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Time to get Fit thread

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Finally broke another weight barrier been sitting at the same weight for two weeks finally ducked under it by half a pound this morning. Hopefully this starts a new decline.

Knee is feeling better the last two days so maybe switching to the heavy bag helped. I got up to 6, 3 minute rounds last night. sweating like a dog and man do my shoulders hurt.
Measurable progress badge! Good stuff.
Today I didn't feel great, just general tired and wanting to lay down and veg but I had too much to do and basically forced myself to get on with it and by 5:30 I still didn't feel great but I forced myself to play tennis AGAIN with the same friend...he cycled 55 miles yesterday so I had no real excuse. Did much better this time, loosening up really helps...and after an hour of running around, guess what? I finally felt better.

These days I find the most energizing thing I can do is exercise. If I'm in the "I'm tired all the time and don't want to do anything" mode, getting out there really helps reverse that. I think I only feel fully awake and alive when doing exercise.
Today I didn't feel great, just general tired and wanting to lay down and veg but I had too much to do and basically forced myself to get on with it and by 5:30 I still didn't feel great but I forced myself to play tennis AGAIN with the same friend...he cycled 55 miles yesterday so I had no real excuse. Did much better this time, loosening up really helps...and after an hour of running around, guess what? I finally felt better.

These days I find the most energizing thing I can do is exercise. If I'm in the "I'm tired all the time and don't want to do anything" mode, getting out there really helps reverse that. I think I only feel fully awake and alive when doing exercise.

On the days I don't feel like moving my mantra is, "Something is better than nothing, just go "play" and have fun for a little while," Sure enough, just like you mentioned, after 30 minutes or so i feel much better.


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I'm a little over-trained right now. Last week, I rode 22mi Monday, climbed Tues, rode 20mi gravel Thurs, climbed Thurs, and rode 59mi Sunday. All miles but the last 10 were full gas on the bike. And climbing lately has been "do all the new routes from V1-V7". I'm a bit achey and stiff. So I'm taking today and tmrw off, maybe Wed too :laughing

Aside from that, the training is going well. Early during Sunday's ride I set a new PR on a local climb. I finally got up it without a big headwind and took my PR from 16:40 to 15:57. The old PR was from 2018. The rest of the data agrees too. My power curve is getting new records once a week it seems. It now looks like this:

Most days I feel less than optimal about my training, since Thursday I've ridden through the Panhandle like 8x and I always see tons of fit people running, cycling, etc. They look hard core, they do it in the morning, they do it at night, they do it in the rain.

My close friends are all athletic and I am not them. I don't have the discipline and drive and ability to put up with the elements and dark and wind and such like they do consistently.
My close friends are all athletic and I am not them. I don't have the discipline and drive and ability to put up with the elements and dark and wind and such like they do consistently.

I think you need to be a little more patient with yourself Jordan. Two posts ago you told us that you only feel awake and alive when you are exercising. I feel you there. I'm only now recognizing (at 43 years old) how much that rings true for me too. Think maybe you might find that the elements and the dark aren't so hard to overcome when you miss that feeling? 3 year ago if someone told me I would run 5 miles for "fun" I would have laughed at them. You are probably already more athletic than you thought you would ever be. Project that out another decade and who knows what you might be doing. Don't let the story you tell yourself about yourself limit you too much. We can change more than we think we can.
I'm a little over-trained right now. Last week, I rode 22mi Monday, climbed Tues, rode 20mi gravel Thurs, climbed Thurs, and rode 59mi Sunday. All miles but the last 10 were full gas on the bike. And climbing lately has been "do all the new routes from V1-V7". I'm a bit achey and stiff. So I'm taking today and tmrw off, maybe Wed too :laughing

Aside from that, the training is going well. Early during Sunday's ride I set a new PR on a local climb. I finally got up it without a big headwind and took my PR from 16:40 to 15:57. The old PR was from 2018. The rest of the data agrees too. My power curve is getting new records once a week it seems. It now looks like this:

