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Time to get Fit thread

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Thnx everyone.

Now I'm going to enjoy a little more free-time from not riding 3x/week :laughing. I gotta go fishing! Then it'll probably be back to some consistent riding cuz I really don't want to lose all of this form.
Nice ride man I never could have done it.

On a personal note weight loss is still going down slowly but I haven't really gained any back over the weekend which is a huge positive for me but I am getting out more on the weekend and having to do yard work. Saturday was mowing which was a good 3 hours and for some reason my knee hurts worse after mowing than it does going to the gym and I am sitting down the whole time maybe it is just stiffening up from sitting so long. Then Sunday was weed whacking around the pond which is always fun. today I hit the gym and damn I was tired had to get up early to take the girls for testing and 6:00am wake time is not bueno for me. Today was chest day and it was time to increase the weight it went all right. Then I decided knee was a little sore so I hit the elliptical to see how it would go. That thing fucking killed me only got like 7 minutes in before I was totally wiped. Goddam it I can do 7 rounds on the heavy bag and this kills me. It is now my new Everest and I will conquer the damn elliptical if it kills me.
Sharx: ever heard of knees over toes guy?
Sharx: ever heard of knees over toes guy?

Seeing as I have no clue what that means I am going to say no..... :laughing

Googled it and I don't have issues with squats normally or lunges other than not doing them. I think I strained it on the treadmill and it has just taken a long time for my old ass to heal. Once it feels better which should be soon I plan on doing some more lower body work.
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Maybe? I've got their two foot bar and while over priced, it works well. Just a thought for the knew pain...but as we know, from a distance, suggestions are far from anything more than that.

Maybe? I've got their two foot bar and while over priced, it works well. Just a thought for the knew pain...but as we know, from a distance, suggestions are far from anything more than that.
I was thinking about it but should have elaborated that the pain is actually in the back of the knee on the inner side lower half. really think I strained a ligament I used to always think pros were kind of weird for being out for months for a ligament strain but damn it has been a month or so for this but then again I am definitely not 20ish and have multi-million dollar training facility with personal trainers to rehab me either.
Ahhhh…think you’re onto something.
So funny thing happened. Seems like the ligament strain is going away and is not bothering me near as much but now some pain in the knee cap area. Sigh it never ends when you get old. Working on the elliptical at the gym interspersed with the heavy bag. I have lightened up on the heavy bag as the wrists are feeling it a little but I did do 9 3 minute rounds so letting that heal up.

I went to the gym last night after a layoff due to lack of sleep at the beginning of the week due to work and some weird stomach issue. I got back and found for some reason my normal weight on bench was too heavy and couldn't lift for as many reps. Kind of weird but we will see what next week brings.

On a great note I seem to be losing more weigh this week than normal which is nice and makes me think that the weight loss may have something to do with the loss in perceived strength but for now I will take that trade off. Hope everyone is doing well.
I gained a ton of weight during the first year of the pandemic ~30lbs. I like to do bjj and swim, and those things were off limits. I've lost ~15lbs over the past 6 months or so. I've been getting back to bjj when covid numbers are good (not right now unfortunately). I also have a set of powerblocks that I use 3x week back&bi/chest&tri/legs. I've also been doing more yoga and foam rolling for recovery.
I got sick after my bicycle race. I had sore throat the day before. There was no way I was going to be able to be on the bike for 10hrs and keep my immune system happy. So all last week was snot snot snot. Ugh, bodies are frustrating sometimes.

My SO signed us up for a 4mile run over the Coronado bridge this weekend. So I went for a 2mi run Tues and I'm fucking sore. My calves complain with ever step. It's kinda nuts how being in amazing shape for one activity isn't necessary good enough for another. I'll do another 2mi today to work out the soreness and should be good for the run.
I gained a ton of weight during the first year of the pandemic ~30lbs. I like to do bjj and swim, and those things were off limits. I've lost ~15lbs over the past 6 months or so. I've been getting back to bjj when covid numbers are good (not right now unfortunately). I also have a set of powerblocks that I use 3x week back&bi/chest&tri/legs. I've also been doing more yoga and foam rolling for recovery.

