to do it. At the MMA gym, they do "MMA conditioning" and I am going to start doing that again. I was much heavier last time I did it, but after many years of V02 training since - I'm just a better "athlete" than I was when I was lifting weights in the traditional sense.

My only concern is strength conditioning for martial arts. I mostly do body weight stuff. All I really need are a good set of kettlebells, a weighted club and battle ropes and I can probably get a much better workout than, say, bench pressing - which for me has zero applicable use.

We'll see. I'm just completely disenchanted with traditional gyms and weightlifting. Yesterday I went to the gym for an hour and 80% of my workout was skipping rope.
Yeah... for me it's less about looking good and more about performance output, and doing traditional "gym workouts" isn't going to do it. At the MMA gym, they do "MMA conditioning" and I am going to start doing that again. I was much heavier last time I did it, but after many years of V02 training since - I'm just a better "athlete" than I was when I was lifting weights in the traditional sense.

My only concern is strength conditioning for martial arts. I mostly do body weight stuff. All I really need are a good set of kettlebells, a weighted club and battle ropes and I can probably get a much better workout than, say, bench pressing - which for me has zero applicable use.

We'll see. I'm just completely disenchanted with traditional gyms and weightlifting. Yesterday I went to the gym for an hour and 80% of my workout was skipping rope.

I'll only charge you $50 a month to come a jump rope
Ill take pictures tomorrow and see what I can see. One of the many awesome things of being a woman..........bloat. So I gotta take my photos first thing in the morning otherwise ill FOR SURE be disappointed/pissed :laughing
Now that I'm all moved in and unpacked (only thing really left is hanging artwork which I'm waiting to do until I'm sure I want to leave things where they are), back to working out now that I have easy access to fitness centers - and no issues parking when I get home at night LOL.

Eating was already underway, and the new house (total of 3 floors - garage, liv/din/kit, bedrooms) - is helping with my daily step count without needing to do much "purposeful" exercise. ST in the evenings when I get home, and will probably start adding back in some cardio as well once this routine is more established.
We have Chuze fitness out here. Paying $29.99 a month and it includes all classes but the Team Training as well as a small pool/steam rooms/hydro massage chairs for when you're feeling crappy. The cardio movie theater is also really nice when you want to forgot how bad you're sweating.

Really no excuse on winter days other than timing a visit to avoid peak
I'm with Berto, pics are invaluable. When I broke my scapula I was right about exactly where I wanted to be, and I have a couple of self portraits from then to look at and work towards. I also Have pictures from the last three years to look at and see how far I've come. Instagram is good for this too.
I actually woke up in the middle of the night from this experience. It got me thinking about how as a black belt, I can't let up one bit. On one hand I was disheartened, but on another it kept me honest. I dont feel so bad knowing he gives other high level guys in the gym fits as well.

Battle of the average Joe vs professional athlete continues.

true high level competition blues are no joke lol
I forgot to mention he's a Brazilian, so he's got that acai strength going for him. But yah, I saw Worlds 2019 this year. I'm sure a few of those podium finishers could wreck me.

Dude. Worlds is like top level beast shit. I’m a karate black belt and kata is my jam, but the high end kata competitors make me look like a chump!

Martial Arts has such a different meaning for me at the age of 44 than it did at 34/24/14 years old. I sincerely love learning, having to break old habits and learn new ones. I’m loving kick boxing. And with my karate background it’s even more fun. But I also get punched in my fat face because I did one-point karate BITD, and I hit somebody and I’m like “I WON!” then get punched :laughing

But theeennnn, I do some karate shit and people get wildly confused :laughing

I am not a fighter by any means, I just love the martial arts :)

Ever drill wrestling? It’s hard to find a gym that has wrestling, unless it’s a strict MMA gym...

BJJ blackbelt is no joke, dude. I think it’s awesome and mad respect!
I forgot to mention he's a Brazilian, so he's got that acai strength going for him. But yah, I saw Worlds 2019 this year. I'm sure a few of those podium finishers could wreck me.

But you could probably destroy 90% of the general population. And that in itself is cool.
Been sweating in this heat. Staying hydrated but have no will to exercise. We are coating the insides of a couple steel 40'X20' shells.The coating is black...it's pretty awful.
...I'm just completely disenchanted with traditional gyms and weightlifting. Yesterday I went to the gym for an hour and 80% of my workout was skipping rope.

Yeah, I’ve never been a gym guy either, especially with all the roid lifters and posers. Most of my routine is stuff I could do from home without special equipment, but the clincher for me is amenities like the steam room, sauna, and pool. Was going to Yoga for a while and want to get it back into my schedule too.
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