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Time to get Fit thread

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I am an old fuck going to be 50 later this year.

Although I can push more weight than I did in my 20s right now. I wish I could go back and slap my younger self silly for not hitting the gym regularly when it would have gotten me the most bang for the buck. If I can just get this weight loss shit going in the right direction I would be golden. I really want to be in the best shape of my life by the end of the year. Also if I can hit or get near my goal of 225 bench for reps that would be awesome.
I am an old fuck going to be 50 later this year.

Although I can push more weight than I did in my 20s right now. I wish I could go back and slap my younger self silly for not hitting the gym regularly when it would have gotten me the most bang for the buck. If I can just get this weight loss shit going in the right direction I would be golden. I really want to be in the best shape of my life by the end of the year. Also if I can hit or get near my goal of 225 bench for reps that would be awesome.

Are you counting calories? The "my fitness pal" Ap is free and makes it pretty easy. Getting steps in and running a 200-400 calorie/day deficit will get you there. It can be done mang, hang in there.
43 but muscularly I'm as strong as I've ever been in my life. Cardio, not so much. My biggest regret is messing up my back it's more like a life inconvenience it doesn't cripple me from doing things, but TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK/SPINE
How old are you guys talking?

I'll be 37 later this year. I'm definitely noticing slower recovery compared to my 20s. But I'm probably not "old" yet.

You don't even get the use of the word "old". Not even borrowed from "boid" or "Gold"...

47 here and I pretty much feel as well as I did in my early 30's. Not pushing as much weight when I do, but cardio and overall fitness is better. Overall, my motivation and intensity is way up over my 30 year old self. At some point I'll crash off the cliff, but I'm hoping it's after George's age!
Are you counting calories? The "my fitness pal" Ap is free and makes it pretty easy. Getting steps in and running a 200-400 calorie/day deficit will get you there. It can be done mang, hang in there.

I don't count but limit portions and eat 5 times a day small meals. Probably just my scale because I will be losing a ton and then all of a sudden I am back to where I started with no change in eating habits. So probably need to invest in a new scale.

43 but muscularly I'm as strong as I've ever been in my life. Cardio, not so much. My biggest regret is messing up my back it's more like a life inconvenience it doesn't cripple me from doing things, but TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK/SPINE

My back has always been taken care of but fuck my knees and shoulders those fuckers can go to hell. Tore ACL/MCL in right knees got surgery and put many small tears in left knee but not bad enough for surgery. Left shoulder rotator cuff surgery 2ish years ago.
43 but muscularly I'm as strong as I've ever been in my life. Cardio, not so much. My biggest regret is messing up my back it's more like a life inconvenience it doesn't cripple me from doing things, but TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK/SPINE
Easier said than done. I've got some minor disc issues in my lower back and the standard osteoarthritis with my knees. I can think of some skiing incidents that might have contributed to the back, but nothing stands out. Exercise is the best way to treat both...and to fuck them up

I don't count but limit portions and eat 5 times a day small meals. Probably just my scale because I will be losing a ton and then all of a sudden I am back to where I started with no change in eating habits. So probably need to invest in a new scale.

My back has always been taken care of but fuck my knees and shoulders those fuckers can go to hell. Tore ACL/MCL in right knees got surgery and put many small tears in left knee but not bad enough for surgery. Left shoulder rotator cuff surgery 2ish years ago.
My weight has been pretty stable but bumped up by a little over 5 pounds after I started regular swimming. I think that contributed to the issue with my back, which is what took my out recently. My core is pretty solid, but once that pinch happens it's just a matter of making sure to go full stop...which is what I didn't do recently :(

You don't even get the use of the word "old". Not even borrowed from "boid" or "Gold"...

47 here and I pretty much feel as well as I did in my early 30's. Not pushing as much weight when I do, but cardio and overall fitness is better. Overall, my motivation and intensity is way up over my 30 year old self. At some point I'll crash off the cliff, but I'm hoping it's after George's age!
I'm hoping it's after my age too LOL! Still feeling good so far


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So quick update. I finally got over my knee issue and now my fucking wrist went south for some unknown reason and hurts like fuck. Tried to do biceps yesterday and couldn't put any weight on the bars. FUCK!!!!! Only seems to hurt in certain positions so am going to try back and shoulders tomorrow.