I seem to be stuck in the 20-24 mile ride range. I really admire you guys who are putting in 40-50+ mile rides. I want to say my life responsibilities are limiting the amount of time I have to ride but that's probably a bit of a cop out. Props on those totals!!
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Thanks a lot. I guess I just need to set actual goals to achieve vs. lamenting about not achieving something I haven't actually vocalized in an achievable manner.
^ Sign up for an event! Bike race, 10k, Bay to Breakers, amature tennis tournament, whatever! Anything that sounds challenging and you think would be cool to say you did counts!! It lights a fire when you commit to an event and it feels really damn good to finish it.
I seem to be stuck in the 20-24 mile ride range. I really admire you guys who are putting in 40-50+ mile rides. I want to say my life responsibilities are limiting the amount of time I have to ride but that's probably a bit of a cop out. Props on those totals!!

I remember when a 50mi ride was the entire days' activities. An avg speed of 12mph and stop lights meant that ride could take 5hrs. Then add another hour for gearing up, gearing down, showering, etc. But things get better. We all started there, you just gotta go do it.

That 59mi ride was 4hrs ride time and 3:36 pedal time. I left the house and hammered out half of it. I circled back home, the wife was ready to go. I filled up a bottle and we did the 2nd half. A few things really help keep it moving: Plan your route to avoid lights, stop signs, and city centers. Don't screw around, ie get up to speed quick and hold a consistent effort. And draft faster riders properly! Thankfully the wife is just fast enough to making towing her pretty easy. Oh and anything over 2hrs ride time - dont forget to EAT!
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I am trying to hit some goals this year. I really wanted to lose weight faster but I seem to have hit a plateau but am going to try and power through it. My one goal is to try and hit 225lbs for reps on the flat bench. not sure if I will make it but I will be trying hard.

I also wanted to increase my run time but with my knee acting up I might not focus on running so much. I did up my heavy bag and did 7- 3 minute sessions. I am finding that I can keep up my pace easier in the earlier rounds but towards the end it is hard but I want to keep doing more rounds until I hit about 10 rounds. I also bought some wrist weights to make it harder as I will add it to the 16oz gloves I am using so it would theoretically be like using 32oz gloves.

HH, you should be seeing improvements in everyday things you do the longer you are at it. Like I noticed how much easier it is for me to carry 50lb bags of feed from the car into the garage. Things that seemed heavy to lift are now way easier. Also I don't run out of breath as easily as I used to all signs that overall my health is getting better. I wish I could bike ride here but the danger outweighs any health gains for me.
^ Sign up for an event! Bike race, 10k, Bay to Breakers, amature tennis tournament, whatever! Anything that sounds challenging and you think would be cool to say you did counts!! It lights a fire when you commit to an event and it feels really damn good to finish it.

Totally this. THIS TOTALLY! My workouts have been much more meaningful and measurable when doing so for a performance result in competition. This has changed my perspective and focus immensely. So much more intensity and drive. Mike's spot on here.

^ the fact that your S.O. rides helps, A LOT :laughing :thumbup

Totally. Rode 19 miles on Saturday with mine. Averaged 10mph w/ a few stoplight stops on local trail. Mountain bike/ not road bike. Think I can average maybe 12 on my own...but that might be delusional.
My SO and I have ridden together this year 7 times. That's 1 in 4 of my rides. Not bad actually. I'm on the bike so much that I expected it to be far less :laughing

She wants to go bike packing with her new MTB. We used the camp regularly and have most of the backpacking stuff. But bike bags and ultralight is a little bit different. We've bought all extra/new the gear - bags, ultralight summer sleeping bags, mountain meals, etc. I just need to test pack it to make sure it'll all fit. After a few more rides for her to get comfortable on her MTB, we'll head up to Santa Barbara or North Bay for a 1-2 night trip. I'll put my party tires (knobbies) on my gravel bike and will be fine in anything she wants to do.
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