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Time to get Fit thread

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Set a few PR’s in the bike today.


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Had weekly tennis,actually beat my friend 6-3...was crushing 5-1 before he had a minor comeback.

This week's non-negative exercises were much easier than last week's negatives ;)
I rode 100mi this weekend. 61mi on Sat and 39mi on Sun. Saturday was a recon ride for my race. I've been through all the trails before, but they've changed a lot since the last time. Some were easier, but unfortunately a few were harder due to more sand over hardpack. I'm now reconsidering my tire choice for the race as I need a bit more grip on that terrain. I also saw a pretty big CA king snake, jumped it. Sunday was a club ride that I mostly used for recovery. But I didn't eat enough after so I'm a little sore and exhausted today. Strava is saying that my fitness is the best it has ever been.




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Haven't chimed in here for a bit.

We have two guys getting ready for fights on May 7th, and we sparred this weekend. I got my ass beat. There is nothing more humbling than getting wrestled down and beat up.

We're having a spar-b-que next weekend, and inviting others to join. I hope to redeem myself in some form :cry :party
I rode 100mi this weekend. 61mi on Sat and 39mi on Sun. Saturday was a recon ride for my race. I've been through all the trails before, but they've changed a lot since the last time. Some were easier, but unfortunately a few were harder due to more sand over hardpack. I'm now reconsidering my tire choice for the race as I need a bit more grip on that terrain. I also saw a pretty big CA king snake, jumped it. Sunday was a club ride that I mostly used for recovery. But I didn't eat enough after so I'm a little sore and exhausted today. Strava is saying that my fitness is the best it has ever been.


Is that points stat from Strava a premium feature? 54 achievements in one ride is crushing it.

My Sunday ride was….. shorter :laughing


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Is that points stat from Strava a premium feature? 54 achievements in one ride is crushing it.

My Sunday ride was….. shorter :laughing

Ya I think the Fitness data is part of Strava Premium. It's under the Progress page of your Profile, which is probably just a big ad if you haven't paid.

That '55' number isn't achievements - it's an approximation of my fitness. Near as I can tell, Strava takes my HR, power, and time on the bike and gives each ride an intensity. My Sat ride had a high intensity of 410 which made my fitness go up 9 points. The Sun recovery ride was an intensity of 85 for only 2 fitness points. Every day I don't ride, my fitness goes down some. It's not a "real" metric because it seems to ignore things like proper recovery. But chasing that # is doing a good job of keeping me on the bike consistently.

Nice average speed on your Sunday ride :thumbup
Seems like engineers trying to simulate sports science. Recovery days are a necessary part of fitness training and without them properly applied you get into overtraining realm which leads to plateauing and injuries.
Ya I'd like to see that Strava graph go up a little after a workout, not down right away. They seem to be working on it like everyone else. Hopefully it improves sooner than later.

I probably should have paid for TrainingPeaks at the start of this push instead of just relying on Strava. They keep sending me emails cuz they are getting my data. I just can't see any analysis.

Garmin recommends recovery time for me after every ride. From Sat's ride, they said 58hrs. I gave it 18 :laughing. Then after Sun's ride, it said 32hrs. So I'll ride again on Wed. Close enough :p
Ya I'd like to see that Strava graph go up a little after a workout, not down right away. They seem to be working on it like everyone else. Hopefully it improves sooner than later.

I probably should have paid for TrainingPeaks at the start of this push instead of just relying on Strava. They keep sending me emails cuz they are getting my data. I just can't see any analysis.

Garmin recommends recovery time for me after every ride. From Sat's ride, they said 58hrs. I gave it 18 :laughing. Then after Sun's ride, it said 32hrs. So I'll ride again on Wed. Close enough :p
In the track world we know that any time you run (or jump) a PR you should have a couple days for your body to recover as you've just pushed it further than it had been pushed before, especially if it was on the second day of a two day meet.