I went to a company meeting last week and had to fly so I went flying casual and wore t-shirt, shorts and running shoes. All morning my knee was killing me and I tweaked it in the Atlanta airport. Thought it would be better wearing my nice running shoes but the pain was bad just walking. So finally get to the place the meeting was being held at and the next morning it was business casual so I wore a polo, nice jeans and my Sketchers. Went downstairs and was walking around quite a bit and surprise no knee pain it was unreal. Lunch comes and my chosen bonding activity was golf and so I went upstairs to change into some golf comfortable clothes and on went the running shoes. I headed downstairs to meet up with my golf partner and dammit my knee started tweaking again. The light finally came on and I figured out my stupid running shoes that I paid good money for were fucking with my knee. So the rest of the time it was pants and Sketchers and no knee pain. Now I am on the search for some new running shoes. I think I tried to keep them longer than I should have and they wore out and caused the issue because it never happened with them before.

So that is my sob story for the week how is everyone else in here doing?
Well, now I've gone and done it. After 3 years of not going to the gym and using every excuse I could find I finally reached out to the owner about going back. Wednesday it is and I'm kinda terrified of the soreness Crossfit causes the first 3-4 weeks.

I'm dreading that decision right now but I have to do it. 46 years old and I feel like dogshit everyday.

Do any of you fear getting back into it? Knowing that it's going to suck big time for a while.
For me it was start slow with light weights and low reps/sets to ease my old ass back into it and then after a week or two start going harder. I don't really do CrossFit so I can't say how bad it would be and if you can take it easy the first couple of weeks to work your way back into the groove. I am not proud to admit I have fallen into the overdoing it category when first starting back and pulling a muscle or injuring myself so I have learned to ease into it.

Just got started again on doing leg workouts after trying to do too much with leg exercises and treadmill running and pulling a ligament and being stopped for 5 weeks. Now dealing with a sore wrist for some reason I still can't remember hurting and that is really making it hard to work certain body parts because certain exercises put too much strain on it.
Well, now I've gone and done it. After 3 years of not going to the gym and using every excuse I could find I finally reached out to the owner about going back. Wednesday it is and I'm kinda terrified of the soreness Crossfit causes the first 3-4 weeks.

I'm dreading that decision right now but I have to do it. 46 years old and I feel like dogshit everyday.

Do any of you fear getting back into it? Knowing that it's going to suck big time for a while.
You're getting old enough to follow the path of 'older and wiser' and not try to immediately do, on the first day, what you were doing months or years ago. Being super sore doesn't do anything for you, it's much better to ease back in when you get older, especially with years out of it. Just an additional warning, hernia's are fairly common starting late 40's, you don't want to go there.

I do know what it's like to be (very) sore for the first couple weeks, I used to do it every time when I went back when I was younger. But now I'm older and wiser. :)
This thread has been pretty quiet. How’s everyone doing?

I’ve been out from running with Achilles tendinitis. Thought I’d waited for it to heal the first time but it flared up again. Been two weeks down and still tender. Lots of stretching and massaging it, but damn it is taking its time. I think it flared up because I was trying out some new shoes that didn’t have as good of arch support so back to the ones I’ve been using for the past couple years.
I'm training for the Santa Cruz 70.3 Ironman in Sept. I'm also doing the Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf 10k later in the month. Haven't really been posting up my runs or rides here lately but if there is any interest I will. I did 5 miles at an 8:45 minute pace last week. That was a pretty good for me.
Pretty excited...today is the day I get back to the gym after 3 weeks being out. I went on vacation for two weeks to beautiful Hollister :rofl. I had planned on getting a guest pass at a local gym but with wrist issue and generally not being back in town until about 9 or 10 each night I was like yeah I will give my body a break this vacation. So the week before we leave my step son gets Covid and we were staying at his house so even though him and his family wore masks when they were in the main living area and we never showed symptoms I would stay away from the gym for another week to make sure I was clear. So the week passed this Sunday so back to the gym to start the grind once again. Kind of happy as when I got back from my vacation I hopped on the scale and wouldn't you know it I didn't gain any weight with all the eating out we did and generally not watching my calories. Time to get back to calorie counting and hopefully seeing that scale go down again.
Gonna try a new program, feel like like Im stalling out with my current programming. But my numbers did go up before when I willy nillied weightlifting.

