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Time to get Fit thread

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30 wall balls
100 single under - jump ropes
20 calorie rows (you dont stop until it says 20 CAL)
80 Single under - jump row
40 Cal rows
60 single under - jump rope
50 Wall balls
30 single under - jump rope

We had 20mins to finish it. I THOUGHT i finished at 12:57 but realized I missed the 50 wall balls at the bottom. So after a long break I finished at 19:48 :p

Nice! Keep at it. I wish I could jump rope. I have no jumpropeism in me.
I'd actually like to go down this wormhole. I've been taking pre-workouts for the past several years without any really harmful side effects, and most recently just started creating my own with a few bulk ingredients rather than proprietary blends with god knows what's in there. If you're open to talkin about it or would rather discuss in PM, what's been your experience with pre-workouts?

I'm mostly referring to pre-workout drinks like Emerge or anything else with speed in it (Redbull, Rockstar, Monster, etc.). I actually take a bit of BCAA's, D-Aspartic Acid and a simple carbohydrate drink (depending on the workout) and sometimes I'll mix in electrolytes. A tiny bit of caffeine is not bad, although that also depends on the workout.
Two hours of kickboxing last night and quite possibly I may have lost 58lbs of water :laughing

I'm sore as hell and I have to be at the dojo at 10am for a regular class, and thinking about demonstrating a bo staff kata at the Japanese cultural fair in Santa Cruz on Saturday. I think tomorrow just may be a rest day! :laughing
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Y'all have inspired me.

I've gone running, biking, or rowing 5 days/week for the last two weeks and cut out the sugar.

I'm down four pounds.

W00t!! Go Dave!!

Feels good hu?

btw, Car projects have fallen waaaayyyyy down on the list of priorities these days.
Nice! Keep at it. I wish I could jump rope. I have no jumpropeism in me.

Jump rope was the easiest and quickest for me to finish. There was an option to do double unders but I havent mastered those yet. Rowing was next in time and ease of effort, wall balls? OMFG....... they were the HARDEST to get done. That last 50 I did in 5-10 increments cause I was dying, the 14lb ball felt like 30lbs by the end of it.
Jump rope was the easiest and quickest for me to finish. There was an option to do double unders but I havent mastered those yet. Rowing was next in time and ease of effort, wall balls? OMFG....... they were the HARDEST to get done. That last 50 I did in 5-10 increments cause I was dying, the 14lb ball felt like 30lbs by the end of it.

We skip rope for two or three 3-minute rounds. The best advice I got when I started rope stuff was to:

"skip rope like you're in an upstairs room and somebody below is trying to sleep"

Light on your toes as possible and RELAX. :) The rope is only 5mm thick, so only jump as high as you need to go. Also, I like to skip rope as if I'm dancing with it. It makes it fun and helps me relax.
We skip rope for two or three 3-minute rounds. The best advice I got when I started rope stuff was to:

"skip rope like you're in an upstairs room and somebody below is trying to sleep"

Light on your toes as possible and RELAX. :) The rope is only 5mm thick, so only jump as high as you need to go. Also, I like to skip rope as if I'm dancing with it. It makes it fun and helps me relax.

You mean for double unders or in general? cause in general I got it down :p
You mean for double unders or in general? cause in general I got it down :p

For double unders, best is to relax but it takes a bit of hand speed. Once you get the rhythm, though, the only thing stopping you is your fitness level. On good days I can double under for a full minute. For me, that's hard.
I need to practice. We did it yesterday for the first time. I can do them but yea trying to do it consecutively was hard, i couldnt get into a rhythm. By the end of the 2min practice my forearms looked like I had been whipped :laughing
W00t!! Go Dave!!

Feels good hu?

btw, Car projects have fallen waaaayyyyy down on the list of priorities these days.

I feel *so* much better. Just went on a 6 mile bike ride. I'm sorry to say ten years ago I would've run it at a faster pace. Gotta keep working.

Dave my man I'm wishing you were still just a couple exits down the 101. I'd run your ass skinny.

That'd be awesome-hard to stay motivated solo. This thread helps-I've got no excuse.
Went through each section then repeated...
5 hanging knees to chest (total x6)
5 hang power cleans (total x6)
15 barbell squats (total x2)

Extra credit:
Hip raisers x15
Hammer curls x10
Vertical Hip extensions x 10
Barbell curls x 10
Repeat x3
Welp - down 10 lbs from three weeks ago. What a weird weight loss/weight gain thing.

Strained my hamstring trying to do some stupid Tai Kwon Do flying kick on this hanging bag after kickboxing the other day :laughing. Lightly trained in karate the next morning, but boy I was feeling it.

I'm supposed to demo a bo kata tomorrow at the Japanese Cultural fair, so, gonna do some upper body weight strength and conditioning stuff today and kinda leave the good ol' legs to heal.
Leg Day:

Maybe once a week I do deadlifts or squats, but almost everyday I hike or run (lots of elevation) with a 42lb. weighted vest.


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Saturday marks 2mos since I started at this gym. I feel great, tons of energy, stronger, happier. Just don’t know how much my body has changed if at all. I’ve gotten lots of compliments lately but I’m not sure I want to do my hydro test and measurements. I’m afraid I’ll get disappointed.
Saturday marks 2mos since I started at this gym. I feel great, tons of energy, stronger, happier. Just don’t know how much my body has changed if at all. I’ve gotten lots of compliments lately but I’m not sure I want to do my hydro test and measurements. I’m afraid I’ll get disappointed.

That’s great. Keep it up! Do your clothes fit differently?
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