Insufficient recovery time leads to over-training which is another term for accumulation of micro tears and micro fractures which can then lead to injury.
I suspect a PR in running would be comparable to doing an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test on a bike. Doing that sort of effort multiple times or days in a row would be beyond rough. Thankfully most Strava PRs are nothing like that :laughing

A big part of cycling is recovering on the bike. Cyclist talk about "burning matches" sometimes. If you a fighting up a climb and spend too much time in Anaerobic or Neuromuscular power zones (or high Threshold and Anaerobic HR zones), you will probably have a hard time recovering from that without getting off the bike. So you've burned a match - and you only get so many matches in a day. But all the lower zones can be recovered from even while on the bike. Training can accomplish a few things to make this whole situation better. You can either increase your number of matches. Or you can move the zones to higher power output, so you don't go anaerobic as often for a given speed. The first is difficult and takes forever. The second will happen with training, and also has the benefit of increasing your output for the Active Recovery zone.

Most of my Strava PRs are flirting with the Anaerobic zone and trying to hold the effort exactly there. Holding a constant effort is a PITA with terrain and wind changes.
Anyone playing around with BFR? (Blood. Flow. Restriction) There seems to be some good science to support the idea that low load training with BRF bands can be as effective as high load training without BFR bands in inducing hypertrophy.

This video is a little random but l like this guys channel and he talks about BFR at 6:30


Im considering getting some of theses to give BFR a try.

I also am thinking about repurposing some old moto tie down straps because im cheap. :laughing


Anyone use the "MyFitnessPal" app to count calories and track nutrition? I started playing around with it and logging my meals last week. I like it so far. I wouldn't say it's perfect but it's easy enough to use and has helped "game-ify" the food component of my fitness plan. Strava was the first App I used to track my activity and, surprisingly to me, I have stuck with it and find it quite motivating. I'm hoping that effect happens with my nutrition via the MyFitnessPal app.
It's time! My bike race is tmrw! I'm super prepared fitness-wise but still a little bit nervous because it's such a large effort. My goal to complete the ~135mi race is 9hrs. I think I've got a 50% chance of accomplishing that. I'll definitely be in within 10hrs. 15mph average is a lot faster than 13.5mph avg on this terrain, so we'll c.

The bike is ready. My last-minute tire change was solid in testing, with a few PRs on Strava - even on asphalt. I found an optimal tire pressure balancing comfort, rolling, and impact resistance. The chain is freshly waxed. And everything is clean and shiny!

The last thing to do is plan my food. The SO wants to meet me on the course, so I'll be sending some food and bottles with her. I hope to eat at least 200Cal/hr. So with a buffer, I'm going to plan 2400Cal. Three 350Cal bars, 6 bottles for 900Cal, and 3 blocks for 600Cal should be enough hopefully. And I'll probably get a pickle or two at a SAG stop.





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Wayyyyy interested in the post race report Rob. Give em hell...and pass a few on downhill corner entries just to fuck with them!
Had my first "intermediate"tennis lesson at GG park today. While I certainly haven't mastered any basics, I can play well enough to keep up with the class. Was amazing,90 min vs the 60 min of the beginner's class....great exercise and I was really in the competitive zone without being a bad sport.
BWR 2022 was touted as the hardest BWR yet and everyone I talked to agreed in the end, especially those that weren't able to finish.

The start was a one-wave mass start this year, which was interesting. I suspect that >1000 riders started and I wasn't there early enough to be anywhere near the front. Thankfully, the course went up an 8-11% climb before heading into the first dirt section. So the field was thinned and reorganized some before being forced into 1 line on the dirt. I still made plenty of passes on the mildy up-hill dirt section, getting my elbows out a few times. The second dirt section was downhill with 2 gates and I "cut" in line a ton and passed at least 20 ppl. Cmon ppl, this is a race!


By mile 25, the field had sorted itself out enough that I was able to find a good group of people to ride with. I was a little slower in the wind and considerably faster than them on the dirt, especially the downhills. Everyone played their strengths and we mostly stuck together. In retrospect, the pace in our group was a little too fast for me. But we were making killer time. By mile 63, I was 20min up on my target time.