Previous Bench PR: 185 Current PR:205
Previous Incline PR: 115 Current PR: 155
Previous Squat PR: 185 Current PR: 260
Previous Trap bard DL: 315 Current PR: 345

I could probably deadlift more but I ran out of space for plates on my hex bar
Went for my bike ride, it was 112 out. Even though I poured 1/2 gallon of gatorade into my camelbak over a lot of ice, I ran out with 2 miles to go. Yeah, it was hot but it didn't have the force that I felt last year when I rode in 113 degrees, I think I'm getting more used to these hot temps.
Pretty excited...today is the day I get back to the gym after 3 weeks being out. I went on vacation for two weeks to beautiful Hollister :rofl. I had planned on getting a guest pass at a local gym but with wrist issue and generally not being back in town until about 9 or 10 each night I was like yeah I will give my body a break this vacation. So the week before we leave my step son gets Covid and we were staying at his house so even though him and his family wore masks when they were in the main living area and we never showed symptoms I would stay away from the gym for another week to make sure I was clear. So the week passed this Sunday so back to the gym to start the grind once again. Kind of happy as when I got back from my vacation I hopped on the scale and wouldn't you know it I didn't gain any weight with all the eating out we did and generally not watching my calories. Time to get back to calorie counting and hopefully seeing that scale go down again.
I'll be taking two weeks off in August and wondering what that'll do. Hoping to get back to running this week after letting my achilles heal, and will see how well the extra swimming/bike/elliptical have substituted. Still worried the 5 pounds I picked up a few months ago (when swimming picked up) might be part of the injury problem

Went for my bike ride, it was 112 out. Even though I poured 1/2 gallon of gatorade into my camelbak over a lot of ice, I ran out with 2 miles to go. Yeah, it was hot but it didn't have the force that I felt last year when I rode in 113 degrees, I think I'm getting more used to these hot temps.

I usually stick to the outdoor equipment and it's upper 80s-low 90s. I'm pounding through water and drenched in sweat after that! I'll stick to the Sauna for my 100+ conditioning ;)
Santa Cruz/Capitola Wharf to Wharf 50th was today. The last live in person race was 2019. It felt good to see everyone out again. I’m happy with my time.


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Santa Cruz/Capitola Wharf to Wharf 50th was today. The last live in person race was 2019. It felt good to see everyone out again. I’m happy with my time.

Very nice. I can't run too much right now but that is a good time for that distance.

On a side note fucked up my wrist again on Friday trying to do shoulders. I was fine with dumbbell raises at a lower weight so was trying to do more reps and out of nowhere it just said F*U and wouldn't let me do a rep without pain. So I said fuck you wrist and went on Amazon and got some wrist straps with D ring so I can use the cable machine to do shoulders and tri/bi without actually using my hand to grip a dumbbell hopefully this workaround will keep me in the gym and doing decent weights while the wrist fully heals. Thought I was going easy but I guess not. :nchantr

Good news for last week looks like I lost about 4 pounds overall. I thought I had negated all my good work during the week yesterday as I smoked some killer ribs and brisket and had a brisket sandwich followed by some au gratin potatoes and bushs country style beans but seeing as it is hot as shit here and I have been outside working in the heat not feeling as hungry during the day so after I eat breakfast I really don't eat lunch as I don't feel the hunger as much because I am drinking a ton of water/gatorade to keep hydrated. Hopefully the trend continues and I keep losing this week.
Santa Cruz/Capitola Wharf to Wharf 50th was today. The last live in person race was 2019. It felt good to see everyone out again. I’m happy with my time.

Well done!

I managed to get out yesterday and run my usual short route (3 miles). First time in a month so I took it pretty slow (9:50). Felt OK but my feet are a little sore this morning.
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