Not sure I have seen you post before so.... Welcome to the thread. Keep it up it what we are here for to get though all of this together. I am bummed because my gym changed owners and they are filling the pool and putting some fake grass and shit in that area. I would have been down if they had put a half court in instead.

I got sick after my bicycle race. I had sore throat the day before. There was no way I was going to be able to be on the bike for 10hrs and keep my immune system happy. So all last week was snot snot snot. Ugh, bodies are frustrating sometimes.

My SO signed us up for a 4mile run over the Coronado bridge this weekend. So I went for a 2mi run Tues and I'm fucking sore. My calves complain with ever step. It's kinda nuts how being in amazing shape for one activity isn't necessary good enough for another. I'll do another 2mi today to work out the soreness and should be good for the run.

Yeah I thought pounding the heavy bag would get me better cardio but elliptical kicks my ass. I need to lose some more poundage before I get back to running as I am putting too much stress on my knees if I do it now and they are already messed up from surgery when I was young and stupid.
Got a nasty cold last month that took me down over a week. The time off was just what I needed to prep for a pulled muscle :(. Finally settling back into a rhythm again...getting old sucks!
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I ran that 4mi race today in 31:40. I expected to be able to hold 8:15s, maybe. So it was really cool to do 7:55s. But I still dislike running. The scenery goes by too slow :laughing. I'll be back on the bicycle next week.

I thought about signing up for another huge gravel bike race next month. There's an awesome one in North Carolina on June 11th. But fuck, plane tickets are ridiculously expensive to get there. I'm not paying $900/each for tickets to get to NC. F* the price of gas and corporate greed. The next maybe-cool one I found is in Pueblo, CO in Oct. It'd be longer at 170mi if I did the full. They haven't published the route yet, so we'll see.
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Got a nasty cold last month that took me down over a week. The time off was just what I needed to prep for a pulled muscle :(. Finally settling back into a rhythm again...getting old sucks!
Wait until you get older. It's only downhill from here. :twofinger :laughing

As we get older, we have to get smarter. Ease back into getting back into shape, understand that your joints, ligaments and tendons regain strength far slower than your muscles. Put down a foundation for 3-4 weeks (miinimum, add week for each decade beyond 30) before applying explosive strength.
Wait until you get older. It's only downhill from here. :twofinger :laughing

As we get older, we have to get smarter. Ease back into getting back into shape, understand that your joints, ligaments and tendons regain strength far slower than your muscles. Put down a foundation for 3-4 weeks (miinimum, add week for each decade beyond 30) before applying explosive strength.

Don't I know it!

In my case I was pretty active, then got a shit cold for a couple day, which had a shit cough, which then triggered a lower back cramp, which was getting better till I went running a few days later....such a sad progression of old man frailty!

In any case, I'm back on the track now. Popped out 11 miles running last week and starting back up at the pool this week
Fucking eh getting old sucks. Hurt my ligament in my knee doing the treadmill so I switched to hitting the heavy bag with 16oz gloves for cardio. Did that for 4 weeks while knee got better. Knee is finally better so started doing elliptical and heavy bag and wouldn't you fucking know it I sprained my left wrist some fucking way so trying to stay away from the heavy bag for a bit. Clear up one problem and another raises it head. Really starting to hate this shit. :afm199
How old are you guys talking?

I'll be 37 later this year. I'm definitely noticing slower recovery compared to my 20s. But I'm probably not "old" yet.
At 43 my guiding principle is "don't get hurt." I keep that in mind with every workout, run, swim, ride etc. It takes about 2 weeks for me to recover from a joint strain or over exertion. "Normal" lactic acid muscle pain still goes away in a day or two but any joint problems persist for at least 2 weeks.

This means I have to be deliberate about warming up, stretching and ramping up my intensity slowly during any exercise. Gone are the days of jumping in cold and going full ham from the jump. It takes intention to go slow and easy but compared to time lost being hurt its not that bad.
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