Unfortunately, that's when the group separated for good. Everyone had different plans for the SAGs and that spread us out too much. I stopped for 2 bottles at mile 43, a planned stop. Then I took 1 more at mile 63, my first unplanned stop. But others stopped longer. The sun and heat was starting to get to me. I was struggling to eat my bars from lack of saliva, so I had to take on more liquid and switch to other foods. And my feet were getting hot spots.

Miles 66-76 were the hardest portion of the course. The first half was a long climb and descent that were so wash-boarded that all attention went into finding a smooth line. The second half was punchy short climbs with rocky steep descents leading to a huge fast rocky descent. My tire choice worked out amazing, but my body was already fatigued. I wasn't able to throw the bike around and be smooth, so the descent became 'work' instead of 'fun'. Then the "road" from mile 76-79 turned out to be 2" deep sand into a headwind - easily my most hated part of the course.

I made another unplanned stop at mile 79 for a mini coke, 2 pickles, a bottle, and some electrolyte tablets. I also soaked my feet and iced my neck to try to cool down. I got over the most-exposed asphalt climb of the course and made it back to the SAG at mile 83 where my SO was meeting me. She had bottles, more food, water, and reapplied a ton of sunscreen. Sunscreen is definitely a performance-enhancer. But then things got really bad.


Almost all of miles 83-116 were into a headwind or head/cross. I was never able to find a group to share the work. One group caught me and promptly got away. A second group caught up, then blew up on a minor climb and never reformed. This part plus the minor climbs were hell. And we still had the last big climb to go over! I made my last unplanned stop at mile 117 for a mini coke, 2 pickles, and 2 bottles of syrup!!! Every other sag barely put any mix in their drinks. This one seemed to dump the whole container into it. It was great to have the calories, but terrible that I was still thirsty after drinking them.

The last major push started at mile 126, Questhaven Rd into DoublePeak. Questhaven is the dirt section with 2 gates from the start, but now uphill. I passed a few people on the dirt and held my own on the 'wall' climb in the middle. Then we turn onto the main road to head to DoublePeak Park and the f*in course organization made us take the sidewalk. But it wasn't a concrete sidewalk, it was a decomposed granite bridal path with railroad ties every 20ft and some 1" deep sand sections :mad. This was my 2nd most hated part.

DoublePeak is a 1mile climb with some sustained 15% incline. My PR is 10min. I ended up walking for about 45sec this time, saving no energy whatsoever and not going much slower. The sector took me 13min, which is better than it felt :barf. After that was a 1.5mi dirt descent - which I PR'd and passed a few more people - followed by a 1mile asphalt descent at almost 40mph. We then bombed through the college, rode a small dirt section around the convention, and sprinted across the finish.


I finished in 9:41:52 and was not able to achieve my goal time of 9hrs. Maybe if I had found a group for the headwind I could have saved 10min. Maybe if I ate a little more, I could have saved 5min off the final huge climb. I think 9:20 was a more realistic goal, not <9hrs. But I'm actually pretty stoked. In 2019 I finished in 9:40 in 427th place - 56% for men and women. This year my time was good for 243rd place (adjusted after the photo for some reason) and 29% for just men. So ya, the course was a lot harder and I rode a lot better. It hurt. I cried. Worth it.




Random tidbits. I crashed once trying to not run someone else over on a little dirt kicker. I almost crashed 5-6x on descents and in sand. I saw at least 5 other people crash and 20+ people with flats or mechanicals. I saw 3 dead squirrels. I heard one rattlesnake but didn't see it (thankfully?). I consumed 4 blok packs, 1.5 bars, 10 bottles with various mixes, 2 mini cokes and 4 pickles. I'd guess that's ~3000Cal. Strava says I burned 5100Cal. I spent 4hr 16min with my HR between 151-169, my tempo zone. The beer I got for "free" at the end was the hoppiest blonde ale I've ever had - I could only drink 1/4 of it.
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Bravo Robert!! Thank you for the write up. You kicked ass! Top 1/3rd!!!!! Way more important and impressive to me than overall time. You can't ignore the events degree of difficulty. outdoor events change from year to year and you fucking crushed it over your last race. I hope it feels good man!
Survivor is right, Rob. Great report...and sounds like hell on earth to me. Well done, brother!
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